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Tag: Would You Rather

Soooo I decided to do a tag for my other blog Scribbles About Beauty because that looked fun... and I love Would You Rather scenarios... so I'm doing a Would You Rather here too... Idk if these are mostly beauty related or not... I haven't read it yet! I found this on a blog called Tags for Everybody... so yeah. 

Would you rather walk around all day with you skirt tucked in your underwear or be seen wearing a really see through dress?
Well... if you have a skirt tucked into your underwear... everyone will see your business... if you have a really see through dress I feel like your business is more covered and less obvious... so I'm going with see through dress.

Would you rather go to a party and not realize until the end of the night that you have lipstick on your teeth or that your fake lashes are coming unglued?

I don't really wear fake lashes... but I hate when you can see someones lashes coming off. I feel like lipstick on the teeth is an easier fix... I don't know if this is a fixable scenario... I take these WYR things really seriously and I think unless it implies it in the scenario is glued into this world where you have lipstick on your teeth... I think that seems like a better world than the lashes scenario though... so I'm going with that.

Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?

Guess this is a more Beauty related tag... ohhh well. I feel like blush kind of wears away more so that probably wouldn't be quite as easy to spot... so the blush I guess. Yeah I think that would look less silly. Lol.

Would you rather wear lipstick/lipliner combo or frosty blue eyeshadow?

I wore lipstick and lipliner today... isn't that a thing? Didn't they make lipliner to go under lipstick? Yes lol.

Would you rather wear foundation that is two shades too light or go way overboard on bronzer?
Two shades too light... I'm already pretty pale, I don't know if they make a foundation that light... but going overboard on bronzer looks a little cray! Lol. 

Would you rather drink an entire bottle of ketchup or run into the guy who broke your heart on a bad hair day when your skin is freaking out?
Lol I'd rather run into the guy. I hate ketchup and I'm not exactly heartbroken over anyone at the moment... if I ran into one of my exes yes I'd like to look super hot ideally... but whatever lol.

Would you rather be able to date any celeb you wanted or wake up with perfect red carpet-worthy hair?

I'm pretty happy with my hair... so definitely date any celebrity I wanted. Lol... I can deal with my current hair if I'm dating James Franco or Zayn Malik or someone hot and rich and famous... I can deal lol.

Would you rather your armpits smell musky or like delicious lasagna?

Lasagna! Lol I love lasagna and I'm not exactly going around smelling my armpits or letting my boyfriends James and Zayn sniff my armpits so why not go lasagna. Lol. Plus if I'm sweating or something it would just be like "ohhh is that lasagna????" Lol.

Would you rather give up your makeup or cell phone for one year?

I don't know about this one... lol. I could totally live without either of these but they just make me so happy... Idk. I feel like as long as I have my computer, social media and my ipad and such... I could technically live without a phone... but if I leave the house without my phone I will freak out whereas I can leave the house without make up... but idk I feel like I'd get sad a whole year without make up, but I would be able to get used to a whole year without a phone... so yeah.

Would you rather run into a cute guy you like with food all in your grill or no makeup at all?

No Make Up... guys always say they don't like girls with make up! I don't like wearing make up at beginnings of relationships. And the last guy I dated said he didn't really like make up, but when I wore make up in front of him he said I looked cute... so idk... lol. I feel like thats not a huge deal.

But knowing me, I'll have food all in my grill next time I see a cute guy! Hopefully he'll think its funny and say something... but yeah. Lol. I'm a messy eater and cute guys are everywhere... so yeah.

I feel like this tag is for someone of the younger variety than me... but I had fun doing it. Lol. I might do a more intense would you rather based on the WYR from the Comedy Bang Bang podcasts... I think that would be fun... but yeah.



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