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Stuff that happened this week 2/24-3/1

This is the news of the week that I thought was worthy of mentioning.

1) Harold Ramis of Ghostbusters dies at 69- This is really sad news. I haven't seen all of the original Ghostbusters, but from what I have seen... the guy is amazing and will be missed dearly. I think I'm going to watch Ghostbusters tonight to get on board with it.

2) Robin Thicke and Paula Patton separate- This is kind of sad but not surprising. I mean... yeah. I like the song Blurred Lines- I will admit. I don't find anything sexist about the lyrics... god knows there are incredibly sexist lyrics in most songs anyway. I believe he spoke out saying that the lyrics are supposed to be about rape... which is not okay. I think he was just saying that because he's kind of a has-been and needed some sort of controversy to boost his sales... and I think it worked unfortunately that is the society we live in. Anyhoo yeah... I don't think his wife could handle his new image and the fact that he seems kind of like a dick now... idk I think he's friends with Kevin Heart and he's Alan Thicke's son so he can't be all that bad... but still. Who knows.

3) Alec Baldwin "stepping out of the public life"- He actually wrote about it himself... and I think he had a lot of good reasons to leave a public life. He has said these type of things before but he seems to really mean it now. I didn't read all of what he wrote because it is very long and detailed. I really like Alec Baldwin... maybe I'm just biased because I love 30 Rock so much... but I think he gets a LOT more hate than he deserves. Yes he has a temper, but I think I would too if I were constantly being scrutinized by the media. I know he's done and said some controversial things... but I think he is treated a bit harshly. I don't really want to go into it because there are a lot of terrible things he's said and stuff... but idk. I don't think he should be in movie jail.

4) Tim Lambesis aka As I Lay Dying frontman pleads guilty to Murder- This is news I was totally shocked by when he first was convicted of murder. I had never really listened to the band or anything but I did almost meet them I think. I was at bamboozle a few years ago and my friends and I wanted to be first in line to meet The Academy Is for their meet and greet, so we waited in the line for their meet and greet. I remember one of the Bamboozle people saying "As I lay Dying" to us and I thought she was just being super dramatic.

Anyway it's not like I really saw the guy or met him or even really got that close to him, so I wouldn't know if he was messed up or not, but it's weird because as to the best of my knowledge that is the closest I've ever been to a murderer, and hopefully that is the closest I will ever be. Is that messed up to say? Kind of, maybe I won't put this part in. It's just a weird thing to think about.

5) Miley Cyrus Kissed Katy Perry (and it did not look like Katy liked it)- I guess at Miley's Bangerz concert Katy Perry visited and the two kissed on stage... which looked like it totally shocked Katy. Miley just went for it and I don't think Katy was expecting it and she ran away giggling. It was actually kind of cute. Katy tweeted later that she loved Miley Cyrus.

I don't think this is big news but I really like Katy Perry and not much else is happening this week so I'm including it.

6) Jimmy Fallon's Lip Sync Off is Super Funny and totally amazing- So on Tuesday night Jimmy Fallon had Paul Rudd as a guest and they had a lip sync contest and Paul Rudd KILLED IT! He did a lip sync of Don't Stop Me Now by Queen... super funny. Check it out. I'm really excited for this new segment, I think it's really awesome!

7) Ben and Jerry are the best people ever- Okay, that may be an exaggeration but they have new ice creams with cores and they have stuff inside that core. It's similar to their Karmel Sutra, but with different flavors. I'm excited and I really can't wait to try some of them.

8) Adam Driver to be the new Darth Vader in Star Wars Episode 7- I don't really know who this is. I thought it said Adam Devine which would be the most awesome thing to ever happen in the history of awesome things that could possibly happen. Adam Driver is apparently from the show "Girls" and won't be playing Darth Vader himself, but a Vaderesque villain.

9) Katy Perry and John Mayer are either dating, married, engaged, or broken up... who knows- So I've been watching some E! News this week because I'm writing something about it and there have been a lot of different reports about Katy Perry. She was wearing what looked like an engagement ring to some sort of important event so people were saying she was engaged... "sources" say that they are broken up... there was also a moving truck moving her stuff out. Idk what that means. I heard on the radio that they were married around New Year's... I have no idea what to think about this at all. I just think its funny how many different things I've heard about this couple within a month. 

So I guess they broke up... and also she helped someone give birth or something? I was in class so I didn't read the article but that's pretty ballin to be like "Yeah the singer Katy Perry gave birth to me the day she broke up with John Mayer." That baby's gonna be weird.

10) Seth Rogen speaks to senators about his charity to help raise money for Alzheimers - This was really cool. He started a charity called Hilarity for Charity because his mother in law has Alzheimers and he is trying to help other people with the disease. This is important to me not only because I'm a huge Seth Rogen fan, but my grandfather had Alzheimers so I understand what he and his wife are going through. It is a very horrible and sad disease that really needs more awareness. I'm so happy that Seth is raising so much awareness for it and very happy that he's started this organization.

11) Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis are engaged- Yayyyy! I remember seeing them on Rosie O'Donnel years ago and they were flirty and adorable and I think he was her first kiss and just so much cute. I think they've liked each other since back in the day and its cute.


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