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Women Crush Wednesday:Shannon Kahermanes's List of Most Fascinating Women of 2014

So in response to Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating people, I'm doing my own list of the most fascinating women. This is really more than 10 people... but I'm going to combine some of these women, I'm also only talking a little bit about some of them. I don't think I'll really go in any sort of order... but I'm going to save the person I think will end up being HUGE for the last... that way you can see.

11) Jamie Kern Lima- For those of you that don't know, Jamie Kern Lima is the founder of the Makeup Brand It Cosmetics. I only have one product from It Cosmetics... but I really like the message behind the company and I think Jamie has done a great job evolving this brand. It cosmetics works with plastic surgeons so that their make up is great for anti aging, and its made with good ingredients for the skin. It is also a cruelty free brand which I think is really cool. I think this brand was founded a while ago... but this year it became available in all Ulta stores, so its more readily available and that's a good thing. She's created a successful brand people like and I think thats pretty cool. She was also on the first season ever of Big Brother!

10) Cate Blanchett- I don't know much about Cate Blanchett... I think the only movies I've ever seen her in are The Aviator and The Life Aquatic... was she in The Grand Budapest Hotel? No... Idk lol. Anyway back to the point, when she won the Oscar for Best Actress for her role in Blue Jasmine... she made an amazing and influential speech. She said that people do like seeing movies about women and "The World is Round People." Honestly, that's something I like to think about a lot. Hollywood really seems to hate women, and there is no reason. People like to see movies about women just as much as they like seeing movies about men... if not more so!

9) Mary Lambert- Probably my favorite song of the year is Secrets. I love her singing, and her message. You don't have to be perfect, everything in this song is something that is pretty transparent and not exactly a secret. Plus I love that she isn't just your average pop star. She doesn't look like every other pop star, she doesn't sing about the same things. Also she's a lesbian, and I feel like there aren't many lesbian singers on the radio. I feel like they don't play her enough on the radio and they should! Listen to secrets right now! You'll feel really happy and then you'll sing it out loud and its just a good feeling.

8) Melissa McCarthy- Melissa McCarthy may not have exactly taken the world by storm in her movie "Tammy" but I thought it was a fantastic movie and I'm really excited that she actually wrote it herself. There aren't many movies that have a plus-sized actress as a leading role with a compelling story and a romantic story also. Melissa wrote her own role in Tammy and I think that is awesome.

7) The Women of "Gone Girl"- So there are a few women I want to mention here... all that have something to do with Gone Girl.

First and Foremost: Gillian Flynn. My favorite author. She has 3 books out right now and all of them are being turned into movies. That almost never happens! She also wrote the script to Gone Girl, and I think that would be super hard to do. She writes these amazing and gruesome female-driven mysteries in which females don't necessarily play good, likable characters. She's trying to sort of break the standard of women being the good girls. Her website puts it in a better way, but I think thats a cool thing that she's doing. And her characters are all really smart and just very interesting. If you read her debut novel, Sharp Objects... you'll get chills I swear! That's getting turned into a TV show or TV movie... I'm not sure how that is going to work... that will be an uncomfortable thing to watch!

And then there is the little-known really breakthrough actress Rosamund Pike. She did an amazing, chilling performance bringing Amy to life... she really REALLY stole the movie and I think she did the most amazing job. It's such a hard role to play because... not trying to give too much away in case you haven't seen or read it... but Amy is pretty much the most complicated and multi-dimensional character you can get. That isn't an easy role in the slightest and Rosamund did an absolutely superb job.

And then there was the comic relief of the movie, well I guess there was sort of a lot of comic relief... but one woman in particular really did the best in her role and... she's kind of everywhere now, but yeah. Anyway Casey Wilson as Noel the "pregnant idiot" just did such a good job. I was a little concerned with the casting choice because she along with Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, the woman that plays Carol on Episodes (don't know her real name, but she was the woman that took the picture with Nick at the vigil for Amy that gave him a casserole.) ... but when you read it, you realize what an over-the-top situation this is for Nick Dunne anyway and you start to see the sort of comic undertones to this very dark and dramatic book/movie... but really I guess it isn't comic relief because it does add more of a creepiness to the movie. Anyway she did an awesome job performing the comically creepy character in this... but on her new show Marry Me she plays the comically comic leading lady and she is hilarious! Marry me is probably the best new comedy of the year... yeah definitely is and uhhh yeah. Watch it. Casey Wilson= Overall brilliant!

6) Female Comedy duos- Is it just me or is 2014 the year of Female Comedy Duos? 3 new shows that were all these awesome female duos.

First off are the Broad City Girls: Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer. This show is probably the funniest show on comedy central right now, other than their news shows... It's almost like a female version of Workaholics, but they don't really work all that much. They just sort of try to get money to go to concerts and do drugs, which is funny. You shouldn't do drugs... but its funny to see them do them lol. I can't wait for season 2!

Next Up: Lennon Parnham and Jessica St. Clair of Playing House. This show is so funny and its something I really enjoy as a 23 year old, but also my mom LOVES it! Its something you can watch with your mom... although it is embarrassing to see at times. They are quite fantastic together, they are best friends in real life, so of corse they work together amazingly on the show. And it is just so so funny.

And then last but not least: Garfunkel and Oates! The female comedy duo that are the stars of a new show that you probably shouldn't watch with your moms... yeah only Playing House is a good mom show. My mom would not like Broad City and I'd feel embarrassed watching this with her lol. But yeah, this show is really funny and has really catchy songs.

And the reason why its important to have these female comedy duos is that there really aren't enough of them, and it doesn't make sense. In real life, girls have very close very funny friendships that would be absolutely amazing to put on TV. It only makes sense that female duos become more popular.

5) Amy Schumer- The female comedian responsible for getting comedy central to say pussy on live TV. This is groundbreaking for comedy as a whole, let alone female comedy and womanhood in general. I feel better knowing that my daughters may grow up in a world where you can say both Dick and Pussy on comedy central and that female sexuality is not shamed... yeah this is something I will tell my kids... thats not weird at all.

4) Mindy Kaling- Another woman that has really improved comedy for women and the use of female sexuality. She wrote an episode about not wanting to have anal sex with her boyfriend. Also keep in mind: People mistook her for Malala on multiple occasions. This is great too because it gets people talking, it gets couples talking (the episode I mean) and there has never been any other episode like that on tv. So yes, overall really great.

3) Amy Poehler- Amy Poehler has been a household name for a while... but this year Amy really shined. She's an executive producer of Broad City, she wrote a book, she's been pretty open about her post-Arnett relationship with Nick Kroll... and Parks and Rec was particularly awesome last year in its penultimate season. She's an amazing actress. The funniest person that exists very likely... and she is Simply The Best. That Tina Turner song was for Amy Poehler in my eyes.

2) Shonda Rhimes- So Shonda Rhimes... She's probably the ultimate person of the year that is a name everyone will recognize... but like I said, the person I've saved for last is who I think will be a huge up-and-coming star within the next few years. So you read it first here.

Anyway, Shonda started out creating a hugely successful medical drama. That's cool. Then she goes on to a hugely successful Washington DC political sex drama. Also really cool. They put those on TV on the same night. That's even cooler, especially on Thursday, which is TV's biggest night. And then to top that all off what does she do? Create another incredibly awesome suspenseful amazing show!?!?!?!?!?! She is the first writer to completely own a whole night of TV in prime time and I seriously doubt she's even close to done!?!?!?!?!?! Also she hosts a live tweet party with her shows, which is cool. And Grey's Anatomy has been on for a really long time and it is still consistently good and a successful and interesting show. Well done Shonda, well done!

1) Katie Dippold- Katie Dippold is amazing as is. She was a writer for Parks and Rec, she also wrote the movie The Heat, which is a very funny female comedy duo movie. Now she is writing the female-driven reboot of Ghostbusters! I'm already a huge fan of hers because... she's who I want to be when I grow up. She's written an awesome and funny movie and is working on other ones, she's got this huge project now that she's working on. Plus: She's from New Jersey! Not even that far away from where I live! She was born in Freehold, New Jersey and now she's this successful writer of movies and tv! She is also really funny too. I'm not sure all that she's been in, but I first heard her on a How Did This Get Made podcast, I think the episode was for Staying Alive... and she was one of their best guests that they've had. I think she's guest starred on Comedy Bang Bang a few times too, I'll need to check it out. But she's just such a funny person and if you want to know stars to look out for the next years... Katie Dippold is probably at the top of the list. She is just awesome!

Alrighty that is it. This is possibly my favorite post ever. These are women that I find interesting, husband and any men or any politics aside, these are all important women that are actually making a big difference and I think they are the most fascinating people of 2014 by far!


(I'm also probably going to make a separate list for most interesting men. I wasn't going to... but this one was so fun I think I have to on Monday!)


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