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Being Nit Picky About TV Shows: Everything wrong with the first few minutes of Somewhere Between's 8/8 Episode

I'm a little bit nit picky about tv shows and movies... and I get it... writing is hard. It isn't easy to write a tv show or movie... but I know a little something about it... so I can kind of nit pick the little bit that I watched of the Paula Patton show on ABC "Somewhere Between." I don't watch the show enough to say "Ohhh this is a bad show." I honestly can't tell you what it's about... it sounds to me like they're trying to be Stranger Things- but I believe this was filmed before the popularity of Stranger Things and there's no noticeable supernatural element to it... So that's just kind of what I'm picking up on.

Alright... I didn't really know what I was in for with this show until I watched the "last week on somewhere between" part. One of the male characters was being grabbed by a detective and he turned around and said "Woah, Woah Woah. Why are your hands on my person." ...? That's a common phrase yes... but not one I would think would be what you would naturally say whilst a cop is grabbing you? I actually rewound the clip to make sure that was what I really heard because it just sounded so unenthusiastic for the show and so out of place... and then I stopped everything I was doing just to watch so that I could nit-pick a little bit.

And when I say he said "Woah Woah Woah. Why are your hands on my person?" There was very little emotion in this man's voice to indicate that he was surprised that the cop took him... so

So after that there's a kind of awkward scene with Paula Patton and a girl on a motorcycle. And Paula Patton is super angry at The Bad Guy of the show... not sure who he is... but in the "On the last somewhere between" Paula Patton's character was going to kill him and she said "If you live my daughter dies" and then she didn't end up killing him... anyway... Paula Patton was about to go after him because whoever he is, he had something to do with her daughter's disappearance, she hates this man and Motorcycle chick is just like "Hey, chill out." And then she just chills and Motorcycle Chick follows him to his house... So with all the anger Paula Patton just had against this guy... she just chills and lets him go. 

When Motorcycle chick sees him at her house, she texts Paula Patton who is going to visit someone at the hospital. Motorcycle Chick says "I've got an eye on The Bad Guy." or you know... whatever his name is and Paula Patton's Character texts back "Thnx." Really? Thnx? Her daughter is missing and she's texting "Thnx?" Not even Thanks... that probably just fills in on autofill... also did we as the audience really need to see that text message? It didn't develop the plot... it just kind of over-simplified something... I guess it makes more sense for the next part... but they took more seconds on the Thnx thing than they needed. 

So Paula Patton is like insistent that she sees this woman in the hospital that she has some sort of friendship or something with... that's unclear to me because there are WAYYYY too many characters in this for a limited run series. And the plot just seemed very complicated... this is a few episodes in and I was barely watching or paying attention... but there was already just too much that they didn't really need... there's no need for like 5 friends and 3 bad guys... and somehow there were more than that in this... and it was just weird. 

So she's insistent on visiting her- doctor says no... there's a bomb threat and she wants to stay with the friend but the doctors say no... I don't remember how exactly that was solved... but in a few more minutes we find out it wasn't The Bad Guy that the Motorcycle Chick had an eye on the whole time... it was an old lady... which is a weird sort of plot twist... I think she'd be able to tell the difference... she should have maybe had a lens where she could tell... I know those are expensive... but Motorcycle Chick seems like she might have one anyway... she's that type of friend... but that kinda sucked... and she texted Paula Patton saying that he wasn't there and then Paula Patton sees The Bad Guy at The Hospital trying to kill the Hospital Friend. 

Paula Patton is pretty badass in this scene... she takes defibrillators and she comes out of no where and shocks The Bad Guy with them... although... it looked like The Bad Guy could have probably escaped? Lol. Then The Bad Guy- still conscious goes to get her again... but she still has the defibrillators... and shocks him again... *sigh* Uhhh... it was exciting the first time because we had the element of Surprise... why is The Bad Guy still going after her if he knows she's just going to fit him with the Defibrillator... it was just silly. 

I don't really remember much that happens after that... I remember there was like a weird religious undertone... possibly a plot point... and the Detective asked the "why are your hands on my person" guy what he did and he said "It's so bad it's a sin... not just a felony." And he says that he pretended to be a priest to find out information from other people in confession... so that was weird. And... like I doubt ALL the bad guys are going to confession. 

And *SPOILERS* The Bad Guy dies... I think he's in a cop car and someone shoots at him... and he isn't really the main bad guy, he just works for a REAL BAD Guy. So the "Hands off" guy (I think? they all look the same to me) and Paula Patton are trying to find out what he knows... and he tells them a lot... but he's clearly like shot to many times to really be saying that much. Like at one point he's right about to die... and then the next he's alive enough that he's explaining something to them... pretty clearly... and then he's about to tell them something else... and then he dies... so it was pretty drawn out... but the way they did it was like "Ok... let's just get all the information and then he can die." It's like he died and they were like "Wait! Bill! Tell us how to get to Dairy Queen." And then he was like "Ahh, well you just take a left down Mockingbird lane and then keep going straight until you see the gas station. Once you get to the gas station, you're going to want to make a right and there it is!" And then they're like "But wait? What should we order?" And he's like "Ahhh... well that's easy. Order..." *Dead* 

So... that's all I watched of it... I have no idea if this show is good or not... but there are definitely some ways it could have been greatly, greatly improved. 

And with that... Imma go to bed. 



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