This is the weirdest and most sudden man crush I think I've ever had. I've been a fan of Andy Daily for a while now, I love Review I think he's funny on Comedy Bang Bang and on at midnight and everything else he's been on as a guest star.
I've been listening to Comedy Bang Bang a lot lately and 2 episodes of his were the top 2 episodes of 2014 (the podcast, not the tv show) and I liked the way that Scot was explaining what he and Jason Manzoukas did to Andy Daily while he was on the show. They would like improv bully him basically lol. They would make all his characters super crazy, usually they'd end up killing themselves and you have to "yes and" in improv, so even if you aren't totally comfortable with what you're doing you have to go along with it. Jason was trying to make him break character on the podcast and he ended up doing all of his characters in 2 episodes and it was insane.
As someone that has done improv, I know the experience. It's really hard. He has this character that's a limerick writer and they make him make up limericks right on the spot. I really wish I could do something like that because I'm really bad. I've done scenes like that before and I cannot do that. I was in a scene where I had to make up a sentence from a 50 shades of grey type of book... And I just froze. It was bad. It was super embarrassing and I just didn't know what to do, so I froze. I guess I admire Andy's way of improvising and if I were to do improv in the future I would want to be more like him.
I also had a dream that I was pretty sure I was married to him or I was going to marry him and Gillian Jacobs and Gary Marshall were also there... Which is funny if you know comedy bang bang. And then I had another dream that I was being romantically approached by David Bowie and Heisenberg (Walter white,not the scientist.) and yeah... Weird night.
Anyhoo that is my man crush Monday and that's like the most real MCM of all I feel like because it's literally somehow I just woke up with a crush on this guy... Expect more comedy bang bang related crushes because they happen. Lol.
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