As a man crush... no one has made a serious complete turnaround like Joel McHale. Before Community I just didn't like him. I wasn't a huge fan of The Soup, and he just seemed kind of like an ass to me. I didn't even like Community the first time I watched it because I didn't like him and it just seemed like he was an ass. Now that's kind of why I like him lol. He isn't afraid to play a complete asshole type of character.
I think I was always sort of... put off by The Soup because a lot of it talks about Reality Shows, and especially E!'s reality shows which are not my cup of tea. Maybe that was what threw me off... I kind of didn't like his comedy styling at the time, and I still don't really watch The Soup, but I appreciate his sense of humor too.
What I think is especially funny about everyone on Community is that they are great with timing. There are so many hilarious jokes that are just like little one-liners and zingers and I think his delivery on them is especially ESPECIALLY funny and all around good. I can watch it over and over again because of those little lines. Plus he works great with everyone in the cast! For a show that hasn't exactly been the least dramatic behind the scenes, everyone really brings it and works greatly together. And especially Joel McHale as Jeff because he has to keep it all together.
And Jeff is such a multi dimensional character that not every comedian would be able to play him as flawlessly as Joel McHale. He plays off that he's this cold super cool guy but he has a human side too and he pretends not to care about anything, but he ends up caring a lot for his whole study group... while still trying to remain cool. Does that make sense? It's quite a complicated role and I just think Joel Mchale is flawless at it.
And also hot. These MCM's are really just a justification of me saying that famous people are hot without wanting to appear shallow. He's talented! Lol
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