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Scribbles About TV: Supernatural Season 4 pt 1

Lazurus Rising 
Good start to the season! Ruby is back and is now played by Sam's wife in real life... not at the time, but now they're married. I kind of liked Katie Cassidy better, but I can get used to it. I also like Castiel, he seems like a good character to me... Pretty cool. You can tell the show is changing a little bit, but I still think I'm going to like it.

Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
This was pretty cool. I loved Bobby's ghost panic room and I thought it was a cool episode. I like Castiel... I didn't love it, and don't feel as strongly about this episode... but its a cool concept.

In The Beginning 
This one was great. I loved Dean seeing how his parents got engaged and what happened with Azazel and that his mom was really the hunter and just wanted a good life for Sam and Dean. It also showed a lot about her family, which Dean didn't really know about too much. And of corse how John got the Impala. It was a really good episode with a good end. And I love Mitch Pillegi, who is from The X Files as Walter Skinner. He was awesome. It was weird that he had to kiss his on screen daughter though and Dean walked in on that... but he knew his mom made a deal with Azazel by then. Still gross to see.

I was expecting wayyy more from this episode. The previous episode said "To Be Continued" so I thought that this one would have continued that... but it kind of just glazed over Sam's dark side and his relationship with Ruby and anything that Castiel said and just went on to a really gross monster of the week that was a cannibal that was just eating everything... and it was disgusting to watch and just too much. It wasn't too bad... but that grossed me out a lot. I was disappointed.

Also I know Sam is married to the actress that plays Ruby in this season now... You can totally see the chemistry between the two. I think he was engaged to someone else at the start of this... but wow. Them just being on screen together, not even necessarily having lines or anything... You can definitely tell something's going on. And its kind of beautiful knowing that they did eventually get together in real life... its a much different dynamic between Sam and Ruby and I don't know if I quite like it as much... but its interesting.

Monster Movie 
This was such a fun episode! I kind of like every other episode so far... lol. This is another one that might be my favorite. I'm a big Dracula fan, I think I'm actually going to read the book this October. I took a class all about Dracula and the history of the real Vlad Dracula and how it morphed into the whole vampire thing. Its interesting. This was beautifully directed also. Robert Singer... not Bobby from the show... but the director Robert Singer directed it and I think he did a great job. Especially at the end where Dean is in that room. I just thought this was the most fun, unique episode of the series and I really liked it. This season hasn't been that exciting to me... but this episode was great.

And I liked that it was black and white! It didn't feel like there was anything that different about it at first... but it ended up being super fun and I was a big fan of the episode! I also watched it late at night on a dark, stormy night in October... and it was perfect for that! Just right to get me wanting Halloween! lol!

Yellow Fever 
This one was so funny and the end was really sad and scary too. This is another really great one. Very well done with the scary stuff at the end... and Jensen Ackles dancing and lip syncing to Eye of The Tiger was just great. I read on IMDB that Jared Palladecki, who plays Sam missed his cue on purpose at that scene just to see what Jensen would do... and Jensen apparently did that dance. So it was pretty great. I also liked the Of Mice and Men references... I thought this was a weird and well put together episode.These episodes have been the most unique of the series so far. Its not like just another shapeshifter or just another demon or ghost or anything like that. This is almost as good as Season 1!

Its The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester 
I was kind of expecting a funny episode for this one. Ohhh well this was still really good. I liked that they brought Castiel back and with another angel and there were a lot of good twists with this one even if they didn't bring the angels back and it was more of a stand alone with them trying to find the witches, it would have been kind of cool. I like the way they do witches on the show I think its really cool and different. Its also scary because the angels really don't know anything more than Sam and Dean and that's scary. I loved that Dean ate all the candy. Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars and Spring Breakers was in this... I thought she did a great job of being the hot innocent cheerleader and the bad guy. I just really thought this was a good one. It has like everything I like in a Supernatural Episode and it was exciting.

Wishful Thinking 
This one was really good. I hadn't been watching it in a few days because I'm trying to finish up other shows I started like Arrow and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D but... this was a great one to get back into it. This was really funny, had a lot of great moments and realistically that is what people would wish for. It was fun to watch it all get solved. The Teddy Bear going crazy was funny but also creepy and... yeah.They ended it with Dean remembering Hell, which was a dark ending! I really like this season so far!

Also, no one died in this episode permanently. Sam gets struck by lightning and dies (for the 2nd time in the series) but he ends up living.

I Know What You Did Last Summer 
This is the first episode I've seen in a while. And it was good at explaining what exactly happened to Sam when Dean was in Hell and his relationship with Ruby and stuff like that. Ruby is really great in this episode, I think all the actresses that played her did a really good job. It wasn't my favorite, but I have a feeling part 2 will be more exciting!

Heaven Or Hell 
This episode was pretty cool! It was a good follow up to "I Know What You Did Last Summer". I watched that episode several months ago and just started to re-watch supernatural now... so this definitely got me back into it. They've very creative with the angels and demons and how they relate that to Dean and Sam's story. It really got me back into the show quite a bit.

Family Remains 
This was like Supernatural's version of the X Files episode "Home." And they did a good enough job making it different enough from that episode that it was kind of creative how they did it. So I like that. I thought it was scary. Not the best episode, but not bad!

There was also one scene in one of the very early episodes... Definitely one of the first 3 where they focus in on an advertisement for Tab energy drink and I thought that was really funny product placement. I think it may have actually been relevant to the plot because I think it might have been before the flashback in In The Beginning... but yeah. It was definitely product placement and really funny and obvious at that.

Glad to be doing this again. Its funny because I wrote these all in different times because... I'm not the biggest fan of Season 4... but there are still some good ones!



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