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Feminist-y rant/post #1 Justin Bieber vs. Miley Cyrus

Sooo since it's March and it's National Women's Month I thought I would talk about some things that have been bothering me about being a woman lately. There is soooo much that's been bothering me and just some things that have been on my mind lately. This is going to be a really real blog, all my opinions. If you agree with them, that is awesome. If you disagree with them that is absolutely fine too. I respect your opinion. Unless your opinion is that all women belong in the kitchen serving their men" type of thing. Then you can go and fuck yourself.

Annnnnnyyyyywayyyyy where to begin...

Justin Bieber's Antics- Soooo what has really really been bothering me have been Justin Bieber's recent antics. Particularly the way that the media treats him compared to the way that they treat Miley Cyrus. I'm not saying that I totally agree with Miley's overt oversexualization, but it is part of her art. I feel like every singer and every band sort of has their own "art" (at least if they have a smidge of talent) and this is what hers is as of 2014. It's fine, it is what it is.

But when she started "twerking" and in particular her whole VMA performance, and more recently her Bangerz tour- a lot of media reports were saying "Is this something we should allow our daughters to be watching still?" This bothers me for a few reasons. 1) Why should it be just daughters and young women in general that their concerned about? Shouldn't we not yet young boys see this so that they don't expect this type of sexuality from every woman? That's just a small complaint.

My real complaint with this has to do with Justin Bieber's recent behavior. He is clearly on drugs, clearly troubled, clearly bad to women, and also a very irresponsible driver. Why doesn't the media report "Should we let our children continue listening to Justin Bieber." I feel like he is getting away with it here and his behavior has been FAR worse than Miley Cyrus's in my opinion. And while if I had a child I would probably let them listen to Miley Cyrus. Definitely songs like Wrecking Ball. Probably not "We Can't Stop" but mostly just because that is a terrible song all around lol. I don't think I'd let them listen to Justin Bieber though, because I don't feel like I want to support all of his antics. This guy is clearly too much of a dickbag to have money.

Let's just go over some of his antics recently. These have all been in the past month or so... I'll go over the rest later. 1) He got pulled over for a DUI. 2) He smiled in his mugshot. 3) He allegedly (but believably) could not leave on his jet after the superbowl because he was smoking too much pot on the jet and it was hotboxing the pilots. 4) He was a total diva during his deposition and stormed out and refused to answer questions.

And the other things? According to an E Special about celebrity parties he has secret parties where he lines up a bunch of girls, has the girls answer some questions and then chooses 2 girls to go into some sort of bedroom with him. He's egged his neighbors house, punched a bunch of paparazzi, speeds around his neighborhood nearly killing his neighbors, throws loud wild parties, peed inside of a water/cleaning bucket and broom thingy, he's probably ruining Selena Gomez's life because if he's ruining his own life, he's gotta take her down with her, and he's abandoned a couple of monkeys!

He's just a despicable human being, he really is. I don't understand why he isn't being criticized the same way that Miley has been. I mean I've been hearing all of these reports pretty much every damn day for the past month or so, and no one is saying kids shouldn't listen to him. Miley- an adult woman- shows her ass off once and it is apparently the worst thing that anyone could possibly do!

Anyway this has just really been upsetting me lately. I have other feminist type rants and thoughts that I will be sure to post soon. This ended up being longer than I thought, so I'll do them individually on different days. I think my next one will be about The Bachelor and why Juan-uary is the worst month of the year. (Ha!)

Also I'm calling this a feminist-y rant. I don't think everything I have to say is a rant. And also feminism is different for everyone, so I don't know exactly what constitutes as a "feminist" in everyone's opinions. Not sure if I fit that category... that will probably be another rant I have but... yeah. I feel like sticking up for a woman's right to show her body without being insulted by the media while a crazy drug addict man-child is free to entertain children of all ages... It's not right.

Maybe I'm being too hard on JB... but no one else seems to be being this harsh sooo... why not! 

What do you think of this? Let me know!



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