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Scribbles About TV: Colbert final week, Blackish Marathonish, AHS Winter Finale, Serial Finale, Elf Musical

So... a lot of important things are happening on TV right now... and I thought I would do a bunch of mini reviews of all of them.

Blackish Maronthon-ish- I wasn't going to review this... but I ended up watching it and I'm really starting to like this show. I saw the Christmas episode last week and I thought it was really funny. I didn't think it looked that good on the commercials to be honest. I thought it looked kind of sexist for some reason because the big joke being told on the commercials was that his wife "isn't even black" and she said "well then tell my hair and my ass that." Idk why, it just didn't seem... idk lol. And still the pilot is on right now and its not bad but it feels too much like a pilot. Like "Ohhh this is a show now and this is my regular life but I'm going to overexplain everything about my life and some of the themes of the show." I really like the show and I think these are the important episodes to see in a marathon. I had only seen the Christmas episode before and these are really great episodes creatively, showing the themes of the show, and just classic family comedy episodes.

Anthony Anderson is funny, but I think the woman playing his wife (played by Tracee Ellis Ross aka Diana Ross's daughter) is even funnier. Great cast, great writing. Overall good show and I really liked this marathon.

Elf Animated Musical- This wasn't like the most amazing Christmas Movie of all time the way that Elf was, but I really liked it. I thought it was cute, I love Elf the Musical and I was really happy they used the music from that. The music from Elf the musical gets me kind of emotional too for some reason... and seeing it animated almost brought me to cheers. Especially because Kate Micucci of Garfunkel and Oates voiced Jovi... idk it just was really good. It was a little short, so it seemed a little rushed to get the whole plot together, but I did end up liking it. I loved the voices too.

AHS Freakshow Winter Finale- So I just posted I was a little over this show... and I'm back in now. I kind of wish they put some Dandy in this weeks ep... but overall I loved Pepper and I thought Elsa was so sweet. The story was really sad too but very sweet. I'm happy to know that Pepper really didn't hurt that baby and that she would never dream of hurting anyone. It's so sweet how she took after Ma Petite and her wedding too... I think Pepper is one of my favorite characters too now and I liked the episode focused on her, as well as some Sister Mary Eunice. I was wondering how they would bring back Mary Eunice because I thought she was going to be more of a bad guy on the show... but she was actually quite kindhearted and that was nice to see. I was also happy that Elsa did end up famous and on a time magazine. I knew the end would be happy, as unhappy as it seems right now, so that is good. And I'm excited for NPH! I know he's super funny and likable... but I LOVE seeing him in really creepy roles and I think he'll do great in this. Just as great as Gone Girl I'm sure!

Colbert Report final week- This week has been very meta to say the least. Colbert argued against a version of himself wearing a blue tie and the blue tie won... The guest stars have been Seth Rogen (before The Interview was cancelled. As far as I know this is the last press appearance for the movie.) And the last episode... was probably the funniest yet. I would have liked to have seen Yahweh or No Way one last time... but I was happy for the last Word, for John Stewart being on and Santa, Alex Trebeck and Abe Lincoln guest starring. This was just perfect. I kind of think I have to watch all of the late night shows now... maybe not all at night, but at some point during the week I will probably watch all the Late Night shows because they're so good right now!

Serial Podcast Finale- Wow. Just wow. I really liked the end of this episode. When I started listening to this podcast, I had no idea it was real. I thought it was a fictional radio program and that in the last episode, we would find out who did it. When I found out it was a real case, I knew that there would be a very unsettling feeling at the end. It's very bleak because for all we know, Adnan could be a murderer and for all we know, he could be completely innocent. They did a really good job in reporting both sides of the story. If Adnan was the killer, why would he allow this podcast about him to be released? If he wasn't he sure does have some terrible luck and really horrible coincidences. I really don't know what happened still. I don't really think Adnan should be in jail because there really is no proof, and I don't think he did it... but I don't for sure know that he didn't do it. They mentioned another possible suspect that killed other Asian women and he was released out of jail right before Hae went missing... which seems like it could be likely that he could have done it. More so than Adnan having done it... but who knows because there are so many things that make Adnan look guilty too. This podcast wasn't really intended to show who did the crime, it was telling a story that wasn't really reported on or looked into to much. I'm not a reporter, but I would imagine this would be super interesting to hear as a reporter.


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