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Stuff That Happened This Week! (7/20-7/26)

1) Trailer and trailer for trailer if 50 Shades of Grey came out this week- So I haven't seen the actual trailer yet, but I did see the teaser for the trailer that was released on Beyoncé's Instagram for some reason. Yes we live in a society where our ridiculous movies not only have trailers announcing the trailer... But they are released on Beyoce's Instagram. I didn't read the books... Should I read the books? I don't think I would like the girl... But I do like Dakota Johnson and I really really like Graham from Once Upon a Time so I will most definitely see the movie just to see his butt. I'm going to act like Tina Belcher in the movie theater fangirling... For real. Why did they have to kill him on once! He's so hot! 

2) Phillip Seymor Hoffman didn't want his kids to be trust fund kids-Slightly odd parenting choice I guess, but I can kind of see where he was going with it. He left all of his money to the mother of his children, who I hope at least will handle it responsibly and use it for their benefit. I think he really wanted his kids to have a normal life and make sure that they stay out of the spotlight. He doesn't want them to get into acting and he really doesn't want them to get into drugs (or didn't want them to get into drugs... But that sounds so grusome and I hope these kids live a better life than he did. 

3) George Harrison Memorail Tree Eaten by Beetles, not Beatles- This is just a story that is ironic and funny all around. A tree dedicated to the late Beatle, Rock star and singer (those are 3 of the same things) was eaten by actual beetles. Not by Paul and Ringo... That would be a weird story, but by the insects. I can't get over this story. It's too funny! How is that not the funniest thing? It's so fitting too it's just kind of a memorial in itself. 

4) Prince George turns 1 (and so does Prince Spencer)- One year ago this week the world was awaiting the arrival of the Royal Baby while I was awaiting the arrival of the Royal Puppy! My dog is named Spencer as a way of honoring Princess Diana because the Prince wasn't named Spencer after his grandmother's maiden name. I don't know about the Prince, but the pup sure got spoiled with a lot of toys and treats! I just wanted to share this to talk about my dog because I love him. Lol. 

5) Little Boy kicked out of Donut shop- This is something I feel like I would have felt differently about had I not just read Gone Girl. It has nothing to do with the book... But the book has made me understand that there is more than one side to every story and that the innocent person doesn't always end up being so innocent. 

So there's this donut shop called The Donut Inn and this little boy went there with his mom. This little boy just liked talking to people and he would go up and ask them questions... Something I did as a kid too! Anyway this boy asked a customer if she was pregnant and she wasn't so she said no. The mother was horrified, the woman just said no it's okay I get that a lot and it didn't seem like she was that offended. Next day the mother and son go in again and they tell her her son is no longer welcome because he is rude. The mom got upset, the media got a hold of the story and now people are protesting the donut shop on the internet and there was what I think is a fake Facebook account where the donut shop insulted the people that were taking the mothers side... I don't know. 

So how I can kind of see this is that the Donut Inn isn't that big of a corporation or anything. It's a small donut shop that probably isn't doing well to begin with. Something like this could actually get it closed down. I realized while reading Gone Girl that the media loves stories like this and they love blaming the bad guy. The woman might have been really upset by the boys comment, other customers may have also been upset by it. Who knows. 

On the other hand though there are so many bussinesses that do stuff like this it's insane. There are lots of crappy looking places that should be shut down but aren't yet and a lot of times the employees are just bitter and super grumpy. Even if the food is good, eating there is like a punishment in itself. So maybe it was that. I don't know what's real in this story, that is just my humble opinion on the matter. 

6) POTC 5 gets summer 2017 release date- Yes the sequel none of us asked for- a fifth Pirates of the Carribian is going to be a thing and will be in theaters in the somewhat distant future. I have to say I'm no longer a huge fan of this movie. The first two were perfect, the third I didn't love, and the fourth was okay but nothing to change the movie industry or anything. It's a little like they have made too many of these movies now... But at the same time I like that they are still making Pirate movies. They're exciting and fun adventure movies that actually hold my attention for the most part. Not what I need really, but not awful. I also want to see The Lone Ranger still... I know it got horrible reviews and no one really liked it, but I feel like I might like it. Lol. 

7) A Lost Maltese Returns Home after 7 Years- This is such a sad and amazing story. I am the proud owner of a Matesea and I can tell you... They are smarter than most people. This story actually aired on Spencer's Birthday too after he had just knocked on my door and woken me up. A family lost their dog while they were on vacation I think and the dog ended up traveling pretty much across the country and ended up with another family who loved him and adopted him. 7 years later, the original owners tracking device actually tracks him down and they are able to bring him back home. This is sad for both families really. The second family is heartbroken because they have a little girl and a son that has been to Iraq and this dog helped him (I think that's what they said... Not sure and I can't watch the story again because it's so sad). The second family isn't mad at the original owners and are happy that he is going to a loving home, but they are upset because in those 7 years... No one thought to look for the microchip or tell them about it. I just think this is a sad story, I'm glad the dog has 2 families that love him and that have looked out for him and I can't imagine being in either one of the family's situations. 

8) The Royal Photobomb- Apparently some girls were taking a picture at the World Cup or some sports event I believe and behind them was the Queen. Just Smiling and looking all Queen-like! I've been photobombed before but it was a little different because instead of The Queen if was a Game Stop Employee...well okay that's a lot different. Still cool though! 



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