So yesterday I was going to post a Close Encounter of The Real People Kind story... but then I felt bad. It was kind of an embarrassing story for that person... and I mean clearly she wasn't all that embarrassed by the story if she told it on a train loud enough that I could hear it... but idk. I felt funny telling the story because this girl is probably a nice girl and I don't want to embarrass her or anything.
And then I realized, I might as well embarrass myself. I know myself, I can give you more of a context and explain myself way better. So there is that too.
So one day when I was a Junior in high school... I was a little stressed and tired. I think I was worrying about asking someone to the prom, and I didn't end up asking him and I went to the prom alone that year (Looking AMAZING BTW) but yeah thats tough.
Anyhoo back to the story. So I was walking into school one day and I say hi to my friend and he said "Hi, Shannon." and then very politely "You do realize you're wearing two different shoes right?" And I went "Nooooooooooooooooo!" And looked down at my feet and it was true. I had one Blue Ugg Tasmin on my foot and one Black Mary Jane on the other. It was devastating. I also went to a Catholic School... so we had uniforms and I was hoping I wouldn't get detention because this is the stupid thing I would do that I'd get a detention for. Never mind that half the girls in my class had their skirts way too short, I'd be the one to get detention for wearing two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT shoes to school. Fortunately, that didn't happen. Unfortunately, I did have a presentation in Spanish Class and I really didn't want to get up in front of the whole class with two completely different shoes.
I think I must have been trying everything I possibly could to get out of presenting for Spanish... but there was no way around it. I had to get up there with my two different shoes and just hoped no one noticed.
I was up... everything was going well... and then I heard some kids laughing... and I thought Ohhhh shit. They noticed. And it was hard to get through the rest because I felt like such an idiot with two different shoes on. But we managed to finish, and right after someone went "Did you know you were wearing two different shoes." And I was like "Thanks asshole, no I had no clue." Which I didn't say but trust me... if you wear a blue ugg and a black Mary Jane people will notice and point it out.
My teacher thought it was funny. The same thing happened to her once, but the shoes were more similar. She wondered how I didn't notice since one of the shoes had a strap. The strap didn't actually strap on, there was no velcro, it was just decorative... but yeah. Kind of a big difference. I think the teacher actually liked me more after this incident.
On the positive side of all of this embarrassment? I texted my mom at the beginning of the day about it. I said "I know there is nothing you can do about this, but just so you know I'm wearing two different shoes today." And that made her laugh. She was having a very bad day because of illnesses of a friend and a family member and that made her and my grandmother both laugh. As long as it brightened their day, I was happy.
So that is it. One of my most embarrassing moments. I've had quite a few, and I don't get easily embarrassed anymore because I have no shame basically... but yeah. Lol. I'm sure there will be more.
And then I realized, I might as well embarrass myself. I know myself, I can give you more of a context and explain myself way better. So there is that too.
So one day when I was a Junior in high school... I was a little stressed and tired. I think I was worrying about asking someone to the prom, and I didn't end up asking him and I went to the prom alone that year (Looking AMAZING BTW) but yeah thats tough.
Anyhoo back to the story. So I was walking into school one day and I say hi to my friend and he said "Hi, Shannon." and then very politely "You do realize you're wearing two different shoes right?" And I went "Nooooooooooooooooo!" And looked down at my feet and it was true. I had one Blue Ugg Tasmin on my foot and one Black Mary Jane on the other. It was devastating. I also went to a Catholic School... so we had uniforms and I was hoping I wouldn't get detention because this is the stupid thing I would do that I'd get a detention for. Never mind that half the girls in my class had their skirts way too short, I'd be the one to get detention for wearing two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT shoes to school. Fortunately, that didn't happen. Unfortunately, I did have a presentation in Spanish Class and I really didn't want to get up in front of the whole class with two completely different shoes.
I think I must have been trying everything I possibly could to get out of presenting for Spanish... but there was no way around it. I had to get up there with my two different shoes and just hoped no one noticed.
I was up... everything was going well... and then I heard some kids laughing... and I thought Ohhhh shit. They noticed. And it was hard to get through the rest because I felt like such an idiot with two different shoes on. But we managed to finish, and right after someone went "Did you know you were wearing two different shoes." And I was like "Thanks asshole, no I had no clue." Which I didn't say but trust me... if you wear a blue ugg and a black Mary Jane people will notice and point it out.
My teacher thought it was funny. The same thing happened to her once, but the shoes were more similar. She wondered how I didn't notice since one of the shoes had a strap. The strap didn't actually strap on, there was no velcro, it was just decorative... but yeah. Kind of a big difference. I think the teacher actually liked me more after this incident.
On the positive side of all of this embarrassment? I texted my mom at the beginning of the day about it. I said "I know there is nothing you can do about this, but just so you know I'm wearing two different shoes today." And that made her laugh. She was having a very bad day because of illnesses of a friend and a family member and that made her and my grandmother both laugh. As long as it brightened their day, I was happy.
So that is it. One of my most embarrassing moments. I've had quite a few, and I don't get easily embarrassed anymore because I have no shame basically... but yeah. Lol. I'm sure there will be more.
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