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What I watched this week: 1/25/15

So what I've kind of been doing lately is just watching a bunch of things I've been watching throughout the week. And by "a week" I mean just everything I've watched from the last post to what I've watched this post... I kind of forgot a couple things I watched before I posted the last blog of what I've watched,

I watched 2 shows on Tru TV, One of which I liked one that I didn't. The one I didn't like was World's Dumbest. I've watched World's Dumbest infomercials before, and I liked that. This one was World's Dumbest Hot Shots. It was just weird and not funny, mostly just people falling and hurting themselves...  just weird. The comedians in it were not the best. On a brighter note however, I finally watched Impractical Jokers, which my cousins told me about like over a year ago and it was really funny. Basically its a prank show with these four people doing pranks that make themselves look more dumb than anything. They do crazy things like try to cut the lines of a super long broadway line and see if they can actually make it or not... If you like improv, this is a good show. If you like things like Borat, but you want something more pg/pg13 rated, this is good.  Yeah its all good.

I also watched some Comedy Bang Bang yet again! Love this show. One thing I really love about this show and the podcast is that it is a talk show with regular talk show guests going on it to promote and Scott interviews them about their work and their projects and stuff... but its also a sketch comedy show and thats just really cool. I've been watching the first part of season 3 on Netflix... I just finished watching the Jenna Fischer episode and now I'm also watching season 4. I've watched the first episode so far. I'm recording the other episodes so that I don't read them anymore.

I watched the first episode of The Spoils of Babylon... it was funny, but not my cup of tea really. I may continue watching it and see if I like it... Everyone on it was really funny and it was really funny but I was a little bored with it. I'm just not sure. It wasn't bad, but its just not my cup of tea really... can't describe it.

I also watched The Great Gatsby. I really like the movie. It makes me want to read the book again kind of. It seems like one of those books I can read multiple times and get something different from it every time. I just really liked it. It was quite good.

I watched some of Gotham... I need to watch the episodes I missed and rewatch this episode cause I wasn't paying much attention and then I came in at the end and I was like "what the heck just happened?" A lot happened! I need to rewatch!

And Jane The Virgin... it was sooo soo good this week. I'm usually let down by the first episode after a break... this did not let me down at all. It was so good, so much happened. My cousins were saying that from the commercials this seemed completely unbelievable and something that would never happen... and it is that... but the show explains everything enough that I buy everything that they're saying and it makes sense... but at the same time you know you're watching a tv show. This wouldn't happen in real life and if it did, it would be very different. It's more over the top than Desperate Housewives, but also more believable than Desperate Housewives and the continuity is a little better. In Desperate Housewives they didn't really keep their arcs from season to season and that was a huge flaw of the show to me. This I think will keep the continuity and there won't be a time that something brought up in this season won't be mentioned if it comes up in another season... does that make sense? Kind of a tangent, but give the show a chance. It is quite a good show!

I also watched The Daily Show and the new show The Nightly Show. I was impressed with the format of the Nightly Show and how very funny and very real it was. I'm  just watching the first episode now and this is what I think of it right now. Lol. I'll keep watching. And @Midnight which I pretty much always watch... so thats no surprise. Good little sandwich of shows.

I watched some Shark Tank reruns. I really like Shark Tank... its just super interesting all these dumb products that are sometimes good. If I don't have anything to do on Friday, I usually watch it. I might not always and I may forget to mention it... but I watch it from time to time.

I've been watching a lot of Kroll Show. I watched the episode this week as well as some eps from Season 2... I love this show. Possibly the most clever sketch show ever. I love it.

I saw Into The Woods in theaters. That was cool. I loved it. Theres a review right Here

I watched Parks and Rec and it was absolutely amazing. It was an hour... which every episode has been but I thought it was only going to be a half hour and then the president was coming on. This was possibly the best episode of absolutely anything ever. Its just... something you knew would happen. Leslie and Ron are the most different people that there could be and their friendship is absolutely beautiful. This is the ultimate ultimate episode of Parks and Rec. I feel like it was really well written. For fans of the show that have watched it for ever it was the ultimate payoff. It was absolutely beautiful. So well written. I'm really jealous of it... I can't believe how good this particular episode was! Just fantastic! I recommend you watch the show right now just to watch the ultimate payoff of this episode. It is truly one of the best shows ever. I may do an episode of my favorite episodes of anything ever on this blog soon. This made me love this show as much as Arrested Development pretty much. I already loved Parks and Rec almost as much as Arrested Development... but this really really made things kind of equal. It was the absolute ultimate payoff. I cannot stress that enough. This is the episode that makes you watch TV. It is just really good.

I watched American Horror Story's finale... ugh. Review here

I also watched most of The Middle on Wednesday. I kind of forget what happened, but I was happy the guy from Spin City played the orthodontist. He's funny and he used to be in EVERYTHING and now he isn't in as much. Its always kind of refreshing to see him in something. He was on an episode of Kroll show also.

And I watched my comedy shows on Wednesday. Man Seeking Woman, Always Sunny, Broad City and Workaholics. They were all funny. I think Workaholics was the funniest. Always Sunny had Dennis freaking out, which is always funny. Man Seeking woman was funny. I really like Eric Andre, he plays Jay Barachel's sleazy friend. He's really good and he had a speech about sending dick pics that was really great. And Broad City had Abbi dancing naked to Lady Gaga, Ilana being accidentally racist, and Bevers farting. It was awesome! So yeah those were all good.

Thursday night... I forget what I watched on Thursday. I think I watched some of The Big Bang Theory... which is okay but not my favorite.

I also usually watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I'm pretty good at Wheel. I kind of want to audition.

I watched most of Last Man Standing on Friday. Its an okay show actually. I like the characters and its just pretty funny if you have nothing better to do on Friday. It was a repeat this week though. I usually only like half pay attention to it, and I was slightly invested.

And that is everything I believe... not too much this week, but I may watch a movie or something tonight, so we'll see about that.



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