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I NEED TO TALK ABOUT BIG ED AND ROSE!!!! 90 day Fiance thoughts

Alright guys- so I know basically nothing about 90 Day Fiance... I don't even know if I saw an episode- basically I just watched whatever I could find on youtube about Big Ed and Rose because my boyfriend sent me a link for Big Ed's story and I just kept watching whatever I could about those two. I think this might follow different pre-engagement stories of different couples and this one just kind of went viral from what I'm gathering... but... it's bad. 

Alright so Big Ed claims to be a man that was single for 28 years after his wife divorced him because he cheated on her. Already Big Ed sounds like a winner right? But then he was lurking on facebook and meets this beautiful 23 year old girl named Rose... Do the math and Ed's been single for more than her entire life... allegedly? And I say allegedly because  somehow I think Big Ed's lying about some of it... but I could also see him being single not by choice for more than 20 years because... he isn't really a gentleman. 

So other than the age gap- there's also a distance gap between the two. Ed lives in California and Rose lives in The Philippines. They still communicate by facebook messenger and Rose sends Ed a Selfie every day... which impresses Ed greatly... possibly because Ed is a photographer and why wouldn't Ed be thrilled by someone sending one of these every day! 

BTW this is a picture of me from 2016... She didn't send him a selfie of me obviously- that'd be weird... but I just though it would be fun to use my own selfie. Plus- I don't really want to bring Rose into this- she's been through enough from this already. 

Big Ed- being the great guy that he is- sent rose very lavish gifts. From an Expensive Sheet Set to a Grill for her father... he sent it. But... this wasn't exactly what it seemed. Rose claims he never sent any of these gifts. Ed says he did but because they're very expensive and she lives very far away in a poor area-it just didnt get there. The real truth  of the matter is though... Whether Ed did send them or not... they weren't really gifts for Rose and her family- they were gifts for Big Ed so that he wouldn't complain while he got there. He sent the Grill so that Rose's dad could grill for him when he got there and he sent the sheets because Ed has Atopic Dermatitis and needs to sleep on 50,000 thread count sheets or whatever. Fun fact: Atopic Dermatitis is Eczema- which I also have! I don't really think thread count has anything to do with it to be honest- while I know that higher thread counts are more comfortable and might feel better on eczema prone skin... I'm not a dermatologist- but I'm fairly certain thread count is mostly a way to market the comfort of the sheets and not an actual factor in helping Atopic Dermatitis. What is factor though is humidity- so I'm sure if his condition was that severe his dermatologist would recommend avoiding humid areas... like The Philippines. But that's really none of my business. 

ANYWAY Ed seems like a relatable guy at first. He puts Mayonnaise in his hair... which is gross- but it does work at making your hair softer. He also wears a kimono. No word on whether he moonwalks away from awkward situations or not. 


Anyway all of that aside... the more that goes on and the more you see the man complain about literally everything and all of his weird jealousy's towards Rose's facebook friends and her previous relationships... it's just kind of a hot mess. My heart broke a little when Rose's family made a really nice surprise party for her and Ed and Ed was just kind of shocked and disgusted by their living conditions... it was really insensitive and he was very ungracious and rude to the family. 

So this isn't a show I ever thought I would watch... I don't really see myself watching it again but... It was interesting... and I just thought I would share my thoughts on it... 

Okay... so that's that. I'm sure I didn't go into enough detail on any of the situations... I didn't even talk about the Monkeys! But there were some serious issues on this show I don't really think I can talk about. I can just call someone rude when I think they're being rude so... yeah. 



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