Favorites The X Files- So I was nervous about this... but also excited and I did a whole review on the premiere... but it needed a shout out here too because it was really good and I loved it honestly. It was good and I just like it being back on. Check out my review here . The Hamilton Soundtrack- I've been talking about this one a lot too... but the music is so good! I mentioned loving Apple Music last week and I feel like I'm trying to get into other cds... but this one is just so good! I want to eventually see it live... but if I can't I feel like I have a good grasp of the characters from this musical. And I think its pretty accurate. I kind of wonder if Hamilton really wrote Anjelica a letter that said My Dearest, Angelica instead of My Dearest Angelica... that seems like it could have happened.I don't know... so that was good. Periscope- This is weird... but a pretty fun app! There are some people I follow on youtube that go on Periscope and they hang out...