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Oscars Review! 2014

So The Academy Awards just happened and I watched it... even though it was suuuuupppperrrr boring and predictable.

I really like Ellen and all, and everyone is saying she did a fantastic job... so it's probably just me. I just don't feel like the jokes really landed. It felt very awkward and forced. She wasn't the worst host but there really hasn't been a great host in a long time. They gotta get Tina and Amy, those girls are the best. Didn't Conan host it one year? Or was it Jon Stewart? I feel like one or both of them hosted and I thought that was pretty good. Idk.

I was watching all of the red carpet stuff, because that is really more exciting than anything else and honestly I loved all of the dresses. If I had to pick one favorite dress I'd have to say Lupita Nyong'o. I hadn't really been watching all of the other events or anything, but I just recently became obsessed with her fashion choices. I also really liked Sandra Bullocks, Mindy Kaling, the winner for best make up and the winner for best costume, John Legend's wife, Cate Blanchett. Everyone looked really stunning no matter how big of a star they were. OHHH AND EMMA WATSON! Loved her dress! And Anna Kenderick. I was expecting a little more color, but I was happy with all the black dresses. I think it made Lupita's pop more. And Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey looked really great too. Very handsome winners for best actor. Apparently this paragraph is horribly written because there was a red line under everything... my brains a bit all over the place... especially when I talk about fashion lol.

I was disappointed early on in the awards because Despicable me lost to Frozen. I love Despicable Me 2, I thought it was perfect. Frozen to be honest I didn't like that much. There was so much I didn't like about it. I didn't think that the story with the two sisters was all that compelling either... I thought the story of the orphan sister in both the Despicable Me movies are wayyy more moving. And of all the movies, the only one I'm going to watch over and over again is Despicable Me. It's a feel good movie and in my opinion that's what makes the best movie.

Which brings me to best song... How Happy does Happy make you? Shouldn't that get an award? How moving is U2's song Ordinary Love? How awesome was Moon song from Her?  I thought all of these songs were way better than Let it Go from Frozen. Just sayin. Also I missed the Over the Rainbow performance... which I am SOOO BUMMED ABOUT! I always take a shower whenever there is a really cool performance. All the performances I saw were really great, even Frozen... which I will get more into later.

And I'm also just going to mention I've never been a fan of the song wind beneath my wings really, but I thought that Bette Midler's performance was absolutely incredible. I was in awe, like no one should sound that good ever and she just did such an incredible job. It was really a moving and beautiful tribute. And with so many great actors lost this year, it was really a great way to honor them. (side note: I totally forgot Uncle Vernon from Harry Potter died. So sad.)

Bill Murray did a small unscripted tribute to Harold Ramis... I didn't see this one I just saw someone's vine of it... it was a really sweet tribute though and it actually makes me cry just watching it. It was just really nice.

Okay back to the performances... because I forgot to mention so many things and they were really the highlight of everything. So Pharell showed up at the red carpet wearing suit shorts... and his legs actually looked quite nice, I was for it. I frickin love Pharell so he can do no wrong...and when he performed not only did he break out another awesome awesome hat (the one from the grammy's was recently auctioned off). Anyway his performance was just so energetic and so happy. He got Lupita, Amy Adams and Meryl Streep all to dance with him and the whole crowd was just loving it. He's such a talented performer and he did an amazing job... as did everyone.

Although one small blip in the performance... they got John Travolta to announce Idina Menzel's performance... and he botched her name so badly it was unrecognizable. He called her Adele Dazeem... not even close. He gets a special Oscar in the form of a Comic Sans Gold Star!
I feel like if I'm ever in an award show, they'll have John Travolta announce my name and he'll get it totally wrong. My last name is Kahermanes, he will never ever get that lol.

And I haven't even gotten to the actual awards yet... okay so Jared Leto won for Best Supporting actor and it was weird because he thanked me but he called me his older brother... JUST KIDDING! His big brother is also named Shannon! I know that! Lol. He was sweet though because he made it all about his mom and he was just happy that a movie with a good cause got recognition.

Lupita Nyong'o had a similar message in her speech when she won for best supporting actress. She said that her joy in winning the award was only made possible by the real life Patsy's suffering. She thanked Michael Fassbender... which I felt like I really needed to see. He was awful and a total creep to her in the movie and I know he's not like that in real life... but I like when actors are friends. And she said that no matter where you come from, you can do great things like she did... or something along those lines. It was a really nice moment.

Cate Blanchett was happy that she won for a movie that was such a great movie for women.It's no secret that a lot of film and television producers don't think that movies about women will work... and this one did work and she won for it and she was proud of it. That's the stuff I like to hear about and I really hope that that does raise some awareness and get more female centric movies out there.

And last but not least Matthew "Alright, Alright, Alright" McConnaughey who won for his amazing performance in Dallas Buyers club. He had a really interesting speech saying that his hero was him 10 years from now. And that it would always be him 10 years from now that way he'd always have something to chase after. It was just a nice sentiment and it was kind of unexpected from someone I thought was just a pretty face and didn't think he was really smart or anything.

And 12 years a slave won for best picture. Not surprising really, it was a great movie I think it definitely deserved it. I still need to see all the other ones, but 12 Years a Slave is an important and timeless story and it was incredibly well done and incredibly moving.  It's a very timeless movie that everyone should watch to understand the unfortunate history of our country.

So other things I missed: Ellen ordered a pizza, Ellen got a bunch of stars to take a selfie, JGL wore turquoise socks and is going to be shipped with Emma Watson, Jessica Biels was beautiful, Jamie Foxx did a dance, Ellen broke twitter with the celeb selfie, Jennifer Lawrence Fell on the Red Carpet, Amy Adams texted, the writers of Let It Go are a husband and wife that have EGOT-ed and they did a rehearsed speech that was pretty cute and included a "Happy Oscars to you, you should do Frozen 2" song, PHARELL WAS IN SHORTS!

Fun-ish night I guess!

-Adele Dazeem.

jk its Shannon


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