It is my birthday soon... so I thought I'd do this tag. This was the first result I found on google... I did not create this... but whoever did is cool!
1.) When is your birthday?
October 16th!
2.) How old are you turning? (Or if your birthday recently passed, how old did you turn?)
I'm turning 25!
3.) What was you’re favorite present that you’ve ever received?
My Dogs! When I was 12 I asked for a dog and ended up getting one on November 1st and when I was turning 22 I believe I got my second dog, Spencer a few days before my birthday!
4.) Are you/did you have a party this year? if so what are you doing?
I think I'm just doing a small party with some friends. Might do Pinot's Palette, which is a place where you can paint and drink wine. I want to do a spooky, halloween painting... but idk if they do that!
5.) How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Do something with some friends or family. Like going out to dinner or getting drinks or something like that.
6.) What was the most memorable birthday that you had?
Last year was pretty memorable. I went to see Something Rotten with my sister and my best friend. It was a week or so after my birthday, and it was so much fun! It was one of the best, if not the best, show I've ever seen on Broadway. The cast was the best... and then we ate at a French restaurant and that was really good too!
7.) If you had an unlimited amount of money what would you do for your birthday?
I'd probably want to go to Ulta, Sephora, and DisneyWorld. Lol.
8.) What’s your birthday wish list?
Not sure... I think I want Lilo and Stitch on DVD... that's about it.
9.) If u only had one birthday left, what would u do for your birthday?
Search for the fountain of youth so that I could live forever.
10.) Show a picture from your birthday, preferably an embarrassing one.
11.) Do you have any birthday traditions?
Not really, just kind of doing stuff with family and sometimes friends... going out to eat... stuff like that! Opening presents... Sometimes the day before my birthday right before midnight I'll start listening to a song that I think of as "The song of the year" and then I'll stop at midnight. That's pretty fun.
12.)What’s your favorite part about your birthday?
I like having a celebration of me! And presents... lets be real here! Hahaha.
13.) What is one thing that changed a lot since your last birthday?
My sister got married! That's kind of exciting! And next year I'll have a niece! So that is even more exciting.
14.) Have you ever been thrown a surprise party or have you ever thrown one for someone?
I kind of like being in control of things... so I'm not really a surprise party person for myself. I'm TERRIBLE at keeping a secret, and so is the rest of my family... so we've thrown a few surprise parties for people... but it kind of half works. One time I said something, and my mom covered it up... so they really had no idea. Another time we were throwing a Birthday Party for my grandfather, and we were all getting ready for the party, so we were kind of avoiding him until the party... and then he stopped over wanting to go out for Ice Cream or something while my mom was cooking turkey in the oven and you could smell it all throughout the house... and I was working on a Happy Birthday poster for him... so that was really funny... but he was really surprised and really happy anyway! So that was good.
Ummm... I didn't like this tag... not gonna lie! I couldn't think of a more interesting answers for these... maybe I'll do a different Birthday post before my birthday too... just to give more of a look-back on some special birthdays. Lol.
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