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Stuff that happened this week (3/2- 3/9)

I'm Shannon, this is my blog, and here is what happened this week!

1) Gwen Stefani gives birth to a baby boy- This I think happened Saturday... but close enough. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale both very talented... but Gwen Stefani is trying to kill me... as I have recently posted... so this is yet another spawn of Satan lol. His name is Apollo Bowie Flynn which is just great. What the hell am I supposed to name my kid now! Lol.

2) And the Award goes to- The Oscars happened on Sunday. I'm actually writing this part on Saturday, so I'm going to place my bets here and then we will see who actually won after. Best Picture- 12 Years a Slave. Best Actor- Matthew McConnahey.  Best Actress- hmmm... this is tough. I'm gonna go with Sandy B. Best Supporting- Actor Jared Leto. Best Supporting Actress- ... another tough one. I want it to be Lupita, I think she was great and totally deserves it... but I'm gonna guess my girl J. Lawz. No... maybe Lupita... idk. It's hard to judge I feel like whatever wins best picture doesn't usually win any other categories so I'm saying J. Lawz. Unless of corse Bradley Cooper wins best supporting actor. And Best Director... idk. I was thinking whoever directed Gravity... but I'm gonna go with Marty S... just to go wildcard. And my guess for best dressed will be Lupita, J.Lawz, Amy Adams and Sandy B.

I wasn't far off. 12 years a slave, Matthew Mconnahey, Jared Leto all won. Lupita did win which is awesome. Best Director went to Gravity I think. And Best actress was Cate Blanchett. And Lupita was best dressed. Sandra Bullock and Amy Adams looked great too. Jennifer Lawrence looked amazing, but possibly less amazing than last year.

3) Best Moments of the Oscars- My favorite moment of all was one that I actually missed, but I saw it on a recap after and it makes me cry so much for some reason. When Bill Murray gave a Harold Ramis a shout out while presenting Best Cinematographer. It was super sweet, unscripted but obviously Bill Murray felt the need to honor his friend and it was just really really sweet. I watched the vine video of it a bunch of times and it just makes me cry every time. Like a good cry though. It's just such a nice little moment of such a beautiful friendship. I just thought that was great.

And of course... John Travolta mispronounced Idina Menzel's name and called her Adele Dazeem. It was hilarious. Ellen Degeneris got the selfie fame for most retweeted picture... but I feel like the best meme of the night was most definitely John Travolta!

4) Scarlett Johansonn is pregnant- Lots of pregnant stars I didn't know were pregnant! I didn't realize Olivia Wilde was, didn't know June Diane Raphael was... I'm off my game. Kerri Washington is pregnant too I knew that one... that counts right?

5) How I Met Your Mother Sureeee Made it Look Like the Mother is Dying- That means she can't be dying right? When Robin's mother showed up for Robin's wedding (SPOILERS... sorry... lol.) The Mother said "sure what kind of mother is going to miss her daughter's wedding," and then Ted starts to look like hes going to cry. I don't want this to be how it ends... so here's what I'm going to guess.

The Mother is trying to end poverty right, so she goes to some third world country or something to be all Angelina Jolie and try to end poverty... or something maybe? Maybe during the daughter's wedding or something of the like.

I'm not sure if this makes sense... I just don't want her to die.

6) Tony Hawk Hoverboard Rumors put to rest- Evidently, there were rumors about Tony Hawk coming up with a hoverboard... but sadly it was just for Funny or Die. That is sad and hilarious at the same time. Sad because it isn't a real thing and hilarious because people believe a sketch from the interwebz. It's like when Whodunnit came on and everyone thought it was sooo horrible that ABC was killing really bad actors on television.

7) Lindsay Lohan has a new reality show- I didn't want to post this because I don't watch reality tv, I won't be watching this and I didn't really think it's newsworthy... but it is important because she should not have a reality show. That is literally the last thing that Lindsay Lohan needs right now. I really like Lindsay Lohan and I always want her to get better and to live a long and happy life... but I don't think a reality show is the way to do that. I'm no expert, I have no idea what is best for Lindsay Lohan... but I don't think public exposure is the way to go.

I also think that she needs to get away from her parents because they are completely toxic. On all talk shows, Dina blames Lindsay's father and Lindsay's father blames Dina. That really doesn't lead her to get help from anywhere!

I really liked Lindsay when I was a kid. I loved Parent Trap and I wanted to be like her. Now I feel bad for her. After she did Mean Girls she could have been on top of the world. She had friends like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. She could have been so great, but she threw it away and chose drugs instead. I'm saying this like she died, which she didn't but her career definitely did. If I could get connections to Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, I would never do anything to ruin that, and I think its heartbreaking that she did.

I also don't think it's right of Oprah to have this on her network. Oprah should know that this isn't a good idea for Lindsay. I think it's just as much of a publicity stunt for Oprah as it is for Lindsay and her parents... I just don't think its right. I think Oprah should know better than to expose Lindsay like this.

And reality shows in general are wayyy too invasive and make it hard for people to actually live like normal people. I mean i think there are exceptions to this, but Nene Lekes was on The Chew recently and she said that she and her husband's relationship started to fall apart. She even blamed the reality show for doing so to them... so how do they solve their relationship problems? They get a reality show to try to rekindle their love... smh. Fame and money is terrible for people.

... this post just got real.

8) Isaiah Washington to return to Grey's Anatomy- Idk how I feel about this. What he said was wrong, yes... but I somehow don't feel like we got the whole story of the incident that got him fired. It was said that he was making anti-gay remarks to T.R Knight while he was on the show... which I believe he was rightfully fired from the show for. He hasn't really been in anything else since that and a failed show about a year after Greys and honestly I think he should be allowed back into society now.

And just from hearing how difficult Kathrine Heigl was to work with and she considered T. R Knight (who played George) her best friend... so it makes me wonder if he was a bit crazy. Also I've read that they originally wanted him to play Dr. McDreamy, but Ellen Pompeo did not want that. She thought it hit a little close to home because she is married to a black man... I'm not totally sure I buy that whole thing. I think Patrick Dempsey is a great actor and that Issiah Washington is kind of meh which is why I'm not super excited over this news anyway. I didn't think his character was all that great and if he comes back after Christina leaves... there's really no reason for it.

Just my opinion based on some rumors that I've heard. If Ellen Pompeo not wanting him to play McDreamy is true, I can see why he was pissed off at the show and angered that he got a more boring character to play. Idk. There are lots of offensive things in this, but mostly it seems like there is a lot of crazy, a lot of talent, and some not so talent. Idk about this one lol.

I also want to just say- it is horrible what he said to T. R Knight, there are no circumstances to offend anyone in that way, but I think he's done his time and a comeback is probably deserved.

9) Lindsay Lohan Mentioned a Mean Girls Reunion- Soooo on the more positive side of Lindsay Lohan getting a Reality Show, she mentioned that she wants to do a Mean Girls Reunion which is cool. I love Mean Girls. I mean there are things I don't like about it... some girls tend to take it too seriously in some ways. Like girls at my school made their own Burn Book... those sort of things. It's got some sucky side effects. I may do a whole nother post on that... but idk if I even want to get into it. I love Tina Fey and she's a feminist and I don't think she would want girls following every rule of this movie to a T...

But yeah. Mean Girls Reunion, that'd be awesome!

10)Aaron Carter Reveals He Still Loves Hillary Duff, And Will Try To Win Her Back His Whole Life- I was a HUGE Aaron Carter fan when I was a kid and I hated Hillary Duff because obviously Aaron didn't belong with her, he belonged with me. I'm going to put my childhood feelings aside for the rest of this post because this is the funniest news of the week.

Aaron Carter has cleaned up, he used to do all the drugs and was pretty effed up, his sister that he was incredibly close with died of a drug overdose a few years back... he hasn't had it easy, but he cleaned up and I respect that. The funny thing about this is that Aaron Carter is a grown ass man. He's 26 I think, I think he's only 4 years older than me... but still grown ass man. Anyway he goes on tour and everything and he still sings songs like "that's how I beat Shaq" and stuff like that... which is super super funny.

I kind of think he's faking it. I think he's leaned into the whole "yeah I was a teen popstar thing... I'll give the people what they want and continue to be that teen pop star." And I think that really works for him. He knows what he has to be and that's just what he does. But part of me actually believes that he's an almost 30 year old manchild that's still in love with a girl he dated before he was 16. He posted a picture of them together on his instagram saying that he definitely loved her (a few months back. Aaron deletes his old pictures... but trust me, it was there I remember vividly lol.)... and I think he even tagged her as a way of trying to win her back.

Also I kind of think that he wouldn't do this as an act because she's married and has a kid. Does Aaron really want to break up the family like that? It's kind of annoying and pathetic lol. I think he just loves the idea of him when he was young. Before he tried drugs or anything, while he was still innocent he just loved her and that was it. Then he started dating Lindsay Lohan and lost his shit lol.

Anyway I don't know how true this is... but I found it incredibly entertaining and quite informative.

Advice to any guy that may be reading this: Don't be that guy. If a girl broke up with you several years ago... just move on. She's not interested, she will never be interested. It isn't cute when you drunk text or facebook chat a girl, I've had it happen before and it wasn't like my reaction was "Wow it's like I love this guy all over again" it was more like "wow this is fucking hilarious and I have to tell everyone I know." It's sad but true. And moving on can be hard... but Aaron Carter and Hillary Duff dated a million years ago. She's married now, it doesn't matter how hard you try to win her back, its not gonna happen. It's sad because it seems like he has a lot of love to give, and he should give it to someone that will love him back, I mean that is what everyone deserves.

So with that advice, Aaron Carter- I still love you and I will dedicate my life to getting you to notice me. Jk- THAT would be even sadder. Lol. I do like him though and will continue to follow him through his Instagram antics. It is a ballsy thing to say so I mean... I give him that. It's just insane.

So that is all the stuff that has happened this week. I realize there's more stuff like that stupid Arizona law and stuffs happening in Russia and a bunch of other countries... but I don't think I should be explaining real important stuff to you. I think I'm more suited for talking about dumb celebrities and Adele Dazeem... lol.

Also I may make a different name for this type of blog... Stuff that Happened this week is just so long.


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