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Scribbles About News- June 10th 2017

So I thought I'd try to bring this little blog series back because... why not! There's a lot of news right now that I'm just not a fan of... I'm watching the CBS Morning News right now... which I love... but they're on extra because of the Comey investigation... and I don't really want to watch that.

This also might not just be "News" but it might include some things that I've learned this week or discovered... if that's anything so... we'll see what happens. I will promise not to talk about anything majorly political. If something like Covfefe happens again... I'll probably talk about that... but the point of this post is to get away from all of that... so that's what I'll be doing!

1) Urban Decay Announces Naked Heat Palette- I guess I'll start out with some Beauty news... the Naked Heat Palette from Urban Decay. This is a warm- toned palette... that to me... looks exactly like the Sweet Peach Palette... but I guess it is a little bit more orange than that... which is nice. I saw this review from Mrs.Lolalynn... she's one of my favorite youtubers and she does a lot of great palette reviews and first impressions... this was really more of a first impression but she seems to love it- she shows the full collection which also includes 2 eyeliners and 3 lipsticks... it looks interesting. I'm kind of excited about it... not sure if I'll get the palette or not... but I'm sure I'll get something from the collection. It looks pretty!

2) Deaf singer gains attention on America's Got Talent- I don't usually watch America's Got Talent and I don't pay a lot of attention to the news regarding it... BUT this singer has gone viral and I think it's a great way to show

She's 29 years old and has been singing since she was 4, but due to a nerve disorder I believe she said she lost her hearing at the age of 18. She wrote and performed the song herself... and it is fantastic.

This singer's name is Mandy Harvey btw... get used to that name because you're going to be hearing it a lot. She is insanely talented and her story is incredible. It just really goes to show you- never give up on your dreams. I feel really inspired by this girl. The song was beautifully written as well. Listen to her song and story here. Quite amazing.

3) Nursing Student that Missed his Graduation due to Subway Traffic gets proper Graduation ceremony- A recent story that was really popular in New York was a young man in full Cap and Gown and he was stuck on the subway and missed the ceremony! The patrons on the Subway gave him his own graduation ceremony on the Subway and they made it special for him... which was really nice... but this week he actually got his own ceremony... so that's nice! The kid is so happy to have graduated and he had 2 very special ceremonies... so good for him!

4) Melissa McCarthy to star in Margie Claus- Margie Claus is a Musical Comedy coming to New Line Cinemas it is about the Disappearance of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve and Margie has to leave her house in The North Pole for the first time in Eons to save him. Sounds interesting... wondering if it's a kids movie or a not so kids movie... could be either. Could be animated! I hope it's for some sort of age group in between. I'm excited! I like Melissa McCarthy, so I'll probably see this! I also love Christmas Movies... so yeah!

5) Orange is The New Black Season 5 Released on Friday- Very exciting news indeed! Season 5 of Orange is The New Black was released in full on Friday on Netflix. There were some rumors of hacking and the season being released beforehand... if you're a person- Don't watch the season from hackers beforehand. There's a reason for it being released the day it's released... it probably isn't fully 100% ready if it's being released months earlier by an illegal source. Also how many people have friends that look like Laura Prepon? It's very easy to just make your own lol. Also that screws the writers... and I'm a writer... so I don't like that one bit! Lol. Have some respect for the final product and wait to see movies till they are released... Plus it just encourages hackers... and we shouldn't do that.

Anyway back to season 5. It takes place over 3 days, Laura Prepon directs episode 10... it should be interesting because of the way Season 4 ended... I'm really excited. I might be up late to watch it.

6) Woman Seriously Injured After falling 6 feet into a sidewalk access door- A Woman was walking while distracted by her cell phone and fell 6 feet down and is now in stable condition. This is a good reminder to always be alert... I text a lot of times while I'm walking in the mall usually... that way I can pass the kiosk people with no trouble... but anyway it could happen to anyone... no one would really think of a sidewalk access door... I didn't even know what that was until now... so yeah. Just be careful and I'm glad to hear this woman is okay.

EDIT- The woman wasn't texting and walking! She's diabetic and legally blind- she started to feel woozy, checked the time on her phone and then unfortunately that is when she fell. She has trouble seeing the colors blending and and didn't see the door... the media was quick to jump on the woman for not paying attention.

7) The Dangers of "Dry Drowning"- A Child recently died in Texas from "Dry Drowning." Usually if there is a water related incident where a person swallows a lot of water- even if they don't drown right then- they may drown several hours later if their lungs are still filled up with water. The Child complained of a stomach ache and then an arm ache and then he couldn't breathe later on in the day... I know I said I wanted to do happy stories... but it is very important to know these dangers- especially during the summer... so I'll share this link so that you guys can check for yourself.

8) Game of Thrones shorter season will feature the 2 longest episodes yet- So season 7 of Game of Thrones will have 7 episodes... which is shorter than usual... but 2 of the episodes will be longer than typical... so that is exciting. I don't watch Game Of Thrones currently... I did see season 1 and I liked it and would like to continue watching it... but I think this will be good. My sister keeps saying it's the final season... I haven't seen anything on it being the final season... so idk about that... but if it is... you'll get some good long episodes with that.

9) The CW Revealed their Premiere Schedule- This is exciting! 2 of my favorite shows are on The CW and they have a lot of other great shows on the network as well... I just did a list of the shows that they renewed... so I'll just go over the premieres for the Fall!

Monday October 9th
8-9pm Supergirl!
9-10pm Valor- this is the series premiere... so that's exciting... I'm sure I'll have some sort of post on the previews soon.

Tuesday October 10th 
8-9pm The Flash
9-10pm DC's Legends of Tomorrow
Great combo- good night for DC fans.

Wednesday October 11th 
8-9pm Riverdale I would rather have the darker tone of Riverdale on at a later time... wonder if that will affect the tone of it at all... that scares me a bit- not going to lie!
9-10pm Dynasty (series Premiere) I'm pretty excited about this revival... and it's probably similarly dark so its got a good lead in. I do typically watch the comedies on ABC on Wednesday... so that's a bit of a bummer... but I'm excited still.

Thursday October 12th 
8pm-9pm Supernatural- this is the 13th season for the hit show... and it's still got a massive following so while it would be good to end a show about the supernatural at the 13th season... it has been stronger than ever recently and critics, fans and the network don't want it going anywhere. They just have something that works with Supernatural... so that is good.
9pm-10pm Arrow

Friday October 13th 

8pm-9pm Jane The Virgin-This is a show I could see going on forever like Supernatural too... but I also wondered if they were maybe starting to wrap it up a little bit... and with a Friday Premiere... not a great sign. The CW isn't super concerned with ratings and I believe this is just to get more of a boost for Crazy Ex Girlfriend- which is doing poorly but is Critically Acclaimed.
9pm-10pm Crazy Ex Girlfriend- I'm excited these 2 shows are back to back again... I love them both and I will definitely be watching them in the fall... so excited for both new seasons!

Shows like The Originals and IZombie will be returning midseason along with some new shows... which has me a little curious which shows will be ending early for those shows to debut... I'm guessing Crazy Ex Girlfriend will end earlier for it's (hopefully) Penultimate season... the story was supposed to be told in 4 seasons and it is on Season 3... so I'm thinking the CW will give it a fourth season if it does okay... I'm also thinking maybe the new shows... maybe Riverdale... idk! I'm sure they'll all be really good.

10) Movies Coming This Week- I don't really have any more real news... but I'm on IMDB anyway... so I thought why not just see what's coming out this weekend.

The Mummy- Starring Tom Cruise. This will be the start to Universal's line of Dark Universe movies where they are more or less re-vamping some of their Classic Monster movies. It was supposed to start with Dracula Untold... but they decided to leave that out of the Dark Universe. Other movies in the works are The Invisible Man which Johnny Depp is rumored to be attached to and Bride of Frankenstein... which May star Angelina Jolie.

Megan Leavy- This movie stars Kate Mara as the titular character and focuses on her relationship with her dog while she was serving in the Marines. This looks like a very unique war movie- or a very unique dog movie depending on how you look at it.

It Comes at Night- This is a horror movie... I read the description and watched the trailer on IMDB... can't tell you what it's about... but its a scary cabin in the woods deal... very isolated cabin with some sort of scary threat... and the trailer had some literary text scrolling across it too... so that's weird... but it also looked kind of good.

The Hero- This stars Sam Elliot and Laura Prepon. Prepon plays a stand up comic... the movie is about a has-been type actor that "comes to term with his past and his mortality" according to IMDB. Prepon was promoting this and Sam Elliot on Live With Kelly and Ryan today and she sounded really excited for it. Apparently she is a love interest to Sam Elliot in the movie and does a stand up act that kind of puts him in his place I'm guessing. Ryan and Prepon kind of gave it away... but I think if you know she's a stand up comic and he's a has-been... you can get that from the description right? Sounds good.

Beatriz at Dinner- This has an incredible cast including Salma Hayak, John Lithgow, Connie Britton and Jay Duplas... and it is described as "A holistic medicine Practitioner attends a wealthy client's dinner party after her car breaks down." This sounds really interesting... like a My Dinner With Andre type of thing... but probably not improvised? Maybe... idk I bet this one comes to Netflix and that's pretty exciting.

My Cousin Rachel- This movie looks scary... but good. I think I'll get the book this is based off of because I don't know anyone that really likes Thrillers. Sam Claffin plays a man out to seek revenge on his cousin- who he believed killed a relative of his... it sounds like she's his cousin's wife and that cousin died. But he becomes infatuated with her after meeting her and wants to marry her even though everyone says she has a reputation for being dangerous... so that looks creepy as hell... something different for Rachel Weisz I believe... and it just looks good.

It is also a period movie... so very strange. These look like some great movies... that probably won't get a lot of buzz for the most part... but still.

Alrighty! Hope you guys liked this return of the News... I'll try to do this maybe every weekend maybe every other weekend... we'll see.



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