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Scribbles about Television: Trueblood Season 7 So Far (Spoilers)

So one show I have a love hate relationship with... But mostly love through thick and thin no matter what is Trueblood. And you may or may not know that 1) it is the final season 2) Everyone is dying so far!!! So of corse I need to talk about it.

I kind of stopped watching last season because the Billith thing got a bit ridiculous for me... Not even going to lie. It was weird, I was turned off and I stopped watching because I just needed some time away from it... But now I finished season 6 and it was actually good and I'm back in for Season 7.

Here are some highlights from season 6 and mostly the end of Season 6 that will make everything in my review make more sense. Be warned: I'm going to spoil basically everything. I've been pissed because Facebook spoiled it for me already and it's pissing me off so much. They're like "you'll never guess who died on trueblood: interview with Joe Manganiello. Really? Could you be more obvious. Anyway... Back to the point.

Andy got a fairy pregnant and then she abandoned him and left her with 4 daughters. Jessica ate 3 of them and then vowed to protect the living daughter. She also has a boyfriend who is a hippie vamp and is in a band. Jason started to exclusively have a vampire feed on him. Her name is Violet and she is basically a straight, vampire Crazy Eyes. She wouldn't have sex with him. Sookie started dating Alcide. Sam became mayor and with the help of Bill, he created a program that assigned every human to a vampire as a way to protect them or whatever. Vampires needed this type of protection because that bitch Sarah Newlin, that was married to Steve Newlin and fucked Jason Stackhouse created a virus called Hep V that only affected vampires and she put it in the trueblood. So a bunch of crazy vampires that were dying because of Hep V came to Bon temps and started killing people because they don't care because they are dying. Also Bill had Fairy Blood from Warlow, a fairy vampire who killed Sookie's parents and then was later killed because he tried to force Sookie to marry him... And Bill fed himself too all the other vampires because Sarah Newlin trapped them in a room and forced them to meet the sun, so they could walk in daylight. Eric flew to a Switzerland Mountaintop in the sun and started to burn and we saw his penis. Also he fed Jason his blood.

And that's all! I think.

So the season begins and we don't know where Eric is or if he's alive or not. Pam went to find him. Tara gets steaked and Tara's mom, who had just let Tara feed on her and had been pretty beat up as well. Willow, Eric's babyvamp gave Tara's mom her blood and her being an addict... Got addicted to it and says she can see Tara when she's on V. I don't like this storyline. I feel like they've almost killed Tara off every freaking season and they haven't done it yet... And now that she's a vampire I actually liked her... And it sucks. We didn't actually see her die, but Pam felt it so it's cannon. Ugh.

A hep v Vamp came to Andy's house which Jessica was watching to protect his daughter,  Addy. The two had some girl talk and Addy felt she could trust Jessica and invited her in when the sun came up. Jessica had Addy drink her blood so that she could keep track of where she was and if she was in danger. She ended up getting captured by the angry mob that has formed against the vampires and Jessica went with Andy to find her.

Eric is alive. Pam found him in France. They have some flashbacks. Nothing too interesting but it was nice to see. Ohh and Eric has Hep V and Jason had a sex dream about him and proves his straightness by having sex with Violet.

And Sookie gets mad at Alcide because he was thinking she caused trouble and his thoughts were the same as everyone else in town and then she runs away from him and throws her phone away and she comes up with some sort of crazy plan to become vampire bait and the town finds out and the vampires smell her... And Alcide dies.

Sooo yeah overall I think everyone is going to die in the finale and I think that will be a good way to end it but at the same time... I kind of want them to live a happy life somewhere. I was disappointed with Alcides death because I've been leaning more towards Team Alcide lately. I really have no OTP's on trueblood and I have different reasons for my different ships for Sookie. I remember her talking about having grandkids in one episode, and she could have grandkids with Alcide which is why I liked him. So yeah. Him dying was sucky. Also I feel like it's a cop out to have Sookie date him for like 2 episodes and then just kill him off after he's been on the show since Season 3! So yeah I didn't like that along with Tara's death.

I don't love the Eric and Pam storyline because I like them to be with their whole family. Eric is a family man, he's always with Pam, and he was supportive and helpful to Tara and Willow and Norah also. He wanted to keep Goddrick's bloodline going and now everyone is dying and i don't like it as much. And poor Willow will have no one! I think if Eric does, Pam might kill herself and leave her sister with no one. It's sad.

It's not that I haven't liked the final season so far, I think it has a lot of promise and I'm excited to see how everything ends... But it's sad and not a whole lot has happened yet other than everyone dying. I'll be sure to do recaps every Monday or Tuesday and have more trueblood related posts. My two favorite shows to blog about were how I met your mother and trueblood... And now I can't blog about HIMYM sooo I'm blogging about trueblood for as long as I can.

So yeah. If you like trueblood, be sure to follow me!



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