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Chart Chat! April 6th 2015

So I really like doing these potsts. Its based off of the podcast Who Charted pretty much where they talk to guests and get to know them a little better based off the weekly charts in music and movies. I just post the top 5 movies and itunes chart and say how it pertains to my life... so its my take. Not the most original idea ever... but I like knowing what the top contenders are and I like talking about them... so that is that!

5) Insurgent- This has been out for 3 weeks and is still holding pretty strong at the box office. A lot of these top movies have been out for a few weeks now, except number 1... which if you haven't heard about yet... you might be living under a rock or something. Lol. Anyway this is also based on a popular book series... I own the first Divergent book, haven't read it yet... but it sounds good. Ansel Elgort is in it and I have a little crush on him even though I've never seen a movie of his and he is a tiny bit young for me...  well not really, I think he's 20... thats still a little weird. Anyway, yeah this is a movie thats out based on a book that teenagers and preteens like. Its the new Hunger Games and its probably good.

Side note: My friend told me she thought the book was going to have a boring female lead after I bought it and she didn't think I would like it, which is why it took such a long time for me to read this book. My friend did not read the book but did see the first movie and she really liked it! So that annoyed me a little. Lol. I hope she doesn't read this blog and get mad at me, I'm saying this in a jokey fun way... I do stuff like that all the time... but this was like "really? I'm behind on a trend that you now like." Lol.

4) Cinderella- This has been out for 4 weeks and it looks really good. And from what I've heard it is really good. I have not seen it yet, I haven't seen a movie since 50 Shades of Grey I believe... which if you've seen... you can see how you might not want to see another movie right away. Lol. I kind of want to see this... I may just wait till its out on tv or on demand. I like this fairy tale thing thats going on. Cinderella doesn't seem like the most exciting one to do... but this version looks interesting. I also like Kenneth Branaugh, who directed this movie and yeah. It seems as though he did a great job. Helena Bonham Carter looks awesome in it, she probably isn't in it much. The Frozen Short is before this... which I should have seen by now but whatever. Lol. Anyway it looks pretty okay and I want to see it, just haven't gotten there yet.

3) Get Hard- This has been out for 2 weeks and from what I've heard it sucks... which makes me sad. I love Will Ferrell. Kevin Hart is also one of the funniest people right now... The commercials looked funny enough... but they're saying its offensive and people seem to not quite be getting it. It is supposed to be a complete satire and I kind of think people are taking it too seriously. I've also heard that its still not that funny even if it is a satire... idk how much I believe all of this. I'm probably not going to pay to see the movie, but Idk. I really love Will Ferrell and if the movie is half as funny as his promotions for it, it should be pretty good. I don't want to say anything bad about it because I admire Will Ferrell to much... so I'm biased... but its legit right?

2) Home- This has been out for 2 weeks and it looks adorable. They promoted the crap out of this movie! The commercials just get me with the "I am Throwing my hands in the air like I just do not care." It looks a little kiddish to really hold my attention span...  but it also looks good. I think Rihanna is actually really funny and she has such a cute lively personality I could definitely see her doing more animated movies. I think this seems to be a hit, so hopefully she'll be in more stuff. More movies too, I know she hasn't been in many movies, but I think she's good. She was in This is The End and she was funny. She actually slapped Mike Cera in the face because he was actually hitting her bum and thats just funny and she seems like a good sport for that... and obviously Michael Cera is the most professional actor ever, so it worked.

1) Furious 7- That is right the final Fast and Furious movie wins the box office in its opening weekend with 143.62 million dollars. It's being predicted as possibly one of the biggest movies ever. I've never seen a Fast and Furious movie... I want to because they seem like soap operas for men with cars... Which is my kind of genre lol. Anyway I remember my friends were angry over the end of Fast and Furious 6 because of something with the combination of this and the Tokyo Drift movies... idk how it works. I've never seen any of them... but I mean obviously this is completely different than that because... they were working with much MUCH different circumstances. The star of the franchise died before finishing filming, which is very sad, but they finished the movie up by having Paul Walker's Brothers play his character and they superimposed Paul's face on their bodies... which I believe is the first time this has been done... and its risky, but I think thats pretty awesome. From what I heard it turned out really good.

I feel like this type of technology fits the overall theme of the film also. They've been making these movies for forever. I remember 2 fast 2 furious came out when I was in 5th grade. And these were always pretty advanced as far as technology comes to begin with... but the fact that they're finishing it up that way seems like a huge step in the technological advances that we've seen through all the films. Not "we" as in me, but you know fans of the film that are real film nerds might notice this and appreciate it. I think its cool and different. I feel like Paul Walker would be happy that they're honoring his memory this way and that they even got his brothers involved in the process as well. So thats a nice way to honor him and his character and these movies. These were a huge part of his life, so I'm sure its a great memorial to him in a way.

Now to the Itunes Charts!!!

5) Trap Queen by Fetty Wap- This seems like a song thats happened already... I'm just listening to the preview and its pretty bad... I'm not a big fan of rap or hip hop... but I know when something's good or somethings bad and this is pretty awful in my opinion... Yeah. I didn't even know if I could finish the preview. It did get better towards the end but no. Not a fan. It didn't sound different enough from anything that has been out... the tune sounded like something I've heard before and it probably is as most music is like that... and aside from that I don't like his voice very much. Just no... filled with no.

4) Love Me Like You Do by Ellie Goulding- I really like this song. It makes me want the 50 shades soundtrack because there are a lot of good songs on that soundtrack that are fun and different and dancey and sexy and I just like them. I like Ellie Goulding a lot too, I appreciate her a little more now that I'm not working in retail because I don't have to hear her songs every second of every day. Always a plus. So yeah, I like that. I've been hearing it a lot on the radio, but not so much that it annoys me. Just the right amount.

3) GDFR- Flo Rida ft. Sage the Gemini and Lookas- I swear this is the same exact beat as all those Flo Rida songs from a few years ago. It isn't bad, I like Flo Rida... but its not different and it isn't good. It sounds exactly like all the other songs in the world. And again I'm not a huge rap or hip hop fan, usually I do like Flo Rida... but this sounds EXACTLY the same as everything else he's ever done... so is it top 5 worthy? Not really.

2) Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars- I still like this song. I don't actually hear it all that often on the radio believe it or not. I'm told its played all the time, I hardly hear it! My mom and I always joke because her new car always says what song is playing, and it always says its this song and it hardly ever is. So this is like a running joke between us. Whenever any song is playing and we want to know what it is we're like "ohh its Uptown Funk" when it clearly isn't. So thats funny.

I also hear Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars are working on a cd together. That should be exciting.

1) See You Again Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth- This is from the Furious 7 soundtrack... so that shows you how big this movie really is. This is so sad with that in mind now. I can deal with Wiz Khalifa I like him and this is a good song and seems very fitting to the movie and it seems to make sense. That was a lovely little preview too. I didn't want the preview to end... but I also am probably not going to look up the full song or anything cause I'm sure it'll be on the radio soon. I'll hear it. Lol. That was good though.

So that is it! Hope you guys liked this Chart Chat, I don't like doing this too often because the Itunes Charts are usually relatively the same... and even the movie charts don't have that much variation... but this was good!



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