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13 Nights of Blogoween Day 1: Quick Thoughts on Every Horror Movie I can Remember

I thought this would be kind of fun to do for halloween. I haven't seen a lot of the popular horror movies... but I've seen a few, so I thought I'd post a little about horror movies and thrillers that I remember seeing and liking. So yeah!

The House on Haunted Hill (remake) 
Fun fact: This was the first R rated movie I ever saw all of. It's a pretty scary one too... if I remember right, only 2 people survive... there's a lot of other weird stuff that makes it R rated that sort of went over my head as a kid... so this isn't exactly the best first r rated movie to watch... but it is a little more exciting than it is scary. I remember it feeling more adventurous than anything. I think I saw one part a few years ago and it was weird... so idk about this one... might try re-watching it for a throwback thursday though!

The Sixth Sense 
Remember when M. Night Shamylan could do no wrong? Those were the days. My parents guessed the ending of this right away without watching it... cause people said things like "You'll never guess the twist at the end." So they guessed it. So I knew Bruce Willis was dead before watching it. I think the only part that really scared me was the mom that poisoned the little girl... that was sad. And seeing the woman with the burned face. Otherwise, its more just a good movie showing a mother and son... and the son has supernatural powers... so that's kind of cool. I liked it!

Might as well get all the M.Night movies out of the way first... This one was really good. A lot of my friends were really really scared by this one... I just thought it was a cool movie and I'm glad I always have water hanging around just in case. Plus I liked the characters in it. I liked Joaquin Phoenix a lot. I thought the backstory of his character was cool.

The Village 
This was the first horror movie I saw in theaters... and I honestly really like this one. Its based off of a Young Adult book that is really good too. Weird twist at the end... but I liked it. This is a movie maybe I'll watch again this year... cause even though people say its stupid... I still kind of like it.

The Ring 
This is a good one. I haven't seen it in forever... and I don't remember most of it... but it was good. It was more thrilling than scary. Acting was good, and overall I just liked it a lot!

The Ring 2 
I think I liked this one a little bit better. It was a little scarier even though the movie itself was very, very similar... its an exciting one.

The Grudge 
Meh...? I don't get this one. It was okay... but it wasn't my favorite.

The Grudge 2 
Again meh... This one was funnier and it made more sense than The Grudge... but they never show what happens to that one girls boyfriend in the hotel... so random! Amber Tamblyn was in this one I think... and I thought she was good. Otherwise its more of a comedy.

The Wolfman 
I don't even remember this one... and I saw it in theaters!

Hide and Seek 
I like this one a lot! Good twist at the end! And there's even more of a twist I think... I heard about the twist before seeing the movie... but it was still really really cool to see. And I liked Robert De Niro and Dakota Fanning a lot.

War of The Worlds 
Speaking of Dakota Fanning... I liked this one a lot at the time... but there is just sooo much wrong with it! Like Boston is completely untouched by the aliens? What the heck! Idk if I consider alien movies horror movies... but its still scary... so yeah.

This one was good. Nothing too scary, I think it was PG-13... and there are going to be a few of these movies that are all kind of the same... They aren't bad but no one important dies which makes them all kind of the same. This one was pretty scary though because they actually killed the dad... but as it turns out... most of the horror movies in this sort of category I'm mentioning do. Also you know the killer... so thats a little less suspenseful.

Very similar movie... but I think fewer people died.

Prom Night 
This one was pretty scary... I forget who the killer was though. I don't remember if there was any sort of twist or anything... but I watched this on Prom Night, so it was fun.

I thought that the twist of this was going to be that the Orphan was getting revenge on the family because they killed her parents...but that wasn't it. Meh. I felt bad for the kids because she was blackmailing them to cover for her and they thought she was their sister... and she killed their dad... it was a weird one.

Paranormal Activity 
Alright... I could probably do a whole post just on the Paranormal Activity movies... I really like them. I haven't seen the last paranormal activity, or the spinoff movie that they had... but this one was the scariest of all of them and probably my second favorite of all of them... its one of my favorite horror movies.

Paranormal Activity 2 
I didn't like this one... the ending was the same as the first one... it added another layer to the story and it was creepy because she took the baby... but I didn't like it much. This might be my least favorite of all of them.

Paranormal Activity 3 
This one is my favorite. I really liked all the characters... I liked that the menacing demon is named Toby... I liked both of the girls and the mom's boyfriend... the end was genuinely scary... this is the movie that really got me into Paranormal Activity. I liked it...

But seriously... Toby

Paranormal Activity 4 
This one was pretty bad... but it is really fun to watch. I kind of liked how they were tying the stories together... I liked a lot about it other than all the teenagers and that they never really said what happened to the girl... and all the product placement... It was kind of funny... but still ultimately... I liked it. I liked it better than Paranormal Activity 2... so yeah.

Now into some of the more classic horror movies I've seen. I didn't really like Carrie... it's a fun movie to talk about... but there was a lot I just didn't like about it. It was mostly just Carrie accepting the crown as prom queen... and then going crazy after the pigs blood thing. This is a big movie feminists talk about a lot... and its a fun movie to talk about... but watching it isn't my favorite.

This one was really good. I just saw it last year and I thought it was still really good... it didn't seem dated or anything... there was just so much I liked about it. I like horror movies with a meaning of some sort... and this one sort of had a lot of meanings in it. I thought there was a lot about feminism... and it was just kind of cool overall. I liked it!

The Exorcist 
I was so scared of this movie because the concept of possession is just kind of terrifying. Its invasive and evil and there's just so much scary stuff about it... but at the same time... its a little dated watching it now... and I just wasn't all that scared when I saw the actual movie... so that's kind of why i think you should watch movies that you think are going to be too scary because usually they aren't quite as scary as you'd think.

Again... this one just didn't scare me... and I didn't like the movie in general. I watched it in the daytime... so I think that had a lot to do with me just generally not being too scared about it. I didn't want to go to the bathroom after because of that scene with the balloon... but really thats the only scene that really stuck out to me and I feel like that was just kind of a filler scene. I didn't like that he was like a supernatural creature... it was just kind of mehhh.

I'm pretty sure I saw this the same day as It... and this also isn't scary to me... but it is a really really good movie. Really really REALLY good. Probably one of the best movies ever. If you ever listen to the podcast Who Charted... they even do a segment called Jaws is Better about Jaws being better than any other movie.

This is more of just a fun movie. This would be a good "first horror movie." The "curse" of the movie is really scarier than the movie itself. Its still a fun movie though!

The Blair Witch Project 
I feel like I watched this too late... I didn't hate the movie, I was happy I saw it... but it wasn't scary.
Again... I thought this would be the scariest movie ever... but no.

I Know What You Did Last Summer 
This was actually good. I was surprised by how much I really liked this... I don't remember it too much... but it was pretty okay!

The Skeleton Key 
Back to not-so-classics but probably one of the first horror movies I've ever seen... This had Kate Hudson in it... so yeah. It was pretty good... but its a horror movie with Kate Hudson in it... so that's a thing.

Cabin in The Woods 
One of my personal favorites! This is a weird one, but one that you need to see. The twist was really fun... and I just really liked this one. Its scary, it has a little bit of everything that could scare you... but the end is also kind of the scarest!

I Am Legend 
This one was pretty scary... its a book I'd read, but meh.

The Uninvited 
Didn't see the twist coming with this one... and its pretty good. I love Elizabeth Banks and she was creepy in this! But then the end... it was good.

The Forgotten 
I liked this... it wasn't too scary, but I really liked it a lot... and I liked the end.

Sleepaway Camp 
This one is probably my favorite of all the horror movies I've seen... the twist is just out of nowhere... and I was genuinely surprised at who the killer was and I thought the killings were very clever. I liked this one.

Alright... that is everything. Everything I can think of off the top of my head. I hope you like it... I'm excited about it... and yeah! That is about everything. Ohhh I also saw a Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake... and I feel like that says everything you need to know. Its Texas Chainsaw Massacre... and a remake... so yeah!

If I had to pick the scariest... I would probably say Scream. I thought that was kind of a fun one... but idk. I'm weird with scary movies.



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