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Shannon Watches Movie Trailers

I've been wanting to do this for a while... so here I go!

1) The Amazing Spider Man 2- This starts out kind of crazy. Aunt... I forget her name. Aunt Sally Fields is yelling at Peter because when he washes the laundry everything turns red and blue. It's a weak laugh... but funnier than most super hero movies I guess. And then he rescues Jamie Foxx who works for Oscorp with Gwen. Then Jamie Foxx gets shocked and causes a power outage in the city. Then Jamie Foxx turns into some electric type of guy that looks like Dr. Manhattan and Spiderman forgets his name. Which upsets Jamie Foxx Dr. Manhattan and he lightning  bults Spiderman. Then there is a bunch of other explosions and lightning bults and Jamie Foxx and cool stuff happening. It seems like Jack Nicholson should be in this movie, idk why I was expecting him to show up on the trailer. Looks pretty dang good though and I like the Spiderman movies, so I will definitely see it!

2) Blended- I've already seen this trailer... but I don't really remember it and I heard Jason Manzoukas talk about how insane it looks on how did this get made... so I'm gonna rewatch it!

So yeahhh this trailer starts out with Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler on a blind date and she's eating super spicy shrimp. Apparently both Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler drank pitchers of beer and Adam Sandler drank all of Drew Barrymore's so he gives her onion soup instead... and she spits out a giant onion and it's disgusting.

Then the restaurant got their credit cards mixed up and then Drew Barrymore's sister breaks up with her boyfriend so she can't go on the vacation with him... which somehow Drew Barrymore invited herself and her kids to. And then Adam Sandler buys the trip and somehow Drew Barrymore and her kids get to go to Africa too. And the kids are all so excited... which I think is kind of weird. I mean as a kid I never wanted to go anywhere other than Disney or maybe like Hawaii or something... I didn't really want to leave the country or go on a long plane ride till I was a teenager.

Then there are some more jokes that the kids say. Also Adam Sandler's daughters in this look like they were dressed very oddly. they were all in track suits because they were jocks I guess... but from what I know about Africa it's super hot so they probably shouldn't be wearing that. Idk. It was a little odd.

Something about it looks kind of funny and like it might have enough heart to it. Might be kind of funny... might.

3) Guardian's of The Galaxy- Alrighty super buzzed about. I'm not a huge Marvel fan, but I loves me some Pratt so this is exciting.

I have no idea whats happening in this. I think Pratt is in prison or something with a fricking raccoon... I'm going to need to rewatch this after Kroll Show...

It opens with Chris Pratt stealing something all Aladdin like and then he gets caught and is super funny. Okay he's a legendary outlaw. He says here.

John C. Reiley then goes through the other prisoners... with Peter Serfinowicz? Whatttt? That is frickin crazy. I'm sold on this movie if that's correct! Omg it's in. Done! Soooo seeing this movie!

And then it plays hooked on a feeling. I don't really want to give too much of this trailer away, but the movie looks awesome. It looks a lot funnier than most Marvel movies and it just looks really really great. If they're trying to get some more humor they have picked a good cast. Watch the trailer right now this movie looks perfect!

4) Joe-This has my man Nicholas Cage in it... so I am super SUPER pumped.

This actually looks good. Nicholas Cage plays Joe, an alcoholic by the looks of it that it looks like ends up protecting some kid. I got a little distracted while watching this trailer because the movie actually looked pretty good, and not just the Cage Wackiness that everyone loves so very very much. He didn't even have bees put on his face.

Nick Cage himself actually looks pretty good as a sleazy dirty alcoholic with a beard... it suits him. Makes his eyes pop. I'll definitely see this movie because I love Nicholas Cage.

5) Walk Of Shame- This has Elizabeth Banks and James Marsden... I'm half sold on that alone, but I still need to see this trailer.

Ohhh my god this looks amazing. It looks like The Hangover but with Elizabeth Banks instead of 4 guys. Basically Elizabeth Banks plays a tight ass news reporter that goes out and has a crazy night with her friends and wears a slutty dress that she borrowed from her friend, has a one night stand  with James Marsden and then gets called for to report something for a new job. Gets her purse stolen or lost somehow so she has to walk everywhere... it just sounds fantastic.

Other people in the trailer are Gillian Jacobs from Community, Bill Burr, I think D'Angelo from the wire was in it. It looks absolutely awesome. It comes out April 25th and I am definitely seeing it that weekend. I love Elizabeth Banks.

6) Godzilla-  I think this is more of a teaser, so it's shorter and more visual... so there might not be enough to review... but since its so buzzed about right now I'm gonna do it anyway.

Brian Cranston is in it... so I'm already sold. Brian Cranston is amazing and I think I'd watch him in absolutely anything. I don't think he has a big part, but from what I see in the trailer he's amazing.

The rest of the trailer looked too actiony and boring. I know a lot of people like that, but I prefer stuff like Walk of Shame.

7) Tammy- This is just a teaser, so not a lot happened, but it looked funny so I'm going to review it anyway.

It made me laugh out loud. Melissa McCarthy wears a fast food bag and tries to rob from a fast food store... and she's just robbing food which I think is funny. It looks good.

8) The Other Woman- This looks funny but also kind of scary. Its like John Tucker Must Die but with grown women and Kate Upton. Basically Cameron Diaz is dating this great guy and she goes to his house and surprises him and sees his wife Leslie Mann. They become bffs and then find out that he's dating Kate Upton also. And they all try to come up with ways to bring him down.

Anyway this looks like it could go either way. It could be super funny and really great... but it also might be kind of awful and kind of sexist maybe.... idk. I also kind of hate Kate Upton because I'm old enough to basically. It's not fair, she's in a comedy with Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz just because she's super hot. I should be in comedies because I think I'm funnier than Kate Upton. Ugh. Anyway yeah I'm looking forward to this.

I wanted to do 10 of these... but I don't think I have it in me lol. It's hard to watch and review trailers and nothing else looks that spectacular. I'm definitely most excited for Walk of Shame. Tammy, The Other Women and Guardians look fun also.


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