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Top 14 things that happened in 2014

So this is a little Stuff that happened this year type of things... But I'm going over the top 14 news type of things that happened this year. No order. 

1) Lots of hacking- If you were a celebrity in 2014, chances are there is some classified personal information out about you whether it be in the form of pictures or projects of yours or what other people think of you. First there were lots of nude photos being hacked and leaked to the internet. Then there was the Sony hack more recently where a lot of information and emails bashing various celebrities was leaked to the public. This all happened because of the movie The Interview which they cancelled in a bitchy decision and then they re-released it online and in select theaters and it was a huge success. So yeah there is that. It could have easily been a crazy marketing campaign for this movie... Idk lol. 

2) We hate a lot of people and things we didn't use to hate- Bill Cosby was a beloved Sitcom dad. We loved Dr, Huxtable... I mean his name is practically huggable... But it turns out he's possibly a sex offender... So now you can find the Cosby Show for $5 at BJ's and basically no where else. Lol. I don't think Donald Sterling was ever "beloved" but he had a basketball team and was relevant I guess until we found out he was racist... And the owner of a basketball team... And I believe his girlfriend was also mixed race? So he's just a crazy person and we hate him now.

And less seriously, we hate How I Met Your Mother because it ended so so terribly. 

3) Ebola became a thing- I guess Ebola was always a thing... But it came to the US recently and if you were in an improv class, you probably joked about it a lot. I mean it's a serious thing... as is everything I'm talking about... But yeah. A man died in Texas because of Ebola I mean that's scary that it's a thing we had in out country. 

4) We lost a lot of great stars- This year a lot of celebrities that I would consider favorites passed away. Phillip Seymour Hoffman died early in the year of a drug overdose. Shockingly and very sadly Robin Williams lost his battle with depression and died in August of this year. And we lost Joan Rivers who died due to complications in surgery. All very talented people, Joan Rivers and Robin Williams are two of the funniest people, and there were many touching tributes to them. 

Also yesterday an iconic star to me, although I probably never knew what she looked like, Christine Cavanaugh passed away. She voiced many of my favorite cartoon characters including Chuckie Finster from Rugrats. I still watch Rugrats today and think Chuckie is adorable with such a cute voice. She will be missed. 

5) Lots of Celebrity weddings- A lot of famous people got married this year... Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg, Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka, Kim and Kanye. There's also a little known power couple named... Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie! Lol! So many more I'm forgetting about likely... But here are some of the notable ones. 

6) Lots of celebrity babies too- Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher welcomed a baby girl, as did Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling (I think it was a girl) and so did Carrie Washington. Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudekis! There were a lot! 

A lot of couples announced that they are expecting this year also. Blake Lively, Jessica Biels I think is... Kate Middleton of corse! Lots of babies on the way too!

7) John Travolta mispronounces Idina Menzel's name at the Oscars- During the oscars last year, they chose John Travolta to pronounce like the hardest name for the musical number of the oscars... And he pronounced it wrong. This year, he announced another really difficult name... And got it completely wrong he announced her as "The Wicked-ly talented Adele Dazeem!" Which isn't even close lol. It was funny. 

My favorite part from that night... That I missed... Was when Bill Murray gave an unscripted shout-out to his friend Harold Ramis shortly after his passing. That was nice. Bill Murray is pretty awesome and I almost just did a Bill Murray update countdown. Lol. 

8) The Life and Death of Flappy Bird- There was a game called Flappy Bird that was a free app where you played as a bird and you tried to fly... And it was hard and you had to not hit things. After gaining lots of popularity, the app creator took it down because he wanted a more simple life than the app game life lead him. That's kind of a cool thing to walk away from. 

9) Crumbs went bankrupt- My favorite cupcake place Crumbs went completely bankrupt and closed all of their stores :( this made me sad. They had just opened one up in the fancy mall where I live, and they closed it down. I had just started liking their Cronuts too! Ohh well I like Dunkin Donuts too! 

10) Shia Lebeouf is not famous anymore- Actor Shia Lebeouf showed up to a movie premier with a bag over his head that said "I am not famous anymore" and then a few months later he was arrested for acting like a crazy person during a showing of Caberet. Coincidentally, Even Stevens musical episode is on tonight at 1am and I'm tivoing it and watching it with my cousins tomorrow! I'm really excited! I hope it lives up. 

11) Kim Kardashian attempted breaking the internet- Kim has a big butt. They showed said butt on a magazine cover in an attempt to break the internet. It didn't work, but you know... It's cool she has a butt! 

12) Lots of Celeberity break ups too- Speaking of the Kardashians, I think Khloe and her husband just broke up, Cris and Bruce broke up. Katy Perry and John Mayer broke up. Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter... Lots of break ups. But hey that's Hollywood. 

13) The Ice Bucket Challenge- lots of people, famous and not famous dumped buckets of ice on their head to raise awareness and money for ALS. Ben Affleck had a cute video for it, Helena Bonham Carter did it, George and Laura Bush had a funny vid, Tina fey and her daughter Alice did the challenge. It was all very good and funny and it did good for people! 

14) Community got cancelled- ummmm I feel a lot of pressure to choose this last thing. So I chose one that was important to me. NBC cancelled Community... Don't worry it will be on Yahoo in 2015... so it'll be soon. I had a bad day that day because I thought "how can I make a show as good as this... And this even got cancelled." It was almost as dark a day as when Will Arnett and Amy Poehler got divorced, that day I thought love was dead... And this day I thought comedy was dead. It was really sad. It was ahead of it's time... Yes... But also a lot of people don't watch good tv. The Big Bang Theory is high in ratings and the stars are making ridiculous amounts of money and this little gem is loved by fans but still overlooked. And that sucks. 

So on that note... #sixseasonsandamovie and happy 2015!!!! 



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