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Scribbles About News Topics: Participation Trophies and Plus Sizes

So this isn't a full on "Stuff that happened this week" news post, its more of an opinion type of thing. These issues I can kind of see both sides of the issue and Idk if I'm really going to take a side for either one.

Should We Have Participation Trophies for Kids? 

So some Athlete this week said its not a good thing to have Participation Trophies for kids because they need to be told that hard work pays off and that you have to work hard to win and that winners get the trophy.

I think that kind of makes sense... but at the same time, I feel like Participation Trophies are an important part of being a kid... and I think if you're  going to give a kid something for participating, it should be in sports. I feel like getting a small trophy or ribbon or something for a team that didn't win but played is an okay thing. Everyone knows that they still lost... I don't totally think its sending out a mixed signal. I feel like if you give a kindergartener a participation trophy... its not really going to matter if they won or lost. At that age you're pretty young and you just want something or you'll cry and I feel like... thats not the time to teach kids the importance of hard work or anything like that. I think they'll find out when they're older... let them just have fun playing the sport and participating. Otherwise they'll be a bad sport about it and probably hurt the other team's feelings.

I feel like once they get to third grade maybe... they should stop it. Because then its just kind of embarrassing to just have a participation trophy and I think they should know that. Its also kind of like... Most kids are probably not that interested in the sports they're playing but they probably like going outside and running or something like that. Its not the most important thing in the world. I'm not athletic. Never was, never will be. Does that mean I'm not competitive? Hell no. If I'm doing something I really care about I want to win. I want to be better than everyone else and I kind of think I am better than everyone else... lol. I don't mean that in a selfish way... but I think Highly of myself because thats how I am.

It also doesn't mean you can't be in shape or anything. I work out pretty much every day now and I like doing it and I like beating myself in different things. And I've probably never had a participation trophy, but I don't think its affected my view on the world either way. And pretty much the only time you can win something without really trying is when your a kid and winning a participation trophy... and I think it should be that way. We shouldn't force kids to grow up too fast, and train them to be super athletes.

And I think at that age, the "hard work" thing should be in school work. I mean not everyone is going to be an athlete, thats just a fact... but everyone needs to learn how to read and write... and thats a pretty big thing in kindergarten. Its not like they give stickers if you get an F. You want to get an A so you can get a sticker. Plus if you're an athlete, you need to keep your grades up and maintain a certain GPA anyway... and although its pretty corrupt and teachers definitely change an D to a C so that college athletes can stay on their teams... it should be that way. You need to work hard in more than just sports to be an athlete... so yeah. Its kind of a ridiculous thing that there are participation trophies... but from kindergarten to second grade... I don't think its going to make enough of a difference to take away... after 2nd grade though... kids kinda know its not real and if they really care they'll be embarrassed so they shouldn't really give them out after. Lol. Just my opinion. I can see if you're totally against them... I just don't think its going to matter that much either way.

Should there be "Plus Sized" labels for clothes? 

No... I mean this isn't something I knew I felt that strongly about until this morning... but there shouldn't really be plus sized labels. For a number of reasons. And I don't mind being thought of as Plus Sized at all... I don't think theres anything wrong with shopping the plus sized section, going to plus sized stores or going online to buy an extended size of something...

But if you think about it this way... there are no Plus Sized Clothes for men. Thats kind of crazy right? There are "Big and Tall" stores, but no Plus Sized stores... which just seems very problematic to me. Idk I feel like theres a more powerful image to the phrase "big and tall" than the phrase "plus sized" and it really has a lot to do with how society views men vs how society views women. Its like why Target stopped labeling the Boys and Girls section for toys... which to me is a relief lol. Its already embarrassing enough that I buy Minion toys, why do they need to be in the Boys aisle too? Makes little sense. And I don't really think that is that offensive to be honest... You can buy men's clothes... why not toys? There are bigger issues that are oppressing young boys and girls besides the labeling of their toys... but still. I guess its a move in the right direction.

But why still have labels on clothes like that? That's pretty messed up and offensive to me if you think about it.

Also I'm not a fan of when websites say "EXTENDED SIZES ONLINE". Let's take American Eagle for example. American Eagle is a great retailer that has made me look good and feel good in their clothes, which I've been buying for years and I've been a lot of different sizes and I've felt good in their clothes. I don't think they're just a store for skinny people.

But its a little weird that they go from a size 12 in stores and online, only in some things they'll go up to a size 14 and say "extended sizes online." I get that the bigger sizes might not be as popular and that they might not sell well in stores and that they probably have a reason for doing what they do... but really. Extended sizes when its just one size and one size up? Thats a little weird right? And it isn't for every item in the store that they have these sizes... which is also weird.

Idk I just feel like there isn't a need for these labels and I feel like it'd be better if we didn't have them. In France I saw an underwear store that had an xxxl thong in an underwear store that wasn't a plus sized store or anything like that... they had smalls x smalls and xxsmalls there also I think... so yeah... there really isn't a need. You know what fits you and what doesn't... don't put me in a label.

Alrighty that is everything I think. Hope this little opinion thing was interesting for the day!



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