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Scribbles About News: Trend of Bad Parenting?

I feel like everything I've seen on the news the past couple of days is about bad parenting... and it seems like its a new trend almost. People being bad parents and getting on the news about it... lol. Idk I just feel like I want to talk about some of these things.

A few months ago there was a report on a woman that did "free range parenting." Where she didn't take her kids to school or pick them up... she just let them wonder for 20 minutes and hoped they came back in one piece... wtf? I am not a parent... but there has to be at least a little bit of effort going into it. At least when your kids are that young. You only have your kids for 18 years... pay attention to them. Take them to school! Pick them up from school. There are lots of bad people in the world, especially in this day and age... if you live that far away from the school get off your ass and pick your kids up. And she's all "its for their independence blah blah blah" but no. I think thats a bunch of BS this mom made up because she didn't want to take them to school. And maybe I'm wrong... I'm not exactly a parent or an expert in parenting... but just do a little thing for them. Thats just stupid. If you aren't going to take care of your kids... don't have kids! Thats all. Children can be completely normal if they go to school from a parent taking them or even just walking with them or walking to the bus stop with them or something. Thats just lazy. Lazy parenting described as something else.

Another story that I think isn't necessarily a bad parenting story... but something to watch out about... a Mommy Blogger recently posted that she thinks her daughter is her favorite child because, although she loves her son, she doesn't have the same bond with him that she had with her first daughter... I think this mom seems very open minded and isn't necessarily even saying that she loves her daughter more... I think she's more saying that she is bonding with her son differently than her daughter and I think she's even looking forward to bonding with him more as she grows older.

Although I don't necessarily think she's being a bad parent... it seems a little like maybe she shouldn't have posted that... or maybe phrased it differently. She probably doesn't love her daughter any more than she loves her son... but because she's calling her daughter "the favorite" its going to hurt the other kids feelings when he grows up. If my mom told me now that she didn't bond with me the same way she did with my sister, I'd be heartbroken. She instead tells me things she remembers from when my sister was little and how we were both different when we were little and kind of remembering us as little kids fondly and not favoring me over my sister or vice versa. Now my mom had us 10 years apart... so she was more experienced as a parent when I was born than this mom is with her youngest (I'm the youngest btw... that might make things make more sense...). I don't know. Its an interesting post... clearly I find it interesting enough to post here and its just worth a mention I thought.

I feel like there are probably a lot of people that go through the same thing also... so maybe its a good thing that this is something moms can talk freely about now... but yeah. If my mom had said anything similar, I would be really heartbroken and I feel like her son might be too. I feel like she noticed this and was like "this will be a great blog post" and maybe she was thinking more like a blogger and less like a mommy... if that makes sense. It just seems like its a good opportunity to blog something, when maybe she should have held back a little bit. Idk. I wanted to post a blog about someone I overheard talking about poop in public... and it was funny but I didn't want to embarrass them so I didn't end up posting it... and I'm only posting it now because I'm not giving any specific details... but yeah.

I would feel bad if I had a favorite dog I think... lol I wouldn't be able to have a favorite child.

And then theres the mom that dangled her baby in front of a cheetah tank at the zoo and the baby fell in. I think we can all agree thats just bad parenting and stupid.

This is just my humble opinion... if you disagree you aren't wrong and I'm not wrong... so yeah.



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