Sooo I saw the movie Unbroken, which is the World War II movie that was directed by Angelina Jolie... I know what your thinking "That doesn't sound like a very Shannony movie" well really it isn't. My dad wanted to see it, so he took my mom and I and even though I didn't really know what it was about, I watched the trailer it looked good and I thought I'd like it a lot. And I did really like it, its a great story with great acting and overall a great movie and I would recommend it!
So I just checked IMDB this is Angelina Jolie's 3rd movie that she's directing. She has a documentary and another movie, I thought this was her directorial debut, but it was not. She has 2 in the works too, so that'll be interesting. I think there were some weird directorial choices... it started off a little slow. Kind of a lot slow actually. It starts out, you get right into it, the main character Louie is in a plane during WWII... I don't think he's flying it I think he's shooting I forget...
Then flashback to when he's a kid... which is weird. He's being teased because his family is from Italy and they moved to America. He gets into some trouble, his brother makes him run and he gets in the olympics... then back to the war. It was just odd. And then half the movie was him with Dandy from American Horror Story and someone else on a raft stranded for over 45 days... I forget how long exactly... but thats very long and I think it was interesting, but they could have cut it down and focused the majority of the movie on him in the Japanese prison. That seems like the main plot of the movie... but it didn't seem like it lasted very long. That was a little weird.
Other than it starting a little slow, it was a good all around. The acting was all really great, the story was compelling and you really felt like you were there. If you like history, you should definitely see it. I was thinking if you're a history teacher teaching about World War II, this would be good to have kids see for extra credit or something and write a little something about it. I think its worth seeing in theaters because it really makes you feel like you're there, even though it starts out a bit slow... its still an interesting sort of slow I guess. Its fully entertaining, just they could have sped some parts off and focused more on the more important part of the movie. It had a nice ending also, which isn't much of a spoiler because we know how the war ends and it is based off of a true story.
Other than it starting a little slow, it was a good all around. The acting was all really great, the story was compelling and you really felt like you were there. If you like history, you should definitely see it. I was thinking if you're a history teacher teaching about World War II, this would be good to have kids see for extra credit or something and write a little something about it. I think its worth seeing in theaters because it really makes you feel like you're there, even though it starts out a bit slow... its still an interesting sort of slow I guess. Its fully entertaining, just they could have sped some parts off and focused more on the more important part of the movie. It had a nice ending also, which isn't much of a spoiler because we know how the war ends and it is based off of a true story.
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