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Chart Chat! August 24th, 2015

I haven't done one of these in a while and they're quite fun! So lets start!


iTunes Top 5 

5) Drag Me Down by One Direction- Of corse a One Direction song is #5! Its a new song though so I think it will creep up the charts quite fast. Let me hear the sample on iTunes... Its pretty good. Zane was the hottest so it is sad that he's not part of the band anymore... but its still pretty good and he supports the band still and tweeted that he was proud of his boys! It sounds quite a bit like Maroon 5... different for One D... but still good. Pretty good.

4) Watch Me (Whip/ Nae Nae) by Silento- Not sure if this is just a terrible sample... but this is definitely one of the 5 worst songs of all time I'd be safe to say... yep probably in the top 3. I really hate it. This is annoying as hell. When I started the preview it just said "Now do the stanky leg. Now Do the stanky leg." like 5 times and then it just got worse. This is unironically horrible and I hate it. If you like this song... re evaluate your life. It is bad!

3) The Hills by The Weekend- Better than the other song from the weekend thats popular and certainly better than the last song... but still. I just f*cked to bitches before I saw you. Really? I don't like that. Its catchy though. Offensive to women but catchy. All that matters right? It'll get old fast.

2) Locked Away by R. City ft. Adam Levine- Adam Levine creeps me out for some reason... catchy again. Yeah I can dig this one. I feel like this will also get old fast... but it isn't bad at all really... yeah. I can deal with this. R City is probably going places.

1) I Can't Feel My Face by The Weekend- I hate this song. It isn't even catchy. Like say what you will about songs like "Shut Up and Dance With Me," "Uptown Funk" and "Happy"... but they're a lot better than this crap. I just feel like "hey this is overplayed... but the songs that were overplayed a few years ago or a few months ago are still better than this crap. I'd pick this over Megan Trainor Though.

Which I was hoping would be on this chart. My #1 least favorite song is Marvin Gaye by Megan Trainor and Charlie Puth... Have they even heard of Marvin Gaye? It doesn't even sound like its paying homage to him or anything in any way. I'd pick all of these songs over that song in a heartbeat... even watch me... lol.


5) The Man From U.N.C.L.E- This got really bad reviews, but I still want to see it kind of. When its on tv I'll watch it... I won't watch it in theaters. It really isn't usually worth paying to see a movie in August... but I also don't always trust the critics. This seems like it won't be critically acclaimed and it might be really bad but in all honesty its probably still fun to watch and thats all I really care about. So maybe its horrible, maybe its amazing... but this is one I'd see on tv. Lol.

4) Hitman: Agent 47- I've never heard of this movie and apparently its a sequel to another movie I've never heard of called Hitman... that probably also came out in August. I clicked onto IMDB and the first person Billed in this movie is an actress named Angelababy... which sounds about right. Zachary Quinto is also in it... he's famous I think. Lol I know he is... but he's such an odd person it just seems funny that he does like serious movies but he's also a huge action star. But I think thats cool, he's always breaking negative gay stereotypes in my opinion and always reinvents himself whether he's Spock, some action movie star, the bad guy in AHS, An "abusive and angry" husband on "The Slap", Tom in The Glass Menagerie... he always does something cool, different and unexpected which I really admire him for.

The synopsis of this movie on IMDB is "An Assassin teams up with a woman to help her find her father and uncover the mysteries of her ancestry." That doesn't sound bad. This is probably worth watching, and its #4 and I've never heard of it... so thats cool.

3) Sinister 2- This is another sequel and a horror movie. I feel like sometimes in horror... the commercials try to hard to scare you and they're never... that scary. Like they do a lot of gross out factors, not a lot of plot describing and then if they do audience reactions of them getting scared... that makes me not want to see a horror movie. And I don't watch a ton of horror movies because of that... but idk. I don't even know what this one is thats a thing. Lol.

Also based on a video game... maybe? Not sure.

2) Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation- Still holding strong even though its been out for 4 weeks. I really think this is a cool franchise. I'm not that into action movies or anything... but its cool that its held up this long and these movies don't seem to be slipping in quality at all. I feel like this is the American James Bond type of movie... which is also really cool. I've never seen any of the Mission Impossible movies but I like Tom Cruise as an actor, I always think he's fun to watch and you won't have a bad time seeing a Tom Cruise movie even if he is a crazy person. I think he's pretty cool.

1) Straight Outta Compton- This movie is probably really great. I forgot this was out now too, its been getting good reviews and everyone seems excited for it. I think I'll definitely watch this when its on tv. I don't know that much about it other than it looks cool and there are filters for it... lol. I know its about the hip hop scene back when it was good... before the top charts looked something like it does now. I always think thats interesting. Take something popular today thats changed a lot and show how it got its start. Thats always cool right?

So yeah, negative note on the music mostly... but the movies all sound okay. Its funny that I think Straight Outta Compton is the only original movie on the board... but thats cool. At least more people want to see it than 50 million sequels and remakes... not that the other movies sound bad at all... but still. Idk if this was a remake or not either, maybe it is but it seems the most different than the others. Lol.



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