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2014 Resolutions/Goals

So I'm not a super "New Years Resolutions" type of person... but right now I'm kind of growing up and I feel like I need a set of goals and I'll feel better once I accomplish them.

First off I'm graduating in May... thats a resolution. I guess its kind of a regular resolution, something I know will be accomplished, but still thats like an automatic check off of my list and I think I need that.

I also need a job and I'm hoping to get one in my field. I would love to get a job writing something. I know its hard, I know English Majors never get jobs unless they go into teaching... I know. But I'm not a teacher, I'm a writer and I think I can write. I don't know how, or where. If you need a writer for some reason, I'm here but yeah. I need a job of some sort.

I have a book idea that I'm working on too. I haven't started writing it yet, but its going to be really funny and cute and just a nice read. Its holiday themed, so that is something. Idk what the publishing will be like or anything, but I want to have it written at least by next Christmas, if not before. I don't want to rush it or anything.

And I want to loose some weight and start eating better. I'm going to try not to snack at all during the week. I'm going to cut back on soda, which I say all the time but I'm really going to do it this year. I'm gonna go to the gym with my dad. I'm going to look better around graduation.

And for right now, I'm going to keep up with this blog because I like it. I like posting something every day and writing something every day... but that isn't really my goal for this year. I feel like having it as my goal last year made me stress a little more over posting and making sure things were out there... and this year I just want to blog because I want to blog and I feel like I'll do it way more that way. Plus I feel like I'm being more honest and I'm just taking things in a different direction right now. So who knows, I may post every day, I may post like 3 times a week... but I will try to have as much as I can here.

Byee! Hope you are having a good 2015!


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