So recently, I've discovered a sort of new, for me at least writing process and I figured a lot of other people with blogs are probably writers to some extent. This isn't like how I write my blogs or anything, this is for larger projects like a book or a movie or something along those lines.
So I start with my idea. My recent idea was about Christmas Songs and how they get made. I'll write down that idea and than other little things I'd like to include in that idea. I wrote Halloween, Jealous Brother, Love Triangle... a bunch of other things. And I just write it down slopily on a blank piece of paper. I'll write them down as I think of them, so I don't just brainstorm for 20 minutes or whatever. I think of an idea and I let it marinate for a few days. If I can't fill at least half a page, its probably not that great of an idea anyway.
I'll also write down a list of some inspirations I have that are things I'd like to keep in mind while writing. For example: I think the town of Pawnee and Greendale Community College are both hilarious and I love the small-town thats really crazy vibe and that type of setting, so I might watch some episodes of those shows just to get an idea of what I think this should be. My idea is nothing like Parks and Rec or Community... but I find those shows funny and I want to write something that I think is funny. I also wrote things like Christmas Songs, Zach Woods from The Office, Playing House and Silicon Valley... and more specifically his character on The League and just other things. I even put Gone Girl on the list even though this is nothing like Gone Girl at all. These are just things I can watch, listen to or think about while I'm writing this so that I can further be inspired. I can watch them in the background of doing something else... or just watch them right before I start writing. Just to help me form what I can do.
And my last step before doing anything else is figure out my main character and then write a little monologue or diary entry or something from his or her perspective. This helps me come up with a name and even as I was writing this little snippet from my character's perspective I was thinking "Okay, so I want him to do this... how does he do that... what are his motivations and why is he like that." And it helped me form the plot that I plan to use for this little thingy.
And I may write something from the perspective of other characters too. It may be something included in the book, it may just be something that happens to them in this world but outside of the actual book or story itself... its just so that I know my characters and so that they're very real.
And then I'll start writing.... which as of this second that I'm writing this post, I haven't started yet... but I will. It'll be on track.
So there you go! I would do this all in a notebook or diary of some sort and keep the page opened while its still marinating. If its a good idea, you'll have a page of ideas written before you know it and the characters will all come really easily to you.
Hope this helps!
So I start with my idea. My recent idea was about Christmas Songs and how they get made. I'll write down that idea and than other little things I'd like to include in that idea. I wrote Halloween, Jealous Brother, Love Triangle... a bunch of other things. And I just write it down slopily on a blank piece of paper. I'll write them down as I think of them, so I don't just brainstorm for 20 minutes or whatever. I think of an idea and I let it marinate for a few days. If I can't fill at least half a page, its probably not that great of an idea anyway.
I'll also write down a list of some inspirations I have that are things I'd like to keep in mind while writing. For example: I think the town of Pawnee and Greendale Community College are both hilarious and I love the small-town thats really crazy vibe and that type of setting, so I might watch some episodes of those shows just to get an idea of what I think this should be. My idea is nothing like Parks and Rec or Community... but I find those shows funny and I want to write something that I think is funny. I also wrote things like Christmas Songs, Zach Woods from The Office, Playing House and Silicon Valley... and more specifically his character on The League and just other things. I even put Gone Girl on the list even though this is nothing like Gone Girl at all. These are just things I can watch, listen to or think about while I'm writing this so that I can further be inspired. I can watch them in the background of doing something else... or just watch them right before I start writing. Just to help me form what I can do.
And my last step before doing anything else is figure out my main character and then write a little monologue or diary entry or something from his or her perspective. This helps me come up with a name and even as I was writing this little snippet from my character's perspective I was thinking "Okay, so I want him to do this... how does he do that... what are his motivations and why is he like that." And it helped me form the plot that I plan to use for this little thingy.
And I may write something from the perspective of other characters too. It may be something included in the book, it may just be something that happens to them in this world but outside of the actual book or story itself... its just so that I know my characters and so that they're very real.
And then I'll start writing.... which as of this second that I'm writing this post, I haven't started yet... but I will. It'll be on track.
So there you go! I would do this all in a notebook or diary of some sort and keep the page opened while its still marinating. If its a good idea, you'll have a page of ideas written before you know it and the characters will all come really easily to you.
Hope this helps!
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