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Oscar Race 2015: If I were The Oscars

So I didn't see many of the nominated movies this year... but if I were in The Academy THIS is who would win the oscars. Basically Gone Girl would probably win a lot.

This is someone that was actually nominated, so it should be no shock. Rosamund Pike. That was such a breakthrough role, a hard character to play and she did a phenomenal job of it. She hasn't really starred in anything I don't think and she hasn't been in many movies overall, but people were talking about her a lot and she should get it.

I didn't see Foxcatcher at all... but I want Steve Carell to win of corse. How cool would it be for him to EGOT? Plus he looks really good in this movie. If I were going to give it to movies I did see, I think I would pick Chris Pratt? Lol or Kermit the Frog... they both did a pretty amazing performance.

Again, it should go to Gone Girl. David Fincher did it right. Gone Girl could have been such a bad movie if someone else had directed it, but he did an amazing amazing job. Ohhh or you know who should really probably win? The director of Selma. She's a woman! No women were recognized this year and from what everyone says this is a spectacular movie. But yeah of movies I saw, it should be Gone Girl.

I know The Lego Movie should have been nominated and everyone is upset it hasn't been... but I really think they should give the award to Despicable Me 2... I know that lost last year, but it was robbed. Frozen is a piece of garbage compared to most other movies... so it shouldn't have won at all. (I feel like somewhere in this post I've typed one instead of  won... I'm tired, I'm also an English Major, so even if I did make a mistake, I'm still smarter than you and unemployed so I don't care. Lol.)

I really hope The Lonely Island wins. Brett McKenzie won from Flight of the Conchords... I just think comedy bands should win things. Plus how awesome is this song.

Idk if he's exactly a "supporting actor" but Ben Affleck for Gone Girl. Compared to Rosamund Peak's performance it was more of a supporting role, and he really did take his fame down a peg and take a role that let her shine (I also may have spelled role roll somewhere in here. See above.) I know the Academy hates Ben Affleck and most people don't like him either... but I like him and he showed his dong in this movie... he should win something.

I don't think I've seen many amazing movies with supporting actresses in it. I'm happy Emma Stone is nominated because she's adorable and I love her... but that probably shouldn't be the reason why we nominate people. Oprah maybe? I didn't even know she was in Selma, but I mean its Oprah... we should give her an award for something. Or we could just let Lupita Nyong'o keep it. I don't think anyone did a better performance than hers from last year... and they probably never will. Lets just let her keep it.

Gone Girl... how the hell was this not nominated? They are crazy! I can imagine it must have been incredibly hard for Gillian Flynn to take her own novel that she worked really hard on and created and keeping a lot of the original stuff in the book, but also adding to it for the movie so that we're still surprised and just... seeing the way they both came together was amazing. I am a huge fan.

Birdman probably... or THE LEGO MOVIE! How was that not nominated? They took legos and made a movie from it. Thats just gold. Maybe Tammy. Lol. Again I didn't actually see Bird Man.

Best Picture 
I'd say idk what would win best picture... for me my favorite movies of the year were Gone Girl, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Guardians of the Galaxy, Tammy, and possibly The Lego Movie... I can't tell if I loved it or didn't like it, but since it didn't get nominated and Weird Al loved it so much, I'm gonna go with that too. I guess the only one that was nominated was The Grand Budapest Hotel, so that would probably win by default... but Gone Girl was really good.

So thats it... idk are you guys upset about this? I'm a little bit, but its also made me more inspired to write movies about women that will hopefully be critically recognized.



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