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Stuff That Happened This Week! (6/1-6/8)

1) Racist Video of Justin Bieber singing parody of One Less Lonely girl surfaces- This is disturbing to watch, not just because it's Justin Bieber at a young age joking about the KKK, but there is clearly someone in the background laughing at him. It seems to me that someone put him up to it, filmed it and thought "hey I'll sell this to TMZ years later and make everyone hate Justin Bieber more." It's pretty impossible for me to hate Justin Bieber more than I already do, and I think the video is awful- but that being said, he has apologized for it a lot and I think it was something someone forced him to do. I mean he shouldn't have done it, but kids do stupid things and in teen pop star years 14 is really 7... not that that excuses it either, I just don't think this is the #1 reason for America to hate Justin Bieber. He told Usher and Will Smith about it before the video was released, and to me that shows that he is and was genuinely embarrassed about it and truly sorry. Again not making excuses, but I think Justin is really upset that he did that and it was stupid and he shouldn't have.

Ohhh okay, I just found out more information, and Justin Bieber is in fact a racist asshole. The video I mentioned before was actually the second video that Bieber released because there was another video of Bieber making a racist joke during the filming of his documentary Never Say Never. So he showed Will Smith and Usher the video I mentioned above only after the original video surfaced. He also tried to pay a massive amount of money to get the video back. And it was when he was 15 years old.

I know that the brain isn't fully developed at 15... but it is developed enough to know better than that, even for Justin Bieber. Even though I don't think he is an outright racist the way that Donald Sterling is... I don't think he's not a racist. I feel like we should outcast him from society too... Actually I think he should have been outcast a long long time ago. His friends were also telling him not to say the joke in the first video that was released. I thought it seemed like he was put up to telling the joke in the video I mentioned above... which I still kind of think, but clearly he was saying these things because he wanted to be funny and he thought this was funny, but its actually very hateful and disgusting. I know he said "I was just a kid then" but I mean it was only 5 years ago, he should have known a lot better. I would not have thought that was funny at 15 and I don't think anyone else would either.

2) Jonah Hill apologizes for controversial homophobic remarks- This is the week of Apologies I guess! Jonah was being bothered by a paparzzo and he called him a famously homophobic word that I do not want to say on this blog. He apologized immediately for it and has been apologizing on multiple occasions. I think its mature that he's apologizing so much, and again it wasn't really anything I think people were angry about so I think he is genuinely embarrassed about it and very sorry. That being said... how seriously should we be taking Jonah Hill anyway? He's apologizing like he's going to be president, but I don't ever think he will be president. That kind of makes it a little better because its not like he's apologizing to get people to like him, but he's genuinely sorry about saying something that he did not believe in. I know I say "they shouldn't be listening to him he's not running for president" here and I didn't mention that with Justin Bieber... but Bieber does have such an influence on young people that when he does say something hateful, his fans will agree with him. His fanbase is also the absolute worst because you can say "I don't like Justin Bieber" and there's a 50% chance you'll get a death threat from a "belieber". There's a difference between being a fangirl and being a crazy person, and a lot of his fanbase are just crazy people.

3) Teens in Wisconsin blame Slenderman meme for them stabbing someone- This is kind of one of those WTF type of stories. People blame lots of movies and things for killing people, but this is the first meme based death I think I've heard of. Not to joke, but I can imagine someone blaming Grumpy Cat or Chloe or The Girl Staring At The Fire next... its scary to think of! But yeah this is scary, and weird. No movie or videogame or meme is an excuse for doing anything stupid or deadly. Just puttin that out there.

4) Orange Is The New Black Season 2 came out and is amazing- uhhhh! I love this! I'm watching it right now! It might be even better than season 1! I just love all the new characters and the bigger roles for Taystee and Crazy Eyes and Pousse and even Nikki who had a big role last year. It's been really great so far and I've been loving it!

5) Tracy Morgan in Critical Condition after a 6 car accident in NJ- I live in NJ and it seems like there have been more accidents lately... there usually are in summertime because of all the visitors and such. I'm a big fan of 30 Rock and I really hope Tracy recovers from the injury. It's sad to think of, he was just on tour having a good time in a limo bus with other comedians and then this truck driver ruins all of that. There were other comedians in the car with him and one comedian named Jimmy Mack died from the accident. It's a terrible accident that happened, Tracy is probably one of the funniest comedians around, definitely one of the best comic actors. It's a sad thing to happen and a sad thing to think about. I wish him the best and the best for his family also.

Lots of fellow comedians and snl cast members have tweeted Tracy well wishes.

6) Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith split up after 18 years of marriage- This is kind of shocking but not overly shocking. Melanie Griffith always seemed super SUPER overbearing of Antonio Banderas from what I could tell. I've heard she always had to be with him whenever he did talk shows, she had to be there when he did plays and stuff she would be right there with him. I don't know the two obviously, but it seemed a little odd.


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