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What I Watched This Week 1/11/14

This week I finally did watch Camp Takota!!! Yayyy! It was really good! I was a little skeptical of a YouTube movie because I think a lot of youtubers aren't necessarily the best actors and actresses in the world and it's not that they're bad at all, but sometimes watching a movie with youtubers can just be like watching a really long YouTube video. This was actually like a real movie. It was funny and there were a lot of serious aspects to it. At first I found the premise a little far fetched... But the rest of the story was really compelling and overall I just really liked it. It's also nice to see a comedy with an almost entirely female cast. I liked that aspect of it. I wish Hannah Hart was in it a bit more. I loved Mamrie Hart, I've never watched her on YouTube, but I thought she was the funniest when they all went on @midnight and I think she won against Weird Al... Which is crazy. She wrote the movie too, and I thought she was great. Grace Helbig was great in it too. Everyone did a great job! Do recommend!

I've also been watching more Comedy Bang Bang, I finished season 3 and the Cobie Smulders episode and the Zach Galifinakis episode were both so funny and just really great. And now I have on the first episode of Season 3 and I'm excited. Is that Kyle Massey? Omg that's awesome, it's so raven so far... I'm happy. 

I watched The Golden Globes, they were this week. They were okay Tina and Amy just had a monologue and were in about 5 minutes the rest of the time... There weren't even many bits other than the Margaret Cho bit... Which wasn't super funny, but it was still good overall. 

I watched the first two episodes of Episodes, I think the first one aired and Showtime showed the second one early on demand... idk. I like this show a lot, but I feel like it isn't as good as it used to be. I love that this show is always changing and always evolving and its come a long way since the first season. I think this season will be interesting, but like I said, I don't like it as much as I used to. This is one of those really addictive comedies that once you watch, you have to keep watching all at once... its just that type of show, its good. Its funny and yeah.

And I also started watching House of Lies because I'm in love with Ben Schwartz and I need more of him now that Parks and Rec is ending. Its not super super funny, but its funny. There were lots of LOL moments in the pilot, but there were a lot of serious points too. I've only watched the first episode... but I'll definitely keep watching. It definitely made me want to watch more. Lol.

I also caught up on both The Mindy Project and New Girl. These aren't the best shows ever really... but minus Parks and Rec, they probably are the best shows on tv right now. Billy Eichner on the New Girl episode is fantastic. I'm so happy for Parks and Rec coming back and for his new Hulu show thats coming up... excited for that. Mindy Project is a brilliant show and I like the new direction its heading in with Mindy in Stanford... I just think its really smart and I like it.

I watched and reviewed quite a bit of shows. I watched the Final season premiers of Parks and Rec and Kroll Show and the premier of Togetherness and Man Seeking Woman. You can read my reviews of those

Tuesday was just a really good night for TV to me at least. 2 episodes of Parks and Recreation, then Marry Me, then I switched to Mindy Project and then Kroll Show! That is just awesome! Mindy and Marry Me had really funny episodes this week. I think Tuesday is the new Thursday. Marry Me is just sooo good, I like New Girl too... but I definitely recommend Marry Me over New Girl, so I'm watching that on Tuesday now because it is up against New Girl... I will watch New Girl on Hulu though because I like it enough for that.

I also usually watch The Chew in the daytime. I really like the hosts and the show is just good. They have good guests and they cook really good things, it looks like at least and the hosts are just funny together and it seems like they have a good time. So I usually watch that daily. That is the only talk show I really watch daily... I just thought I'd mention it cause it is a favorite of mine.

Holy Crap....American Horror Story... Wow I'm speechless. I said I wanted something more shocking, I wanted NPH as a crazy person... But I was not expecting that. If you haven't seen it yet... I don't want to spoil it but wow. There was also a funny commercial after about "Cutting The Prices in Half..." That was funny. I giggled. 

And then the season premier of Always Sunny, which was pretty brilliant. I found it funny. The premier of Broad City was genius... As is every episode of Broad City. I don't think I've watched the last few seasons of Workaholics...but I watched the premier and I fell back in love with it. I love Adam Demamph and Adam Devine. And Blake's body is amazing! Lol. I forgot how great it was. Man seeking woman was on this night too and it was funny. 

And I forgot I watched Modern Family and blackish and they were both really funny too. Blackish I thought did a great job of not ignoring the things that have been going on lately, but not using that as a way to do an offensive type of comedy. It was really funny and it was done really tastefully I thought. Idk if they were exactly referring to recent events because there was no direct mention of it... But it was good and it kind of helped with those. And Modern Family brought back Fizbo and added Lizbo... Which was funny. 

And last but certainly not least, I watched a Netflix Documentary, which I'm trying to watch more of now that I'm out of school. I watched one called Comedy Warriors about a group of wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan that do standup as a way of coping with their injuries and losses. Its incredibly inspirational, like these people have been through hell, they've lost their legs and arms. One guy was severely burned and was the lone survivor. They've been through terrible things and they go onstage and joke about it and they know what works and what doesn't. Its amazing, really inspiring. Some great comedians and comic writers helped train them. Some of note: Bob Sagat, Zach Galifinakis, BJ Novak and Louis Black were all in it. I kind of wished they had longer sets, I just wanted more! They were all really funny for comedians that didn't have much training. I just wanted more! They also did a scene at the beginning where they were trying to show them being mentored and they only showed them perform one joke and then they cut to the reactions... but there were more jokes and more bits that they did, so that was a little odd. Overall though the comedy was good and it is a really inspirational story.

Actually cause I'm posting this later than I thought, I did watch one other movie. The Documentary Exit Through The Gift Shop... super interesting. It has a really interesting twist ending for a documentary... definitely something I can see a lot of conflict with and a lot of things overall. Its real art what these people are doing, and I love the kind of art Banksy does because I like kind of dark and abstract art with deep meanings. And he does that. Really cool.

Ohhh and Forrest Gump was on TV and it was awesome! Haven't seen that movie in a while, I recommend watching it at least once a year.

Random Banksy Art I like

"I've stopped eating my feelings, I'm onto yours." 
- Matt Lebanc Episodes 

"He did see his shadow so there will be 6 more weeks of Purple Rain"- Chris Hardwick on Prince's Golden Globe Appearance @Midnight 

"I'm a lady with interests" - Jen Kirkman on why she didn't see The Matrix @Midnight

"Do you marry me?" - Bobby Bottleservice proposing to Farley Kroll Show 

"My mommy doesn't make pornos, she makes ham sammiches"- Adam Demamph Workaholics 

"I'm gonna buy these jeans because they're a part of my body now." Abbi Broad City 


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