So... I'm not an expert- I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing and what I won't be doing. These are just kind of my ideas of what's going to happen when things get back to normal.
Will- Wear A Mask In Public as Long as Necessary
I'm definitely planning on still wearing a mask. Masks are good because while it might not prevent me from getting sick, if I get sick or if I am a carrier- it can prevent other people from getting it. It's hard to wear for a long time- and obviously I'll have to take it off for eating and drinking... but I think it will help.
Won't- Travel... for a while
I wanted to travel out of state this year... but I don't think that would be fun right now. I don't think I'd be able to go to work or see any of my family for 2 weeks if I had to self isolate after so... I don't think this is the year for that. Last year I vacationed in Atlantic City- and they've mentioned their reopening plan recently... I don't think I feel comfortable going there... I don't even know that they're reopening hotels... things might change but... I'm not really planning on traveling anywhere for a while.
They haven't released much information yet and I'm not sure what next week will look like let alone next month... but this is it so far.
Plus- I know what's going on in my state for the most part... I don't know about other states. New Jersey and New York have a press conference every weekday at least with our governors and the mayor of New York... so we know a lot of what's going on and what's being done to help. I'm not sure if every state has this and obviously if they have I still haven't seen those and I haven't gotten that news... so I feel safer going to where I know than where I don't know. For the time being- by the end of the year I might feel differently but for now I'm not going to travel.
I'm not saying this is the best decision for everyone- just me personally... I think it'd be better to just stay where I know. Also when I say "A While" I would say probably by September or October I would feel safe traveling somewhere... but I'm definitely not going to make plans for anything.
Will- Support Local Restaurants
So usually my boyfriend and I go to chain restaurants over local restaurants because of cost... but I feel like the local restaurants will need our support in the upcoming months so I know there are tons of local restaurants I'd love to go to. I think they will be as safe as they can be so I don't think I'd be opposed to eating in an actual restaurant- but I would also get takeout. I've gotten takeout a few times from different places and restaurants have gotten really good and I feel safe going there.
For example I went to The Habit this week and I ordered from Doordash for Pickup... They had everything all ready to go on a bag with my name on it on an empty table in the restaurant. No one else was in there other than the employees who were wearing masks. I just went in , picked up the bag- left a tip, thanked the workers and went out. It was really easy.
And in local restaurants too- they're pretty efficient with everything. Sometimes calling up takes a while they don't have doordash or if I don't use it... but for the most part everywhere has been really great and I'd love to keep doing takeout as well as hopefully eating inside the restaurants.
Won't- Shop The Same Way I used to
So I used to pick things up- think about if I wanted to buy them or not and then put it back if I found other stuff I wanted. Now I think I'm going to shop with a list and not look at anything other than what's on the list. That is more or less what I have been doing lately... but as more things reopen this is something I'll really have to pay attention to. I will try not to pick anything up if I don't plan on buying it.
I also don't plan on making any returns at the moment. Businesses are going to have a lot of trouble getting back from this... I'll just buy at places where I know my size 100% for clothing. I will probably just order online if I buy any more clothes because that way I won't have to look through clothes to get my size. My shopping goal going forward is going to be to touch the least amount of stuff possible- and I think that will be hard but it's do-able.
Also I hate this but I won't be using my re-usable bags unless I can pack the stuff myself... which I'm imagining will be okay?
Would Consider: Going to The Mall
I know some malls are reopening in the country now... I would go to a mall. The mall closest to me usually isn't that busy to begin with and if I went in knowing what I wanted- not spending a lot of time looking anywhere... I think I would feel okay going to a mall. I wouldn't go as often as I did... but I'd consider going. Especially if stores do curbside pickup or order online and pick up in store. If it opened tomorrow I wouldn't go... but I'd maybe go a few weeks after they reopen.
I don't Think I'd Go To The Movies
... I don't know about the movies. I would think about it... but I don't think I'd go to a movie until at least...October maybe. I don't think they're going to open for a long time- but I'm not sure about it. I would definitely not feel okay going to the Imax theaters in my movie theater. They crammed sooo many seats into that theater I don't really trust that they'd be able to social distance.
So I wouldn't go on like a Friday Night Blockbuster... I'm more likely to go on like a Wednesday matinee or night anyway but I'm not sure.
Probably: Target
My sister has been to Target and she felt okay with it. The thing about Target though... there's nothing I need from Target. Target you go to for things that you want and things you didn't know you wanted. I've been doing well with Target's website... and if I don't really need to go there... I'm not going to go there- so... I wouldn't.
And that's kind of my sentiments with all of this stuff. I want to go to non-essential businesses but if it's something I don't need and something I can get online or through curbside pickup or ordering online and picking up in a store... I'd rather do that for the next month or 2 at least.
I know it's not fun right now- but if we do everything without caution now it will be like the last 2 months were done for no reason... so even though I'm looking forward to things opening back up- I'm also hoping people don't forget why we're shut down to begin with.
Sorry if this post was not helpful at all... I just kind of wanted a breakdown list for myself. Since I'm doing shopping lists I think doing lists is just useful as heck!
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