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Rory's Story Cubes Story: 8.13.16

I'm going to write a story with Rory's Story Cubes because why not?

And I'm doing it word of the day style... and the word of the day is Cosmopolis on so... it will be based around a city I suppose! Alright!

So I rolled them first and just so you know... the order is Turtle, Book, L or Scrabble Tile, Parachute, Clock, Foutain, Castle, Arrow Pointing Northwest, and an airplane. (Also used Fish, Beetle,Abacus, magnets

It's tough being a viral video celebrity. Sure, David wasn't as famous as many others like the zombie kid that said "I like Turtles" on halloween or the "Charlie bit my finger" kid or even David after dentist... but he was still fairly famous in his own right. A news reporter was talking to him about his parents having quintuplets on the local news... live and he made fart noises, wet his pants and started crying. David loved the celebrity at the time... but he resented it now that he was a grown man and people around town are calling him "Farty Dave" still... which isn't even a very clever nickname.

David wanted to move away from the small town and right a book. He had gotten several deals... but only from publishers that wanted to publish his memoir of growing up as the town Farter. He didn't like that. He wanted to write historical fiction and biographies of other people's lives like George Washington and other historians. It wasn't until he wrote a book under the name Louis Lou that he started to get any recognition beyond being "Pees his pants Dave." (Okay seriously? The people in this town really need better nicknames!)

Unfortunately... His 5 brothers and sisters also got the writing bug, as they followed everything David said and did. His sister Marilyn wrote a book about a wealthy man with a parachuting habit that fell in love with a beautiful Hula dancer. His brother Ray wrote about the sea and all the inhabitants in it including a mermaid who loved tacos, but could never eat them out of fear of where the poop would come out of. His brother Bob wrote very popular fan fiction about the Beetles... that people really started taking notice of. His sister Joy wrote about a Mathematician who was mostly counting bodies of the people he murdered. And his youngest brother Alex wrote a sci fi romance novel about humans having magnets that would only connect to their one true love... but one girl connected to 2 people.

And those 5 had HIT books! Everyone loved Louis Lou at first... but after reading "Will You Be My Ringo," and "How Many Murders" people completely forgot about Louis Lou. And frankly Dave, Louis or Poopy Lou as some people had started to call him- which is more clever- had had enough! He decided to invent a time travel machine and see if it would work.

"If I had a time machine, I think I would go to Hawaii and see if my Hula dancing writing was accurate," Marilyn complained. "I just want to double check."

"You can just go to Hawaii you know... they have planes for that... but yeah! That's exactly what I'm doing! I'm going back in time and interviewing all these famous historical people... and to insure future royalties, I'm also going to go to the future and interview more famous people from the future... that way I can publish before anyone else does!"

Marilyn jumped up in excitement and then frowned. "How are we getting to the past and future?"

"I'm going to the Fountain of youth! I know my history... and I know no one discovered the fountain of youth... but I think they were just looking at the wrong thing. They thought they could drink from it and have eternal youth... but many historians have speculated its really a time travel fountain."

Marilyn had left mid conversation. No one ever listened to David when he rambled on about history or anything other than whatever they were interested in or his poop jokes.

David decided to go into the future first, and he met a beautiful princess who was known for historically being the most beautiful person on earth... I mean really. She's not even a real princess, people just gave her the title and built her a castle because she was too frickin' pretty not to. David was a little nervous talking to her... and it made him even more nervous when Princess Beauty said

"Hey, aren't you that guy from that youtube video?"

And he poops his pants immediately. "People are still talking about that?"

"Well no... they're talking about the guy that time traveled and pooped his pants talking to the beautiful princess," she laughed. "It's happened once before believe it or not!"

"Ohhh... I guess once Poopy Lou... always poopy Lou," Lou sobs.

"Don't cry dude, you are famous for being the worlds first historical biographer that travels in time and the first historical biographer to talk about the potty!"

Lou stares at the princess quizzically... "I'm a potty historian?"

"Yes! You don't think people are fascinated with the embarrassing stories and poop and toilets? You're book 'The Many Toilets of A.A. Milne' is a required reading for a lot of schools... its groundbreaking and hilarious and historical... so yes. You are a very famous niche historian."

Lou left with a smile on his pants... and after he changed his pants quickly, he went back in the past and headed Northwest and asked George Vancoover about how he pooped in the 1790s... and then asked the first people to poop on a plane what that felt liked.

And Poopy Lou wore his name proudly... and everyone lived happily ever after!



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