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Disney (non human) Sidekicks: Good and Bad!

So remember when I said I wanted more Disney on this blog? Well- that's what you're getting today! I thought I'd talk about the animal and other not so human sidekicks to our favorite Disney heroes... and maybe villains?

And I'll probably end up talking about more than just my favorites... but let's get into it!

So first off I'm going to mention Gus Gus from Cinderella. Gus is my dad's name and his Dad's name... so the name has a lot of meaning to me personally... because Gus's are good people! Lol. Gus Gus is also probably one of the cutest side kicks... and I love his voice and everything too. I think I would have liked the Live Action Cinderella if the Mice were as cute as in the cartoon... because they were so fun in the cartoon... I just really loved them!

If Genie isn't your favorite non-human sidekick... you're answer is wrong. I'm sorry, thank you for playing... but your answer is wrong. Unless he's just not what you would consider a Non Human sidekick because he's pretty human-like... but still... most humans I know don't have Great Cosmic Powers and a itty bitty living space... so that's why I'm including Genie in here. Genie might possibly be the funniest character in any movie ever... Yeah. I'm gonna say it Genie, Zach Galifinakis in The Hangover, and Mrs Doubtfire are maybe the 3 funniest male characters in any movie ever... we can do a whole other blog on this next week... lol. But yeah. Robin Williams as Genie... funny... also definitely the best side kick theme song... and he's just the best. Who doesn't love Genie. I'm actually really excited about Will Smith playing Genie in the Aladdin movie. I was hoping they would get James Monroe Iglehart to do it... I'm pretty bummed that he isn't doing it... but I think Will Smith will LOVE the role just as much as he did. Smith has recently expressed a lot of interest in Working With Disney and it is his first Disney role... so that's really exciting and I'm excited for him to be doing this. I've liked pretty much every Will Smith movie I've seen because of Will Smith Specifically... so I think he can do it justice. I'm a little bit defensive of Robin Williams roles being re-done... but I think Will Smith will honor it well.

Also... just like a little roundup of all the other sidekicks in aladdin because there are a lot. I love Abu, Iago and Raja... don't get me wrong... but the underrated sidekick of Aladdin is definitely the Carpet. The Carpet makes me laugh so much any time I watch this movie- and even the aladdin TV show... he's just amazing. So cute and funny.

Paschal from Tangled is another favorite... idk why even... I just think he's adorable and so funny. I was a little upset that Tangled Ever After was just a short film instead of a sequel... but I was super happy that Paschal was the main focus of it because I love Paschal. I just thought that was really cute.

Let's go to Little Mermaid now... honestly... Flounder is a little overrated. Yeah he's cute and a good friend to Ariel and everything... but does he really do anything? Sebastian sings the best... Skuttle is my spirit animal... and who I think is the underrated gem of this movie... but Flounder is not the best Disney Fish... I'll say it. Lol.

But let's get back to how much I love Skuttle... because I am Skuttle. Lol. I just think he's the funniest. I haven't been on the Little Mermaid Dark Ride in the Disney Parks ... but I love that Skuttle narrates the ride... it's just really funny.

Let's go back to some of my not so favorites... Pua and Hei Hei from Moana... I don't get it. Moana is about the ocean... there could have been a cute fish to help her along the way... but they give the Cloud Cukoolander Chicken the main focus as the animal sidekick... and then just a little mention of Pua at the beginning... which disappointed me a little.

If you count sort of lesser villains as animal sidekicks though... Tamatoa wins. Maybe not better than Genie... but still he'd win in the villain category and if you count Shiny as a villain song... ohhh boy. I'm going to need to do a villain song blog too... lol. But yeah. Tamatoa is a good one too.

Chip... also a little disappointing. I love Lumiere... Cogsworth I kind of don't like the same way that when I watch Star Wars, I don't like C3PO... but I can deal with him... idk why I'm so anti-chip right now... but comparing him to Lumiere... I don't like him as much. Lol.

Pocahontas and Mulan don't have the most memorable animal sidekicks... but they're cute and fun nonetheless. I have an autograph from Meeko from when I went to Disney that I just saw... I have a lot of ornaments with him and Percy and the hummingbird. It's cute. And the Dog and Cricket in Mulan were cute also.

Ohhh but Mushu!!!! Anytime I watch Mulan I just think Mushu is too funny. Might need to do a funniest disney characters post sometime soon... but yeah, Mushu is a dragon... so that gives him some bonus points to be there.... maybe over Paschal... I think I'll put my list at the end... cause Idk if I'll get to them all... but yeah. Mushu FTW.

Pain and Panic right? They're definitely really funny ones. Pegasus too... I feel like the Carpet was sort of Aladdin's Pegasus. I'm including Phil as a people because he's half human... and if we're being technical most people in Hercules aren't human... so yeah.

Olaf grew on me the most... I didn't like him when I first saw Frozen... but I wasn't that into Frozen when I first saw it... and then after getting more into it this year... I friggin love Olaf. Olaf is another one of the funniest Disney characters.

And The Lion King... which is all animals... so idk if it counts... but I feel like Timon and Pumba need to be on this list... because I really love Timon and Pumba. I feel like they have a special place in my heart from childhood. I love them. Again... some of the funniest disney characters. Zazu isn't the type of character I usually like in movies... but I have to say I have a soft spot for Zazu also... mostly because of The Tiki Room Under New Management... I thought he was funny from that.

Rafiki also... just too good.

Now I'm going to make some sort of list...

1. Genie 
2. Gus-Gus
3. Timon And Pumba 
4. Tamatoa 
5. Olaf
6. Skuttle 
7. Mushu 
8. Pegasus 
9. Sebastian 
10. Pain and Panic 
11. Paschal and Maximus 
12. Lumiere 
13. Rafiki 
14. Abu/ Carpet
15. Raja/ Iago 
16. Meeko 
17. Percy 
18. Mulan's Dog/ Cricket 
19. Cogsworth 
20. Hei Hei 
21. Zazu
22. Flounder 
23. Chip 
24. Cricket 
25. Pua 

So that is everyone I think... I know I missed a bunch lol. But it's late and I'm about to sleep!



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