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Trailer Reviews! Dark comedies and Indy movies. Plus Horrible bosses two teaser.

So I just realized that there is a movie out that has Jason Bateman and Tina Fey as brother and sister and is the comedy I've been dreaming about for years... Seriously this is my type of movie. And it has a trailer out and I haven't seen it... That means it is definitely time for trailer reviews!

1) This Is Where I Leave You- As mentioned above... I am excited for this movie. People are saying it has the potential to be the greatest movie ever made,and I agree with that and absolutely want to see it the second it comes out... And I didn't even catch the date of it. Anyway this movie looks completely perfect in every way. I love Jason Bateman almost as much if not more than I love Tina Fey and them together is just the best thing that could possibly happen in a movie. Yes this movie will be good. I actually waited a while to see the trailer because I've been sort of researching the movie, and following it for a while, which I hardly do because I get bored with it and by the time the movie comes out, I don't see it. Anyway yes, this movie will be fantastic. I am excited!

2) They Came Together- This is actually a movie that is out now in select theaters and available on demand, so I will probably watch it within the next few days and have a review on it because I love reviewing things! Anyway this is a movie made by David Wain and Michael Showalter who made a fantastic movie called Wet Hot American Summer that is now kind of a cult classic. I think this movie is coming to Netflix, it should be on Netflix because this is one of those movies you just have to see. Anyway yeah so it's basically a parody of a romantic comedy and it stars Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd and it also has a lot of other amazing people like Ellie Kemper, Ed Helms, Ken Marino, Jason Mantzoukas, Keenan Thompson, Chris Meloni, Michael Ian Black... This just looks great. If you think Romantic Comedies are ridiculous, this looks like the movie for you. I'm super excited and will probably watch it like 50 ish times? Sounds good.

3) The Skeleton Twins- This has been buzzed about this week and for good reason. Kristin Wiig is funny Bill Hader is funny. They work greatly together in everything they've done. This is, kind of like This is Where I Leave you because it's more of an emotional family comedy. And my definition of
Family Comedy here isn't like The Lego Movie, it's like The Royal Tenenbaums where it is literally a comedy about a family. I tend to really like tv shows and movies with some sort of sibling relationship in the comedy. I feel like it helps make the show more grounded and just adds a little extra backstory between the characters. Friends, Arrested Development, The League, Always Sunny are all great shows I like a little more because two of the main characters are siblings.

4) Horrible Bosses 2- I've kind of talked about how I don't love sequels to comedies... Except for Addams Family Values... Ohhh my gosh! Anyway this actually looks really promising. Part of that might be because Kevin Spacey is in it and I just recently realized he's kind of my old man crush. Anyway this looks like it has the familiarity of the original movie, but with a new spin on it. It isn't just the same exact movie again like the hangover movies and it doesn't look like a giant meta type of joke like 22 Jump Street. This coul be a super funny comedy franchise and I'm excited about it!

5) Are You Here- This movie looks a lot like This is Where I leave you and kind of like Skeleton twins. As well. It looks like a good movie and a movie I'm excited to see, but this was like the strangest trailer of all time. It opens with Owen Wilson making an inappropriate joke on a weather channel while he is the weatherman.... Which is funny but the rest of the trailer focuses on Zach Galifinakis's character dealing with his dad's funeral... Along with some of his family members like his sister Amy Poehler and her husband and his gold digging step mom... Who they also focused in the trailer more than they needed too. You don't really get a sense of what Zach Galinfinakis' dad in the movie did, but there is reference to oil, so I guess it's that. You also don't totally know what the relationship between him and Owen Wilson is and if they talk to each other a lot. I also don't know how this movie is supposed to make me feel from the trailer. I don't know if it's about family or friendships or if I'm supposed to like Amy Poehler's character or Zach Galifinakis' character, or who
the movie is even about. This is stuff I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't just watched the
other two trailers, but now it's hard not to compare. It seems like a great movie but really the trailer looks terrible! The only thing that was made 100 percent clear is that it was written and directed by the creator of Mad Men. Also not what I was expecting. I don't really watch Mad Men, but that was unexpected for sure.

And in the trailers for The Skeleton twins, They Came together and this is sep here I leave you, I already connected with these characters and I care about them. I didn't feel a great connection in this trailer. And I really like Zach Galifinakis, Amy Poehler and Owen Wilson, but the trailer was just off.

So that is it. I didn't really mean for this to be all about similar dark comedies and Indy movies, but I like having a theme. Lol.



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