So I'll admit it... I'm a weirdo. I do weird things. I think everyone is a weirdo and if you aren't a weirdo... you're probably even weirder than the people that are weird... so that is a thing! Think about it.
The weirdest thing that I've done for the longest time and consistently do it I think is that if I eat something with a face like a keebler elf or a mini santa or bunny or something, I have to kiss it before I eat it. And this all started when I was in pre-school and the Keebler elf cookies with the actual pictures of the keebler elves on it first came out and I thought that it was mean to eat it because it looked like a person and my sister said to kiss it before you eat it... and then I told my pre school class and some mean kid that I didn't like said "bite its head off before you eat it." Which is mean and duh you're eating it thats kind of what you do anyway. But now I still pretty much always do it whether I am in public or by myself just out of absolute habit. I feel like its a little way of pretasting it, I like the way the texture feels I guess before I eat it... and yeah. Thats a thing. I don't even realize I do it most of the times I do it, I just do it without thinking and I'm like "you know you're 23 now... you don't have to do this." But no... I just like to think I'm whimsical. Lol.
When I grew up and went to college I started burping a lot when no one was around me and then I realized I didn't have to say excuse me... so now I just burp out loud. I used to be really good at covering my burps... my friends had never noticed a time when I burped... but now I burp a lot and probably in public and I don't really say excuse me anymore because I'm an adult... lol. No thats not true usually I get kind of embarrassed and then I'll say excuse me, but I feel like that is the ultimate status of being an adult.
I used to do accents a lot and I did an italian restaurant in an italian restaurant once and that wasn't a good idea cause it was just a mario impression. And also I memorized every line to My Big Fat Greek Wedding and then only did Greek accents... and now I can do basically no accents or impressions UNLESS Nick Kroll has done a character with that accent. I can do El Chupacabra pretty well, I think Liz and Liz's voices are my actual voices and I just tone it down a lot in real life, I've been doing Sylvester Stallone a lot recently which is really fun... Also I sing Uptown Funk in the voice of Paul F. Tompkin's version of Santa Clause... so thats a thing.
Theres a Stanley Tucci cookbook out... this really has nothing to do with weird things about me, but I think its pretty funny and I want it to be called "cookin with the tucch... and it isn't. So I'm sad.
I really love a good bad movie. Nicholas Cage is one of my favorite actors and Keaunu Reeves is probably another favorite... lol. They're so good. I love the How Did This Get Made podcast because they watch bad movies and do a whole show about it... which is amazing. I watched Glitter because of that podcast... Such an amazing movie. I urge you all to watch it... its fantastic.
I don't drive. But neither does Tina Fey... so I'm good.
I also sometimes just speak a nonsense language to myself. This is especially helpful if you have a song stuck in your head. Let's Say Too Many Cooks gets stuck in your head, just start singing it with nonsense lyrics until you can't sing anymore. Than it'll get stuck out of your head. And not in your normal voice because I don't see how you can do a different language in your regular accent.
I started calling my dog Spencer Spensario because I thought it sounded a little more Italian and he is a maltese, so I thought that would work. I got my whole family calling him that now because its catchy. Lol. I also say Puppario, which does sound like it could legitimately mean puppy in another language... unfortunately I did take a semester of Italian, and I may not know the language very well... but I know enough that puppario is not a word in Italian. Lol.
There are probably many more weird things... but this is what I'm comfortable sharing right now.
The weirdest thing that I've done for the longest time and consistently do it I think is that if I eat something with a face like a keebler elf or a mini santa or bunny or something, I have to kiss it before I eat it. And this all started when I was in pre-school and the Keebler elf cookies with the actual pictures of the keebler elves on it first came out and I thought that it was mean to eat it because it looked like a person and my sister said to kiss it before you eat it... and then I told my pre school class and some mean kid that I didn't like said "bite its head off before you eat it." Which is mean and duh you're eating it thats kind of what you do anyway. But now I still pretty much always do it whether I am in public or by myself just out of absolute habit. I feel like its a little way of pretasting it, I like the way the texture feels I guess before I eat it... and yeah. Thats a thing. I don't even realize I do it most of the times I do it, I just do it without thinking and I'm like "you know you're 23 now... you don't have to do this." But no... I just like to think I'm whimsical. Lol.
When I grew up and went to college I started burping a lot when no one was around me and then I realized I didn't have to say excuse me... so now I just burp out loud. I used to be really good at covering my burps... my friends had never noticed a time when I burped... but now I burp a lot and probably in public and I don't really say excuse me anymore because I'm an adult... lol. No thats not true usually I get kind of embarrassed and then I'll say excuse me, but I feel like that is the ultimate status of being an adult.
I used to do accents a lot and I did an italian restaurant in an italian restaurant once and that wasn't a good idea cause it was just a mario impression. And also I memorized every line to My Big Fat Greek Wedding and then only did Greek accents... and now I can do basically no accents or impressions UNLESS Nick Kroll has done a character with that accent. I can do El Chupacabra pretty well, I think Liz and Liz's voices are my actual voices and I just tone it down a lot in real life, I've been doing Sylvester Stallone a lot recently which is really fun... Also I sing Uptown Funk in the voice of Paul F. Tompkin's version of Santa Clause... so thats a thing.
Theres a Stanley Tucci cookbook out... this really has nothing to do with weird things about me, but I think its pretty funny and I want it to be called "cookin with the tucch... and it isn't. So I'm sad.
I really love a good bad movie. Nicholas Cage is one of my favorite actors and Keaunu Reeves is probably another favorite... lol. They're so good. I love the How Did This Get Made podcast because they watch bad movies and do a whole show about it... which is amazing. I watched Glitter because of that podcast... Such an amazing movie. I urge you all to watch it... its fantastic.
I don't drive. But neither does Tina Fey... so I'm good.
I also sometimes just speak a nonsense language to myself. This is especially helpful if you have a song stuck in your head. Let's Say Too Many Cooks gets stuck in your head, just start singing it with nonsense lyrics until you can't sing anymore. Than it'll get stuck out of your head. And not in your normal voice because I don't see how you can do a different language in your regular accent.
I started calling my dog Spencer Spensario because I thought it sounded a little more Italian and he is a maltese, so I thought that would work. I got my whole family calling him that now because its catchy. Lol. I also say Puppario, which does sound like it could legitimately mean puppy in another language... unfortunately I did take a semester of Italian, and I may not know the language very well... but I know enough that puppario is not a word in Italian. Lol.
There are probably many more weird things... but this is what I'm comfortable sharing right now.
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