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Trailer Reviews: New Gone Girl Trailer and more!

So I did one of these last week, but there is a new gone girl trailer that I just watched and I figured I'd watch some more stuff.

1) Gone Girl- This is the movie where Ben Affleck's wife goes missing and he seems suspicious, yet insists he didn't do it. It's based off of a book that I want to read because I'm interested in the story... but lets face it. Ben Affleck, Tyler Perry... doesn't sound like a great movie to me so far lol. Also books about murder don't translate that well on screen I don't really think. I kind of liked The Lovely Bones movie, but it wasn't fantastic or anything I would have really wanted to pay to see... I don't know. The teaser was super weird and arty, it was just clips of the movie that were rather disturbing and a song playing in the backround... its weird. This one had more of the story, but it still didn't really tell us anything. It makes Ben Affleck look super guilty and on one hand that would be super obvious but also meh... who knows. The trailer and the new posters have convinced me to read the book, but I'm still uncertain about the movie.

2) What if- Daniel Radcliff meets the right girl its a fairy tale everything is perfect but wait she has a boyfriend! So you're supposed to pay $12 and sit for 2 hours to see if men and women can really be friends without falling in love or sex getting in the way of it? Yeah no. Sorry Harry Potter. NEXT!

3) Life After Beth- Guy falls in love with girl, played by Audrey Plaza, girl dies. Guy is sad, but then girl comes back to life, guy is happy and ohhh yeah now she's a zombie... so he's trying to figure that out again. Yep. This sounds awesome, totally seeing it, worth my $12! Good job!

4) About Alex- This one looks the same as every movie I reviewed last week only more depressing kind of. Alex tries to commit suicide and then all of his friends including Audrey Plaza yet again come to visit with him and then everyone else tries to hook up with each other. I'm half in but not really.

5) Alexander and the terrible, horrible no good very bad day- This is one of my favorite children's books and I heard that they were making it a movie and Steve Carell was going to be in it, but I didn't know how it could be a movie. This actually looks really cute and even though its clearly not for my age group, I kind of want to see it because it seems like a heartwarming family tale. Donald Glover is in it too, so there's that. Idk, if you have kids this movie looks really cute and something you guys can enjoy together.

6) Cinderella- This was a teaser trailer... if that even. Basically it just showed a glass slipper and a butterfly and said it would be out in March 2015 and it's Disney. I'm guessing the butterfly is the fairy godmother... but idk what the movie will be like or who cinderella is or literally anything from this teaser aside from that it is a thing that will be happening in the not so distant future. I'd probably see it just because I liked Maleficent soooo much.

7) Frank- I wanted to do something besides an independent movie... but I had to do this one! It's about a musician who won't take off this ridiculous mask he has on. Frank is played by Michael Fassbender, who is an incredibly attractive man that has shown his penis at some point during his career... right? It wasn't like for a movie or anything it was for him being a crazy person I think, idk never saw it just heard about it on The Mindy Project lol. Anyway I think that he's a super good looking guy that could absolutely be the next Brad Pitt or on par with Channing Tatum or something, but he chooses roles that don't highlight his good looks and I think that's brave. He's a real actor and he tries to not rely on his looks. So this could be good. It looks pretty bad, but interesting... lol.

8) And So It Goes- My version of the trailer: Michael Douglas is a horrible man, unlikeable probably sexist and has no friends. But for some reason Diane Keaton Falls in love with him anyway. In a movie that is just like every other movie she is in and has a super generic title that no one will remember, so you'll just refer to it as "that movie where old people have sex." Because old people having sex is super funny and not weird or gross at all... that's what I got from the trailer. Yep. Spot on... umm its also filled with jokes that aren't funny and make no sense, Michael Douglas using a paintball gun on a dog, and it reminds us that these people used to be real actors and they both have Oscars. Looks horrible, don't see it. 1) we really don't need another one of these movies 2) this is one of those "sexism is HILARIOUS" type of movies that I think are really hurting our society as a whole... also racism is in there too. It just looks god awful and these are the types of movies they play in hell. lol.

Alrighty... I can't do this anymore. Too many indy movies, nothing that looks good, wanted to get it to an even 10 but this is just terrible. Tomorrow I will have a review up on a movie that is out now and that is better than all these other movies, so you have that to look forward too.



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