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Scribbles About News: 8/9/15

1) New Ghostbusters Visit Children's Hospital in Full Costume- This is fairly awesome news! The Ladies of the new Ghostbusters Reboot coming out next summer visited a Children's Hospital in Boston in their ghost-busting gear and everything! Thats pretty cool! The movie is currently filming in Boston and it only seems right to visit a children's hospital while filming right? Even if they don't know what exactly ghostbusters are yet, I'm sure there will be a resurgence in the toys and maybe even a cartoon network marathon of the cartoon show or something! How cool would that be!?!?! Pretty cool.

Here's a picture!

2) Hitch-bot who runs on the kindness of strangers decapitated in USA- This is kind of a bummer. There is a Robot that runs on the kindness of strangers. Made it through Canada on kindness fine. Germany? Fine. The Netherlands? Of corse its fine. USA? Nope. I've heard reports that it made it through Philly and it was vandalized or it made it through DC and was decapitated. Either way, really America? We can't be nice to a robot. Actually maybe thats best. We start trusting these nice robots first, and thats when they'll take over and replace us. 

3) Amy Schumer teams up with cousin, Senator Chuck Schumer to speak out against gun violence- I reported last week that she was working on something to honor Mayci and Jillian, the two victims that were shot during a showing of Amy's movie Trainwreck and she tweeted that she had a plan to speak out against gun violence... and this is how she's starting. She really wasted no time and just teamed up with her cousin and now they're seeking to end gun violence. New York is also looking to end the sale of toy guns... which I'm not sure is related but I think its a good step forward for this movement. I don't necessarily think thats the problem... but I feel like there is no need for a toy gun because guns aren't toys. We need to end this and these are some good steps to try and end it. 

4) Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale getting a divorce- After 13 years of marriage, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale are splitting. The 2 have 3 kids together and Gwen Stefani is my enemy. Whenever I hear a song from her, something bad happens, with the exception of Rich Girl... which is my least favorite song of hers. So thats not fun. Lol. I hope one day if I get super famous, she has bad luck any time she sees me. Thats a terrible thing to say, lol. Really though I wish Gwen Stefani best of luck in all of her endeavors, I am a fan... I just can't listen to her or else something bad will happen. 

5)Zooey Deschanel weds Jacob Pechenik and gives birth to Baby Girl- Well after the sad couple news, Zooey Deschanel is reported to have just married her long term boyfriend and the two welcomed a baby girl together also! That girls gonna be the cutest, quirkiest, funniest most awesome feminist lady ever when she grows up! Way to go Zooey! Congrats to the very very happy couple (I use 2 verys because a baby and a wedding is just exciting!) 

6) Miss Piggy and Kermit Call it Quits- After being engaged for like... forever, in a recent press interview, Miss Piggy announced that she and Kermit the Frog were no longer an item. I know that they were just in 2 movies together and now they have a tv show and it must be hard to work with your significant other... but somehow I think that Pig and Frog will end up together. 

7) Lenny Kravitz rips his pants in public and Kevin Bacon's Free The Bacon PSA- Lenny Kravitz recently ripped his pants in public and accidentally exposed himself to the audience of the concert he was playing at. This would be embarrassing... but I'm imagining Lenny Kravitz's penis is not something embarrassing or that his fans minded seeing it. Lol. So thats pretty cool. 

In other male nudity news, Kevin Bacon did a fake PSA that is pro male nudity and it was pretty awesome. Its definitely worth watching. I thought I'd have more to say on that... but I don't. I'll put the video in the clickables because its good. 

8) Community Canceled Again- Community has been cancelled from Yahoo... which sucks but I think it makes sense. I didn't watch it on Yahoo... and it wasn't bad... but Yahoo isn't for tv. I did watch Burning Love on Yahoo... but I think sadly the world has kind of moved on and it really can't last for more than 6 seasons and a movie... which will hopefully still happen. I am going to start to watch Rick and Morty and listen to Harmontown to fill the void... and yeah. Something was missing this year without Shirley especially. A lot of people were leaving, and I think I'd love to see them all on other things... so I hope to see a movie... hopefully with Troy also... but yeah. I've made peace with it ending cause I didn't watch all of season 6... and it wasn't bad... but it wasn't the same and I accept that. 

9) Jennifer Aniston marries Justin Theroux- Not to much to comment on. Jennifer Aniston got married. Way to go Jen. 

10) Frank Gifford dies at age 84- Not to much to say on this one either, but my thoughts are with his family, Kathie Lee and their children. 

Weekly Clickables 

129 of the most beautiful shots in movie history (sorry I wrote it down wrong at first... lol) 

Hope Everyone is having a great Sunday! 



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