Yep... that was just about as bad as I thought it was. Bye! -Shannon Okay but seriously... this show is kind of a big problem that I think we have right now. And maybe it's partially because I saw an episode where the men judged the women... but I don't really think it's going to get better or different... Most of the women weren't like real working class women... they had kind of unique jobs... and I don't mean to insult them at all... but there aren't really many teachers or doctors or anything... and those women don't get to the top rounds... and I don't want to insult these women for their jobs. I know that doctors probably don't have time for these silly dating shows and Life Coaches and Surf Instructors probably have more time to do these things- and it probably helps them more whereas a teacher or someone might get in trouble for being too racy during a season or something. And they have things like a swimsuit competition... I googl...