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Stuff That Happened This Week! (3/23-3/30)

1) Mila Kunis is Pregnant!!- Mila and Ashton are one of the most adorable Hollywood couples and I'm so happy that they are together and that they're going to have a baby! Ashton seems like kind of a big kid himself so I think he'll be a great dad. That little baby is going to be GORGEOUS! I need to do an MCM and a WCW on those two!

2) American Horror Story: Freak Show- Ryan Murphy revealed that the title for the carnival-themed fourth season of AHS will be called Freak Show. That makes me feel a little bit better about it. I'm still not super excited about the concept because I think there will be scary clowns and I think they might show some things like Animal Abuse, which of course would not be in favor of that on the show, but it would be incredibly hard for me to watch. I'm just not sure how it will play out, but that won't stop me from watching every episode.

3) Nick Cannon wears White Face- I actually didn't look at the article for this one... I don't think I want to. Nick Cannon is a celebrity that I actually have a lot of respect for, I think he's a child star that turned out really normal and I love that he didn't just abandon his Nickelodeon roots like how Miley Cyrus does with Disney. I think he's a great husband to Marriah Carey and I just really admire him as a celebrity, I think  he's doing it right. I hope this isn't some sort of cry for help a-la Shia Lebeouf and I kind of hope he's making a real statement here. Mariah Carey is mixed race if I'm not mistaken... so maybe it had something to do with that? I don't know. I'm hoping it wasn't meant to be something offensive. I'll probably hear about it on E! News and update this little story here.

They did talk about it on E! and I just don't really think it's that funny. Not offended by it, but Black face is offensive, so white face should be too? That's how the girl on E said it and I agree, but I'm not sure white people are allowed to be offended by anything. The black guy on E was just like "I'm not white so I don't know if it's offensive or not" ... Really? Lol I mean I don't think you have to be a part of a certain race to think something is offensive for offending that race. Although this is a tricky thing I guess since I don't really know what's supposed to offend me right now and I'm offended by that!

Ohhh yeah but anyway I guess it's not offensive but it's still not that funny and also it's not a Shia Lebouf crazy person thing.

No one was offended by the movie White Chicks, why are they all offended now? LEAVE NICK CANNON ALONE!

4) The Jets draft Michael Vick- This is upsetting because I was a Jets fan, but I really hate Michael Vick because I love animals, especially dogs, and I think that anyone that abuses them shouldn't go on to have a successful career in football. The only good thing is that he was drafted by the Jets, so he might not have a successful career in football. BURN! But seriously he's a terrible person and should be more severely punished.

5) Disney buys Maker Studios for $500 million- wow. Pewdiepie is now owned by Disney lol. No but in all seriousness I am a fan of Shay Carl and a lot of youtubers that work for/ have founded maker studios and I think that's great for them. Especially for Shay Carl cause his kids are such Disney fans. I watch a whole lot of YouTube and I probably watch more YouTube than television, but I have to say I don't think YouTube is ever going to replace tv or movies. There are some great things on the internet, but nothing better than my three favorites: Arrested Development, Breaking Bad and Despicable Me. I don't think it's a bad thing, it's just another entertainment source. A lot of people think youtubers shouldn't get paid, which is exactly like saying someone on television shouldn't get paid... That turned ranty, but overall the internet is a cool thing. Let's embrace it and see what it does!

6)Chris Martin and Gweneth Paltrow split up- yeah this makes sense. People seem to really hate Gweneth Paltrow and she does come off a bit snobby sometimes. He seems like a cool dude. Good for him I guess. Lol. But I hope their children Mango and Papaya are okay with this...just kidding their kids are named Apple and Moses. Why would they name them something ridiculous like Mango of Papaya. : \ Also she referred to it as a "conscious uncoupling" which is probably the best thing about that. As opposed to an unconscious coupling? So weird.

Then she went to compare herself to the everyday working woman. That just makes me laugh. I love when rich people that have always been rich or have been rich for a long time try to be down to earth. There are so many things broke people do that super rich people will never understand. Like she will never have to understand what it is like to go to a Wall Mart. Ugh. She should understand why people don't like her by now.

7) #CancelColbert was a thing- This frustrates me so much I don't even know if I can write about it that much. Stephen Colbert interviewed the owner of the Washington Redskins about changing their name to something that wasn't horribly offensive and the owner refused, but I'm guessing he set up a foundation for Native Americans in order to not look like a total a-hole. I'm not totally sure that's what happened, Wednesday was the one day I missed the Colbert Report, but I believe that was the basis of the tweet that got him into trouble. The tweet said  that he was setting up a" Ching Chong Ding Dong Foundation for sensitivity to Orientals or whatever"  (it was along those lines, not sure if that is word for word.)

And my problem with this is that A) Stephen Colbert is a satirist, he is doing a character in order to raise question about the real problems in the world. Chaucer did it, Shakespeare did it to some extent, its a real thing don't bring him down for that. B) This is not that offensive. If you Cancel This show for being offensive basically the only thing on television will be Barney and Sesame Street. C) It wasn't even Stephen Colbert that tweeted it, it was The Colbert Report's twitter... so it was likely run by interns or writers of the show who should not get in trouble either because it is satire.

It's exactly what Nick Cannon was doing with his white face! Satire! Go learn comedy!

8) Michael Chiklis joins the cast of AHS Freak Show- Okay, I can deal with this now I think. He seems like he'd be a good addition to the cast. I don't think I've seen him in anything, but I've seen some bits and pieces of him doing comedy and drama and I think he's good at mixing the two and that sounds pretty cool.

9) James Franco says LiLo's sex list is fake- I don't think I needed James Franco to tell me that, but it makes me feel better about my future husband. I love Lindsay Lohan, but I don't want any of her cooties, so its nice that my future husband hasn't slept with her maybe.

10) Once Upon A Time in Wonderland was Cancelled- This is sad. I didn't watch it and I haven't seen Once Upon a time in a long time, but I really wanted to see this and like it... I was sort of against this when it started though. I don't really want to watch the show twice a week. It would make me wayyy too tired of it.

PS- Ughhh I just missed posting this on Saturday, meaning I technically didn't post anything Saturday... but I only missed it by a few minutes so I think I'm okay!


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