1) He's a Vampire Viking God- Exactly what Pam had told him. He is a vampire Viking... How could you not love him? There is literally nothing hotter than a Vampire Viking God! You can't beat that!
2) He is an amazing maker to Pam- his loyalty to Pam and his relationship with Pam in general is the most beautiful relationship on the show I think. They have always been together and they will always be together no matter what. Through Eric making another vampire, through Eric's illness, Tara's death, the death of Eric's French girl... Just a lot. Maybe he isn't an amazing maker, he can be an asshole, but that's because he has loyalty to others as well, like Nora and Goddrick and Sookie.
3) He can actually admit when he's done wrong, but he also defends his decisions- when Willow said he was a bad maker... He admitted he was a bad maker. He knew that he wasn't good to her, but he loves her still and will continue to love and care for her, even though he released her and he will support her. He also defends decisions of his that were hard, like killing his French girlfriend over Pam. He doesn't regret making Pam even though he was reluctant and he doesn't regret making Willa even though she thought he didn't have good intentions.
4) He doesn't truly care for just anyone- Eric is an old vampires, he has a lot of friends and people that he cares for, but he won't truly care for just anyone. And when he does love someone, he loves them more than anything and is loyal to them no matter what happens. He's a really loyal friend that will do what he can for others. He's actually more caring than most everyone else on the show. If you think about it: Sookie tried to actually kill Bill Compton last season. She always says how much she loves him and that he was her first love and loving him is in her blood, but she stabbed him in the back and tried to stake him! Eric wouldn't have done that to Sookie.
5) He is still connected to his human origins- even after all the years, he has not lost connection with his human roots. He went right back to Sweeden on top of a mountain to sunbathe when he could walk in the sun. Plus he always seems to mention his past in Sweeden and his human family. He wanted revenge against Russell Edgington because he killed Eric's human family.
6) He's a family man- even with his vampire family he's a family man. He wants revenge against Sarah Newlin for killing his sister... And really his maker too. But he doesn't want to kill her because he is dying of the disease she created. He just doesn't want her to live because she killed his sister!
That's about all I think... Let me know your MCM!
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