So New Girl Season 4 is a lot different... but still really funny. CeCe isn't with Schmidt, Nick isn't with Jess... Coach is still in the Loft and overall everything is a little different- but still really funny.
Also- I'm pretty sure my past 3 reviews I spelled CeCe as CeeCee ... I'm sorry!
I had seen some of these episodes but I don't think I saw all of them- and some of them I really didn't pay that much attention too... I think I watched them while doing homework or... blogging or something but I the episodes I remembered most from the season were The Finale, the episode where Jess thinks she has a bag of meth that was in an ottoman she bought at a flea market and Winston has a background check for the police academy, I remembered some of Jess dating Ryan but not all of it... and Fawn Moscato. It was a good season overall... I still think Season 2 is my favorite overall but this one might be a second or third favorite.
I like Coach a lot and I was happy that he came back for this season. I also love Zoe Lister Jones and I think she's really funny as Fawn Moscato. Plus I like that Winston becomes a cop and that he knows about Cece's feelings for Schmidt and they have their own little secret. Schmidt and Nick also start working together and they end up buying a share of the bar and that was kind of fun to see them come up with business ideas. There's also so much awkwardness between Nick and Jess and how other people see them together. It's just really funny.
The finale was great too. Even though Coach was leaving... something else happened so we know he'll probably be back for the next season finale... so that was good too!
And Schmidt was really sweet and adorable to Cece this season and they're one of my favorite tv couples. He was great to her as a friend- but they loved each other so much too it was just kind of cute to see.
I think that is everything I have to say. Favorite episode was probably the Christmas one... I really like New Girl's Christmas episodes and this was fun that it was in an airport.
Alright that is everything! Hope you guys like it!
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