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Stuff That Happened This Week (1/11/15)

1) Grace Helbig to get a talk show on E!- This is exciting news. I really like Grace on youtube, I think I'm going to pick up her book soon. She's really funny, she's going to be a great on her talk show... I'm excited for this. She has a unique quirky sense of humor. I know everyone is unique and quirky nowadays... but she is still quite funny. This is exciting. Good for you Grace!

2) Cameron Diaz is married to Benji Madden?- I didn't know the two were dating even, I didn't think Cameron Diaz wanted to get married... But yeah apparently they got married in her house in LA sometime during the week. That was unexpected, but congrats to them! I am a fan of hers, I kind of liked Good Charlotte back in the day and he was cute so yeah. They are a thing and this is good.

3) The Producer of "Into The Woods" announces Wicked Film scheduled for 2016 release- I'm kinda pumped about this. I haven't seen the movie Into The Woods yet, I saw the play when I was little and the entire second act was really dark and scarring from what I remember. I really liked it and I'd totally see it again on broadway but it was really really dark. My sister says she remembered it having a good message for kids... idk what she's talking about cause the second half was like... nevermind I don't want to get into spoilers but there was an affair and death and from what my friend that has seen the movie tells me, the ending isn't as dark in the movie as it is in the play... yeah thats exciting. It might suck because they may not stick to wicked the way that they didn't stick to Into The Woods (if they in fact, didn't) but the ending of Wicked is pretty happy... so yeah.

One thing I like about musicals getting made into movies are that the sets are so elaborate and it just makes the story a little better and more realistic. After seeing Chicago the movie, the play wasn't quite the same to me, although I did enjoy it still. But the interesting thing is that Wicked had such a fantastical set that it was really amazing and magical. It really puts you into the world and I don't know if a movie could do that quite as well... but it will be interesting to see. I think Into The Woods had a pretty amazing and fantastical set and from what I've seen on the commercials it looks amazing in the movie also. So that is good!

And I just finished reading the full synopsis of the play on Wikipedia... it is very dark. I can see not liking it as a kid, but I feel like my sister is right, it does have a good message and thats why the dark ending is really good. Idk how to imagine the movie now. lol. If I had young kids idk that I would want them seeing this movie if it is the same as the play... but older kids that are like 12+... this is good for them.

4) Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds welcome their first child- Always a fan of celebrity wedding and baby news. Blake and Ryan are no exception because... they are two of the most beautiful people in the world. Congrats to them for having a baby! Yayy!

5) Walkman to release a new walkman- ... Haven't they got the memo? Ipods were invented... we don't really need Walkman's anymore. I would love a Talkboy though, I was watching the commercial for it with Maculley Culkin... also known as Home Alone 2... but I want one of those. So I hope this Walkman is successful so that they can make Talkboys. Lol. That is all I want.

6) Nicholas Sparks splits from wife of 25 years- I'm not a fan of romance novels... and Nicholas Sparks has always seemed like... well someone I wouldn't want to be married to. He's still friends with one of his ex girlfriends parents... that seems creepy to me.  I think I'd feel uncomfortable if I were married to someone that still has a relationship of some way to an ex... I mean different circumstances are different and I can understand that... but I would not be okay with that so I can see how this divorce happened.

7) Arrested Development to return for Season 5- This is always exciting news for me. Season 4 got mixed reviews... it wasn't my favorite season of Arrested Development, but I still really liked it and it had a lot of funny moments. Like I didn't necessarily like George Sr's episodes, but there were funny moments in them. Yeahhh I'm excited for this... I'm kind of happy this was cancelled early and brought back years later because I feel like it hasn't ended yet. I'm happy about this I hope it never ends. I'll watch George Michael awkwardly trying to get it on with Maeby when he's 40, I don't care that is still funny!

8) Nicole Kidman said that Jimmy Fallon "Blew his chance" at dating her- This is funny because part of me is like "NIC HOW COULD YOU NOT DATE JIMMY FALLON HE'S AWESOME "but then I also feel like I've been in her shoes and I can see her rejecting him lol. Apparently they were sort of on a date or something and then Jimmy just started playing videogames in front of her. I think thats funny. I've dated some weirdos, I've talked about this recently. Doesn't mean they're bad guys, does not mean I like them any less or that I regret dating them in the slightest, but I feel like I put up with a lot more than Nicole Kidman would have. I can totally understand this lol.

9) Netflix picks up Wet Hot American Summer Series-
I'm so excited about this... I kind of want to see if I can apply for a job at this show. lol. One of my favorite movies ever is Wet Hot American Summer and it is being developed into a tv series for Netflix... and its going to be sooo good. I'm really obsessed with the idea of summer camp in movies, I think it'll work even better as a TV show... the movie didn't really have a plot, but the characters each had their own stories. It was awesome. And it had so many stars before they were really famous. Ken Marino, Paul Rudd, Michael Showalter, Elizabeth Banks, Bradley Cooper, Michael Ian Black, Amy frickin Poehler, Joe Lo Trugio... soooo sooo many famous comedians. Also Janine Garofalo, David Hyde Pierce from Frasier, Molly Shannon was sooo funny in it. I just really think its one of those bizarre movies that you have to see. Michael Showalter and David Wain wrote and directed it... I think Show wrote it and Wain directed... they might have both done either or both, I'm not 100% sure but its an awesome awesome movie. I'm a big fan and I cannot wait for the series.

10) Reggie Watts to lead band on The Late Late Show- This may not be new news, but Comedy Bang Bang has announced it on their podcast. He will be on the first half of the tv show this season, but I guess he won't be on the second half... and that makes me kind of wonder who is doing it, but my guess would be Howard Kremer who is one of the hosts of Who Charted... thats a funny podcast and its popular. He's a good musician and a funny comedian and I think he'd be good on this show. He currently plays the camera guy that always says "Sorry, its my first day" but I think they could incorporate that into the show.

Thats it I think! Hope you guys had a good week! First full week of January woooo hooo!



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