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Scribbles About Movies: Inside Out

I'm a little late to the game on this one... but its a Pixar Movie! I can't just not see a Pixar Movie (except I've never seen Cars 2) so I had to see this one!

I had already kind of known a lot about the movie that you aren't supposed to know when seeing it... but I didn't think it was that big of a deal and I didn't like the movie any less knowing the big secret. That is of corse the Bing Bong reveal which was very well done and beautifully written, even if you did know what he was to Riley. I don't want to reveal any spoilers, but online everyone was like "Why Bing Bong was kept under wraps" and stuff like that... to me it really wasn't. I saw Bing Bong while looking for Inside Out Toys, and You can guess what role he plays in the movie by A) Knowing the plot of the movie and B) Seeing what he looks like. And thats brilliant in and of itself. When you see a mysterious character and you know exactly what its supposed to be without question, that just shows that they got it right. And the fact that I knew what was going to happen I don't think was predictable or a writing flaw or anything... I think it was brilliantly real. And that is what I thought of the whole cartoon.

Really, you can do all the science you want... we aren't sure how the brain works... but this movie got it down pretty exact. When I went home I found a bug in the tub with me, and I felt like Disgust took over and then fear because I didn't know what to do, then I got the idea to squish it, then more disgust because its guts were all over the tub and anger because I hate it when that happens. And then a certain joy and relief when it was over. It makes sense to me that this is how the brain works. And sure, its a cartoon... but its a good cartoon and the fact that this all seems real to me is pretty great.

I also loved that this was a movie about growing up. When you're a kid, things aren't hard. All your memories are happy and all of your emotions are happy and you can have an imaginary friend and its all good. But when you're growing up, things get really hard. Things get sad and scary and you get angry about them so you're emotions aren't all the same.

I also love that it kind of gave us a hint at what the parents were going through without flat out saying anything. In Riley's Mom's head, Sadness was in control, because she's probably depressed about the move. In Riley's Dad's head Anger was in control because he was angry at his job and he was really stressed out. You could also see that the emotions inside the grown ups head were more in control because they had been through what the emotions in Riley's head were going through and they knew what it was about. I felt this whole backstory of those emotions when Riley's parents were young and seeing them go through a similar adventure to Joy and Sadness and thats how they got their act together.

And on Hello Giggles there was an article praising the movie for showing depression in a really real way... and yeah. They did. They don't know why its there, but there has to be sadness otherwise we don't really know any of the other emotions. And Sadness is always sad and thats really how sadness feels sometimes. You don't know why but you can't do anything and everything hurts and its sad. But you kind of need it so that you can feel joy and all the other emotions... which are important too. (also there is some irony here. I realize Augustus Waters had an encouragement in his house that had that saying and it was bullshit... which yeah in Augustus's situation it sort of was... but without crying over spilled milk, you can't be happy for getting a new glass of milk you know? I'll be reviewing The Fault In Our Stars soon... lol.)

And because this movie felt so real, it made me cry probably more than any other movie has. Just at the end when Riley is hugging her parents... not a big spoiler... I cried really hard at that point. It was so sweet and I just thought it was really great.

I'm pretty big on Cartoons... if you haven't noticed... and I would say this is one of my favorites right now. My favorite of corse is the Despicable Me/Minions franchise, then Monsters Inc then I think this and Finding Nemo... I also love Up and Wall E I think those are the most romantic movies of all time and the toy stories are great... and some of the disney classics and Tangled... lol. Wide variety, but I definitely think this is 3rd. It reminded me a lot of Toy Story and I thought it was great that the main character showed a girl growing up whereas in Toy Story it showed a boy growing up. Especially since most movies are geared towards boys now anyway because they get more money that way... it was powerful to me. I thought they did a really great job.

It also doesn't hurt that they cast pretty much the 5 funniest people in the world as the emotions. Amy Poehler, Mindy Kaling, Bill Hader, Lewis Black and Phyliss Smith? Amazing.

So yeah. I'd give this an A+, 5 stars, probably going to win Best Animated Movie of the Year against Minions, and I'm okay with that.

Go see it!



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