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10 Comedies I Recommend You Watch

I've done a lot of "my favorite movie" lists and stuff like that... but right now I'm just going to recommend 5 movies that I think everyone can enjoy. These aren't necessarily the things I watch the most, and they aren't necessarily anything underrated or unheard of... These are just kind of what I think will be universally loved and they definitely are on my list... and there are probably a lot of people my age that haven't seen them. Everyone my age knows Mean Girls and Superbad, but have they ever seen The Big Lebowski? Maybe not.

1) The Big Lebowski- Definitely a strong favorite of mine. I haven't seen this a ton of times... but its got that 90s charm that you just don't see in movies any more and its just so funny. Jeff Bridges is amazing in it. I feel like now he's mostly a serious actor and I feel like that really adds to this performance cause its a big comedy and there are no like serious undertones to the movies or anything... but I feel like if Will Ferrel did this or something... it would still be amazing... lol. Let me think of someone that is hilarious but probably can't do this... Paul Rudd? Yeah I think if Paul Rudd were in this movie it'd be pretty bad.

2) Role Models- This was my favorite movie for like a few weeks when I first saw it. And I watched it again recently and it holds up, and Paul Rudd is in this movie and he's funny. This one might not be as "universally enjoyable" as the other movies I'm mentioning here... but I definitely feel like this deserves a ton of credit and its really funny. My mom liked it... so thats something. I feel like there was a really good movie marathon on Comedy Central when I saw this last and I think they played this, mean girls, the hangover and Zach and Miri Make a Porno... and I think I liked this better than The Hangover. Maybe its because this works better censored... maybe its because the Hangover had sequels, or maybe I've just seen it too many times... but I think I liked this better. Zach and Miri was surprisingly good too, I had never seen that before and I feel like thats another kind of underrated comedy.

Also I pretty much like all David Wain movies... I think he's brilliant. I don't know if I've seen anything other than this and the next one I'm going to mention... but this one is good.

3) Wet Hot American Summer- I liked this movie a lot when The Hangover first came out cause I knew Bradley Cooper was in it and I had a big crush on him and I knew Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter were in it, and I was really into them at the time because Michael and Michael Have Issues was on and they were always super nice and had twitter parties and stuff... but yeah. This gets funnier the more you watch it... so I could easily watch this like 100 times and still absolutely love it. This is one you may like or hate or just not get. I've heard it is a very American movie, I've heard people from Europe say they just don't get the humor, so I guess it is quite specific and since American is in the title that makes sense to me. I think I may have a greater appreciation for it now that the series is over.

4) My Big Fat Greek Wedding- I believe this is the 2nd highest Independent movie of all time and probably still the highest grossing romantic comedy of all time. I've seen this 100 times. This is a movie that if its on, I will stop what I'm doing and just watch it. This, Mean Girls and Bridesmaids I think are my 3 movies that that happens with and this is probably what I've seen the most and still love it. I actually know every word to it. It is probably one of my Top 10 Movies of ALL Time. It might even be my favorite non-cartoon movie... I don't know.

5) Tammy- This got bad reviews but I kind of love it. This is one where I can stop what I'm doing and watch too, even though I've probably only watched it twice. This reminds me of Trainwreck a little too. I think if you liked Trainwreck and you want more, this is a good one to watch. I just found it really good. I don't know.

6) The Brother's Soloman- This movie is REALLY funny. Its about these two dumb brothers who's father was really great to them and did everything for them. He moved them to the North Pole and home schooled them because their mother died and they wanted to live where Santa lived. And they're grown up and really awkward and their father goes into a coma and they hear that if a man has something to look forward to, he might wake up from a coma... so they decide to do IVF with some woman they meet online and its just really funny and really good. It stars Will Arnett, Will Forte and Kristin Wiig. My mom got this for me randomly for Christmas because she used to work at a book and DVD store and they had this and she knew I loved Arrested Development and Will Arnett. And this is actually super funny. I haven't seen it in years and the humor is stupid and its a low budget indie movie, but I'm looking at it on my DVD shelf right now and I'm like "why does no one talk about this?"

7) Office Space- This movie is brilliant. The end? I didn't love it the first time I watched it actually, but Mike Judge is kind of the best and this movie is kind of amazing. I love the Damn it Feels good to be a gangster... I think thats going to go on my Movie Soundtrack. Side Note: I'm picking out songs I want to have in a movie and I'm going to try to write a comedy based on those songs. So far its mostly rap along with Mercedes Benz from Janis Joplin... which is a brilliant song. Lol. Anyway yeah. Office Space. Watch it as an adult, don't watch it in High School. I didn't love it in High school and I do now.

8) Addams Family Values- This is definitely a favorite of mine. Its just the best. The Thanksgiving camp scene? Joan Cusak? All amazing. Its really funny now to see Joan Cusak playing the villain cause she always plays the mom and things like that... but she's so wicked and such a babe in this movie that she's absolutely perfect. And also Christopher Lloyd is super funny and I feel like he's not in everything the way that he used to be. He was really great too.

9) Borat- This was like such a big deal when it came out and it was like the fad immediately went away after! Seriously if you try to make a Borat joke now, people will think you're a total asshole... but the movie is just so funny that it still holds up. I love Sasha Baron Cohen... but I feel like nothing he does will ever be as good as Borat or Ali G. A lot of my friends like The Dictator... compared to this its NOTHING.

Also fun fact: This movie came out when I was 15 and my parents took me to see it. And in High School at the time I would quote this, The Office and Arrested Development at the time. I would tell my friends "Have a fun sexy time" in the awkward tone of George Michael from Arrested Development and then the kids that made fun of me would be like "Do your Borat impression." And I was like "I never did one." And also I saw it in theaters and none of them saw the movie till it was on DVD and hearing a bunch of High Schoolers doing bad impressions of Borat back then... is like hearing people doing bad impressions of Borat now. (Arrested Development was not popular at all at the time... so it was pretty much me that got it... but George Michael saying that was just so funny.)

Also mine was and is still pretty damn good. This is a funny movie and one of those things that whenever its on I'll watch.

10) Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle- This last one is one of my favorites... which I'm saying about all of these but still... its really funny. I thought it would be stupid and terrible but it is one of my favorite movies... and as an overall series its pretty great. The second one I didn't like that much, but its still watchable and laughable I think. The third one is good. It also takes place in New Jersey... which I think is extra funny. And people like Ryan Reynolds and Anthony Anderson who are super famous now have cameos in it, which is fun to look back on. Ohh and Chris Meloni from Law and Order is Freakshow... so yeah. Pretty funny.

I'm not saying these are the 10 best comedies of all time... but you never really hear about any of these and they're all really good and worth watching. So watch them!


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