So I just noticed this channel called Laf that has The Drew Carey Show on… pretty much all day… and I think all night they play Roseanne. I’m not sure if I even get this channel… I’m watching it at someone else’s house… but it had on The Drew Carey Show… and I was kind of excited. I don’t remember The Drew Carey show very well… I don’t think it’s available on DVD, it definitely isn’t on Netflix… maybe it’s on the ABC app… but it’s a bad show that’s pretty good in general… and I watched it as a kid- so I’m excited to watch it again.
This show is very much a product of it’s time… the jokes are kind of sexist- kind of non-pc… but at the same time kind of almost PC… the episode I have on now is about Drew standing up for his cross-dressing brother at the bar and now there are cross-dressers all in the bar…. it’s sort of a one step forward 2 steps back type of thing… I think maybe it’s 2 steps forward and one step back… but I’m not 100% sure. Lol.
I think my favorite person on the show is definitely Kate… I love that actress. She was Dr. Cox’s wife on Scrubs and she was Courtney Cox’s friend on Cougartown… she always plays a sarcastic, kind of bitchy character… and she’s just great on this. She really needs her own show… she’s sooo funny and talented.
I also like all the other characters too lol. Mimi is really funny, Oswald and Ryan are funny… Craig Ferguson plays his boss… it’s just one of the best casts ever. I’m a big fan of Drew Carey too… I love The Price is Right. He’s really funny in this… he was super popular and hosted just about everything on ABC when this was on originally… so he was a pretty big star at the time because of this show. This show pretty much gave the US version of Who’s Line is It Anyway and all of these stars on the show are still somehow relevant… which just shows how even though maybe the show hasn’t aged well compared to other shows on tv now or other re-runs that are on… it’s a little underrated today.
I feel like I have good memories with this show as well… I don’t know. I don’t remember it all that well, but I remember certain jokes and some episodes. Like they showed an episode where Drew met someone online and then he found out it was Mimi because she mentioned her troll dolls… and then when he breaks up with her he says “I just can’t do that to Hillary again” which is a reference to the Bill Clinton scandal obviously… which is kind of funny to see in today’s context.
The best and most memorable thing about this show though: The Cleveland Rocks theme song… it’s just one of the best songs ever… it’s so catchy, all the dances and the lip-syncing in the show are really cool… I think I was most upset when the show ended and they changed the theme song because it is really really funny.
So yes, underrated show… but I can kind of see why in today’s context… and I’m going to check out if I have this network and if I can still watch this show! It’s so funny and there are kind of old school things in it… like there was an April Fool’s contest and I think I remember there were things wrong with the episode and you needed to find out what they were. They announced the winners on an actual episode of the show too… which was cool. Right now the episode just changed and I think it’s a 3D episode… which is something they used to all the time on TV shows… you needed to buy a TV Guide or go to Wendy’s or something to pick up your 3D glasses… it’s a very specific old-school memory that I think is really cool.
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