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Chart Chat! 12/22/12

Soooo here I will talk about the top charts in music and movies.... thats all the prelude lol.


5) The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1- Wow! This was number 1 on the charts for a few weeks I believe, it's been out for 5 weeks and now its number 5. I really love the Hunger Games books and I like the movies as well, but whenever they come out in theaters I'm not like super excited. With the exception of the first movie I've never been like "I need to see this right when it comes out." I don't know. I always like the movies, but the last one I saw later in the theater... and this I probably will too. I feel excited to read the books when I hear a movie is being made about them... but when they come out I'm not as excited. Except for Gone Girl and The Maze Runner. Mockingjay is also probably my least favorite book, so there's that too... but overall yeah. lol. I will see this eventually but its not at the top of my list.

4) Exodus: Gods and Kings- This is a movie i have no desire to see whatsoever really. Another movie based on a book of sorts I suppose lol. The timing of this movie seems strange to me. I don't understand why its being released around Christmas/Haunakuh when its about... Passover? Someone said "nothing says Christmas like Passover about it... so yeah... I guess they thought it might be nominated for an oscar, so they released it now... I doubt that's going to happen though. It just seems like an action movie. I think thats weird to make a religious story into an action movie... but that seems to be a genre now. I don't know. I'm not going to see it. So yeah... doesn't concern me!

3) Annie- I love the girl that plays Annie I think she's adorable. I think its good to have a black Annie, it gives a beloved character a new face and thats always a nice thing. I really like Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz... but this movie just looked bad to me. Just the trailer looked like they were trying to act as badly as they could. This was also released during the Sony Hack, so that probably hurt it a little bit... but I think more people are probably seeing the top 2 movies instead of this anyway... so there's that. Lots of movies came out this week. I'll probably watch it on tv though because it should be something I like!

2) Night at the Museum: The Secret of The Tomb- One of my favorite movie series! Also recently rediscovered. I will see this probably in the very near future! I have been watching these on tv and they are really some great movies. Also the final film appearance of both Robin Williams and Mickey Rooney. Really excited for this one too. When I saw the first one I thought it would be okay. Something fun to watch that wouldn't exactly catch on. It seemed like Bedtime stories or something of that variety... but they came up with a really cool and different way to do something thats a pretty classic idea. Yeah I'm really excited!

1) The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies- A lot of my friends are really into this and LOTR. I liked LOTR, I watched them all in one day and they were good. I really liked them, very well made. Peter Jackson is a brilliant director and he created this really beautiful world. I haven't seen any of The Hobbit movies... I haven't really wanted to just cause its not really my thing. I'm either all into action and sci fi or all against it... and this movie isn't one I'm really all for. I'm sure its spectacular from a visual perspective, and clearly people are seeing these movies so they must be good. I don't know if I'll see it. I'm not rushing to see the first two... this isn't something I think I'll see in theaters... but its a thing. Lol.


5) Lips are Movin by Megan Trainor- Megan Trainor is very talented, I don't know that I've heard this full song... I've heard it on the commercials she does, and its good. I'll probably get sick of it soon, but as of now I like it. I'm no longer all about that bass, and I'm happy she isn't just a one hit wonder... can you imagine if some of these bands out today were one hit wonders? A lot of them should be.

4) Thinking out Loud by Ed Sheeran- I have yet to tire of an Ed Sheeran song! This is really good and I still like all of his other songs This one might be my favorite of the 3 singles he's released recently. He's very talented and I think he will continue with that!

3) Take Me To Church by Hozier- Another good one! I can actually sing this song pretty well. I'm embarrassed to sing in front of people so no one will ever know other than me just saying I think I sing this well here... so yeah I'm the best dog gamn singer ever! Lol. Interesting song. They performed well at the VS Fashion show also.

2) Blank Space by Taylor Swift- Speaking of the VS Fashion show, I really love this song! Was not a fan of Shake It Off... I've never loved Taylor Swift, but I have her cds cause I like listening to them when I'm bored. Also she's kind of angry and mean and I love that. Lol. This song is her first real attempt at poking fun at herself a little bit.

1) Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars- I'm listening to the little preview thing on itunes for this song... I can't tell if I like it from this. I think this is either going to be a song I'll love when its on the radio or I'll get tired of really really fast. Which is what happens with Bruno Mars kinda... Its very upbeat though. The singer has a pretty good voice. And yeah... I really don't know what to think of this yet.

Alrighty so that is everything. Hope you've enjoyed the last chart chat of the year. Maybe I'll do a 2014 chart chat... probably will if I can find that info.



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