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Weekly Favorites 8/3/15

So I do this on my beauty blog and I've done it before... its kind of like an It List... but sometimes things get lost when I mention it. I finished Looking for Alaska after my July It List, but before August, and I felt like that deserved a shout out other than a review and it is amazing and you guys should read it before the movie because... idk I think it'll work better as a book than a movie, but regardless I don't want what I'm reading now to get lost in the shuffle... so here are my loves this week.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green- I didn't get to see the movie of this... but I wanted to, but I already knew the ending and there was a lot out last summer and this didn't make the cut... so I didn't see this yet, but I'm almost done with this book and I'm loving it so much. I just really like the characters and the story isn't a total love story or a total cancer story. Its just a good story that happens to have teenagers falling in love in it and they happen to have cancer. I feel like so many books now kind of exploit tragedies to make things seem romantic and interesting, and they never are in real life... and I think a lot of books romanticize having cancer and stuff like that, which is horrible and based on the fandom of this book, I kind of thought that would be an issue... but it doesn't. Its just a really good well written book that says yeah, cancer sucks. Being a teenager sucks. Being in love can suck, but its also nice and everything is everything. John Green has quickly become one of my favorite writers and I'm excited to finish this book even though I know the end... and I'm excited to read An Abundance of Kathrines... but I'm also a little bummed cause thats the last book of his I have to read! Ughhh! Lol. I'm still loving this though and I can see myself reading this multiple times cause so far its my favorite of his.

Paper Towns was actually a really funny book though, so thats a good one to read too. Lol.

Wet Hot American Summer: First Day Of Camp- This will probably make its way to my it list, but I just finished watching it last night and it is BONKERS and amazing. Its just as funny as the movie... idk if its BETTER than the movie, but it makes me appreciate the movie even more. Its great too because pretty much the whole original cast is back, plus other great people... and there are some great characters that didn't get a lot of time in the movie, but the TV show allows for a lot more time for everyone... so Elizabeth Banks, Amy Poehler, Molly Shannon, Janeane Garofalo, and Bradley Cooper are all in it a little longer... which definitely makes a big deal.

If you didn't like the movie, I feel like the tv show is a little easier to follow and appreciate, so you might still like the TV show. The movie doesn't really have a plot, but the TV show really develops the plot and characters without being overly structured. Its just funny. I'm going to do a full review on this and maybe delve more into the characters and what I thought really worked for the series... but yes. It is a favorite.

Vita Tops Muffin Tops in Deep Chocolate- Ohhh my god these are amazing. These are like the most delicious brownie type of thing ever and they're only 100 calories and have a lot of vitamins and healthy stuff in them too. I usually eat these for breakfast because they're filling and a good way to start your day. I like to have some cereal along with it, usually I'll sprinkle like a handful or 2 of a sugary cereal with it just for it to be more "breakfast-y". I've done the Minion Cereal with it, the Cap'n Crunch donut cereal, Regular Cap'n Crunch and Trix... its just really good. Really sweet. I usually feel like I need some sort of dessert... but with these I feel like it satisfies all of my cravings, and it is actually filling. So that is quite awesome.

I freeze them and heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds... amazing.

That's all for this week! I  think I might do these weekly favorites things more often and just pick 3 things I really like for any specific week and then just roll with it. What do you think? Lol.



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