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Scribble About Books: Gone Girl

I already posted a review on Gone Girl... But I also wanted to post something a little more in-depth and that people who have already read the book can relate to and understand. This will be filled with spoilers, so if you haven't read the book, please click away, hide this post and read the book and come back. Everyone seriously needs to read this book.

At the beginning of the book, I just thought that Nick and Amy had really bad communication problems that led to some unfortunate things. I didn't really think that Nick was capable of killing her because I just figured Nick really loved her. I actually thought I was a bit like Diary Amy... I don't think I'm anything like Amy in real life... I can barely order things online, I would never be able to go through pulling off what she pulled off! But Diary Amy seemed fun and free spirited at first. I thought she was a but empty and kind of vapid towards the end of the diary entries. I mean I still believed her over Nick just because I figured she was the reliable narrator. I figured one of them had to be unreliable and Nick was not telling the reader absolutely everything. And it's kind of funny because even though Amy is an unreliable Narrator, we get the complete truth from her in the middle of the novel. We never really get the complete truth from her in the last third or from Nick anywhere that we can prove really.

I'm not going to act like I knew absolutely everything that was going on, but I did find some things kind of odd. 1) I wondered why title the book Gone Girl? Didn't make too much sense. Maybe Go took her! 2) Amy's diary entries were very perfectly written. Sure Amy is a writer... But even still a diary is a diary, not a novel. I am a writer also and I never sound like that in my diaries, or even on this blog. I would only do that if I thought someone was going to read it. 3) it seemed like a huge coincidence that Amy's clues showed up as she went missing. It all just seemed too perfect. And when Andie was introduced it became slightly clearer. The first clue led him to his office and it talked about a naughty student having an affair with her teacher. This is when I was like "wait, that isn't just a coincidence" but again it's kind of a MaGuffin. It was also odd that Amy was so smart, but she couldn't figure out that her husband was cheating. It all added up when we found out that Amy was behind everything.

I was actually a little bored up until the part of the mistress was revealed. I was debating on skipping Amy's diary entries because they were short and seemed a little meaningless. Until the mistress was revealed. Then everything just became a bit more interesting and fun to read.

One thing I loved about this book is the way that it seems we know everything about Amy's story and we believe it all... But we really don't know everything Nick is thinking so we don't know what he is capable of or anything! There's no point that points out that Nick definitely did not kill his wife. And it all looks more grim when no one believes him. Go even thinks he did it!

The twist was just amazing. It totally changed everything about this book and made it a completely different book than what we started out with ENTIRELY! It was the most exciting thing to find out. Amy orchestrated everything and that she was in fact, a psycho bitch! It was just so crazy and out of left field. And just her planning of all of this and everything that she did leading up to it.

As for the end, I didn't hate it. The book didn't actually slow down until the last few pages... Which is amazing! I just thought that the end was a little sad. Nick was stuck with this woman because he knew that no one else could ever compare. He didn't love her, he hated her in fact... But there was no way that he could not be with her. He does get the son that he wanted... Well at least hopefully. Knowing Amy she could have very well aborted the baby just because of what Nick said. And it's sad that he couldn't publish his book because he was actually real and talented. And his relationship with Go wasn't as strong because she couldn't understand him and Amy together. It's just sad that for all her vengeance for justice... Justice was never really served to her.

And Gillian Flynn actually wrote the screenplay as well and says that she changed the ending... There are lots of ways this ending could have changed so I am very interested in that. I will still be wondering what happens!

So yeah that's about everything. I loved everything about this book. It was absolutely perfect and I give it the highest recommendation I can. It is amazing, for realz best book evah! I'm not even a huge mystery fan... But maybe I am and maybe I should read more. I'll definitely read the other 2 books Gillian Flynn has!



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